Her heart choice

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Jellal woke up. He stretched out and realized Erza wasn't there. He freaked out "Erza !" He said getting up looking for her. That's when a nurse came. "She's getting her wounds patched in the other room" she said jellal got up and quickly went to the other room. "Where Erza where is- he stopped as he saw the nurse patching her wounds she arched in pain holding it in. Jellal eyes soft she was so broken so hurt "Erza" her name escaped his mouth. Erza looked up and meet his eyes. It's been a long time since he last seen her long time since he last looked into those eyes and he couldn't described the pain he felt looking into her eyes you can see all the pain. "Jellal" she said her voice still gentle still warm. "Excuse me your grace I shall leave y'all to alone my king" the nurse said and left the room both of them in silence sits been a long time since they were till close and alone. He looked at her body she was only in her bra and panties. She noticed him staring and covered up. He walked a bit closer to her and removed her hands and got a good look at her. lots of bruises covered her body, lots of scratches and lots of marks, lots of scars, lots of deep cuts and bite marks dug into her beautiful soft skin, marks left on her wrist from the shackles that held her. "What have they done to you Erza" jellal said he felt so horrible it was all his fault she was like this all his fault "Please don't look at me.. I'm a mess" She softly said. "I think you're beautiful" jellal said and tried touching her but she didn't let herself, she began trembling. "Erza, what happen to you?" Jellal said. "I'm fine" Erza said she tried standing up but than she tumbled Jellal caught her in time. She could hardly move she was so weak she began to grow warm. "Erza you're warm.. Let me take you to my room" he said he stood up with Erza in his arms and places her on his bed and sat aside her and touch her forehead still warm. "Erza .. Please tell me what happened I know you're not okay ..." Jellal said. Erza was shaking badly she couldn't stop shaking. She sat up "Jellal can you please give me clothes I can't stand to be like this .." Erza said. Jellal went to his drawer and gave her his shirt "I'm sorry I don't have any clothes for girls ." Jellal said "it's fine" Erza said she tried to put it on but was so weak "here let me help you " jellal said He stood her up "grab on to me so you won't fall" he said Erza grabbed on to him. And raise one arm and jellal put the shirt on and then the other. His shirt felt to her thighs it was pretty big he then sat her down once more. "Erza please can you tell me what happened"
Jellal said kneeling down looking at her . Her hands gripped her knees tight remembering everything that happened. "They .. Had me locked up, shackled in the dungeon, a guy name Kurohebi came he .. Would torture me and .. " She softly traced the bite marks on her skin. "Scream some more!! More pain!! Let me see what the Titania made of!!" Erza eyes closed hard and the trembling began again. Jellal placed a hand on to of hers "I'm here Erza it's okay they can't hurt you" he said. " than flare came she tortured me for a while but than she saw she was doing was wrong and she tried to help me but they punished her. "What about sho ?" Jellal said. The memory of sho death was fresh just like it had happened it kept playing in her head. "They caught him Talking to me, they found out his true intentions and right in front of my eyes .. The sliced his head off " Erza said jellals eyes widen "the blood was everywhere .. His head was cut off in front of me" Erza said her voice cracked the tears falling. "He .. Died .. In front of my very own eyes I didn't even get to tell him goodbye ..." Erza said and more tears fell. She heard sniffles and lifted her head jellal head was down. "I'm sorry Erza .. I'm so sorry " he said. Tears began to fall for his eyes "it's all my fault it's all my fault" he said and began to sobbed on Erza legs. "I'm sorry Erza ... I'm so sorry" jellal said "it was all my fault I'm sorry!" Jellal said the tears fell from his face. He sighed his face in Erza legs and cried. He lifted his head tears falling from his face "I'm sorry for everything I've done to you .. I wouldn't blame you if you hate me .." Jellal said.

