A Night To Be Rememebered

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🎇A Night To Be Remembered🎇

Chapter 13

1 months has past erza finally forgave jellal and they grew to love each other once more everyday their life was full of love and erza was always smiling now. Jellal and Erza laid in the fields looking up at the clouds . Jellal had erza in his arms his head on her head an her head on his chest just laying their and watching the clouds peacefully in silence . Erza broke the silence ."I never though we be like this again " erza said . "Me neither I always though you still hate me " jellal said .
" Me too but I guess it's not in it to hate you " erza said . Jellal smiled. "Jellal I have something to show you " erza said she got up . Jellal followed her they walked down the stairs darker and darker it got. "erza where are we going ?" jellal said. They stopped it was a wall . "Is this what you wanted to show me a wall ?" jellal said . "Where is it I know is somewhere here " erza said she ducked down . "There" she said took out a key and she pushed it in something and turned it and that wall lifted up . Erza grabbed a torch and they entered . "This was my kings place " erza said . "But what is it that you have to show me " jellal said . She walked over in the middle and took out something that was covered in a red sheet she took off the sheet and revealed a bow made out of glass and inside was the kings crown . Jellal eyes widen . "He told me something I never got .. "

"Come with me my dear " the king said leading erza thru many halls and stairs they finally stopped at a wall. "my king I do not understand why you are showing me a wall ?" erza said . The king chuckled. "My dear do you really think I have bought you here to show you a wall ?" he said . Erza felt ashamed . He place in a key and turned it the wall lifted erza eyes open wide as she saw all his treasury and beautiful creations . He lead her in . He took his crown off and placed it on something it glowed and it opened a little wall . Erza wondered towards it . It was a big book . "What is this for my king ?" she said . "This is the secrets of all kingdoms this book is the key to becoming the king of all kingdoms" he said . Erza eyes opened wide . "how I - erza didn't know what to say . "There once was a bad king who ruled all the world his name was king .. Zeref the people where slaves and work for him everything was bad. His queen didnt like how he was and she stoled his book and separated from the kingdom and made her own. The king found out his book was missing but it wasnt just a book that book was a part of him almost like his soul and he was dying slowly and slowly without it , before he past away he cursed that book he said one day a person will come and will find the book and when that day comes he will do the same thing king zeref did and zeref will be reborn in the person and all shall come to an end " the king said . "My king how did you end up with the book ?" erza said . "The queen herself gave it to me before she died to protect " the king said . "But why do you show to me my king ?" erza said . "Because I know ill pass on sooner or later and I want you to protect it " he said . "Me ? but my king what about that son of yours that lives far away ?" erza said . The king eyes darken . "Erza you have to guard it and Don't ever let it fall in the hands of my son or all the years we lived protecting it would come to waste "

"I never understood what he meant by never let it fall in the hands of my son .. Why can't his son have it ?" erza said. Jellal was shocked he was amazed . "What about his crown ?" jellal asked erza . "Who ever gets the my king crown will ruin my kingdom and the crown is the key to opening this wall that holds the book " erza said . "Have you ever open the book to read it ?" jellal said . Erza shook her head "and I'm not planning to " erza said . She place the book back and removed the crown from the spot and the wall that hides the book closed and she placed the crown back into the glass and put it back . "Why did you show me all this ?"jellal said . "When my king first told me about that someone would find the book and he would do the exact same thing the king did and then king zeref would take over their body ... I though it would be you " erza said now looking at him . "But I was wrong you wouldn't do that .. And I showed you it because I though maybe you knew something about it and can explain to me because I still don't have a clue about all of this " erza said . "No I don't know nothing " jellal said . "I see it doesn't matter as long as the book stays here and safe then I don't care If I don't know anything about the book " erza said . "But what ever happen to all his treasures of gold in the room ? cause didnt you say when he first showed you the room their was treasure and everything ? and now there just a few stuff " jellal said . "He hid them somewhere he told me if I could find them then they would all be mine or I could do whatever I want with them but I decide not to because materials are what lead people into the darkness" erza said . Jellal nodded. they got out and erza removed the key and the wall shut she placed the key around her neck. They started walking up and jellal looked back once more and then Went back with erza. Erza had some stuff to do and jellal just sat in a room. This is what he's been looking for this entire time and know he knows where's its at but he know doesn't care about it anymore he just wasnt interested anymore but yet their was something in his mind telling him go get it but his heart was saying no. "stop it stop it !" he said hitting his head.

The day turned to night . Erza was in her room sleeping when she heard a creek in her door she lifted her head . "Jellal ?" she said . She stood up and them realized she was barely covers she was in a white night gown that was revealing . Jellal looked at her . She turned red she tried to hide herself and jellal chuckled he came closer to her and tucked a scarlet hair behind her ear . "Don't worry you look beautiful " he said . She blushed at how close they were. Jellal removed his shirt . Erza blushed she never realized how muscular jellal really was . "Jellal I - she shut it up with a kiss his lips crashed him into hers and he held her she couldn't hold herself from him she wanted this to but at the same time didnt . He seeped the kiss licking her lips and entering her mouth and exploring it with his tongue once and a while their tongues would crash . They moved to the bed and then when they finally pulled away gasping for air. Erza realize jellal was on too of her while she was in the bottom she knew where this was going. "Jella- she don't let her speak when he began to kiss and suck on her neck . Erza bit lip . Jellal looked at her asking for permission to go on. Erza couldn't resist anymore she nodded. Jellal began to take off her nightgown. Leaving her in her bra and panties . Jellal removed his pants leaving him in his boxers. erza blushing she never been that exposed . Jellal started kissing her all over sucking on her leaving kisses all over her body he then undid her bra revealing her breast they were huge. He grabbed them they fit his hands perfectly . Erza gasps . He then pinched them making erza bit her lip. He started to massages them with his thumb bringing pleasures to erza. He brought his mouth to one of the nipples and began to suck on one and licking one of them . A moan escaped erza mouth . She blush in embarrassment hoping he didnt hear it but the smirk on his face showed he did . He then went to the other nipple and did the same. He lifted his head looking at his work they were hard . He then made his way to her woman hood. He placed his hand there and erza whimpered softly. He began to rub it and play with it . moans escaped erza mouth . He felt it once more and now it was wet he knew she wanted it and she knew he was just teasing her. He keeping rubbing it she arched her back from the pleasure. He removed her panties and then placed two fingers in her whole making her moan he moved in and out . erza whimpered . "You like that ?" jellal said teasing her more . After a teasing her a bit more he finally took off his boxers revealing his big member it was huge and hard. He rubbed it on her clit . Erza moaned he then stuck the tip of it inside and slowly began to put the rest . he picked up erza and began to thrust in her slowly an steady . Erza arching back from the aching and pleasures he was bringing her. "Jellal " erza said . That's when he began to thrust Inside her harder and faster . "Jellal !" erza said . She hugged him and dug her nails in his back . Erza closed her eyes and that's when