"no sho you never let me down you're strong and I believe in you and I know we'll get out of here" erza said. Sho shook his head. "No erza I won't I know I won't.. I knew in this task I was going to die sooner or later but I took it because after all I've done to jellal I needed to help him " sho said. "What are you saying?" erza said. "Erza I have to tell you the truth because I know you hate jellal because of all he's done but I can't go knowing you'll blame jellal for this and this wouldn't be right" sho said. He looked down. "Erza , Jellal not the reason your castle destroyed and your town was set on fire ... hes not you're in hear I am .." Sho said. Erza eyes widen. " jellal told me you had the book he trusted me not to tell no one ... But I told the King Ivan you had the book and now all that is happening to you is my fault jellal didnt tell you the truth because he didnt want you to hate me " sho said. "Don't hate jellal it wasn't his fault if anyone's to blame for this it's all me! I wouldn't blame you if you hate me IM SO SORRY ERZA-CHAN!!" he said and started crying. "Its okay and i don't hate you sho and I never hated jellal it's not in me to hate him after all... I still love him " erza said sho look at her " i was just upset and mad at him on what's he become and all the things he done before all this happened but none of that matter anymore I just want to see him" erza said. "He wants to see you to .." Sho said erza eyes widen. "Jellal loves you erza you're everything to him but he just doesn't forgive himself after all he's done to you he hates himself" sho said. Erza looked at him it was so hard not to cry. " He heard the voices. "Erza my time had come so whatever happens promise me something ' sho said. "No sho I won't let you die! I know we'll make it I - "ERZA WE CAN'T FIGHT THIS ANY LONGER I KNOW I WON'T SURVIVE THIS !!" Sho said. Erza looked at tears falling. "Promise me you won't leave jellal alone jellal said he doesn't need nobody but he does when he was with you he was finally smiling again not the mean and dark jellal he was a better person but if you leave him alone jellal will only go bad to being himself and the darkness will consume him again don't let him fall into the darkness he needs you " sho said. "And promise me erza you'll stop hating yourself an quit shutting yourself out stop hiding behind armor" sho said tears falling "I promise " erza said tears falling.

"It's not your fault" Erza said and placed a hand on jellals face and wiped the tear away jellal looked up at her. "Sho told me he did it he told master rave and you took the blame so I wouldn't hate him" Erza said. Jellal looked down. "And I don't hate you jellal .." He looked up once more " it's not in me to hate you .. Because no matter what .. I still love you .." Erza said. Jellal eyes widen a year escaped Erza face he wiped it away. "Erza .. I .. Love you to..." Jellal said Erza eyes widen "the day you came looking for me after I left and you asked if I ever loved you .. And I said no .. I lied I always loved you Erza always .. It's just I did it to protect you .." Jellal said. Erza looked at him jellal brought her face closed to his there lips inches apart but they both pulled away. "But I can't have you someone else loves you .. Gray loves you I can tell by the way he looks at you because that's the way I look at you .." Jellal said. "And I understand if you pick him no matter what .. I'll still protect you even if your with him I'll still love you" jellal said. "But I don't want to be with gray ... I want to be with you .." Erza said. Jellal eyes widen "the day I was being torture I cried out to you ... And you came you came for me I though of you no matter what " Erza said. Jellal stood up "Erza your tired and I know you're not right please Erza you don't deserve this just think this through" jellal said. He kissed Erza forehead "if you need anything I'll be in the other room down the hall" jellal said. Erza nodded "get some rest Erza I know you're strong you'll get through this ... " jellal said and turned to walk away. "Please don't leave .. Please stay with me" Erza said. Jellal smiled and went by her side "if that is what makes you happy that i shall stay .." Jellal said and he got in the covers and held her close. For once the trembling stop jellal maybe Erza better she knew no matter what her heart loves him and she had chosen him once again.

Gray step away. He had saw and heard the whole thing. He knew no matter how much he loved Erza no matter what he did Erza would never be able to Erase jellal from her heart because she loved him and no it was clear to see that he's was made for her and not him and he was just going to have to let her go. He had to admit what he did not want to admit at all, he had to face the fact that Erza loves Jellal and not him..


Sorry it took me a long time update but here it is and sorry it was short

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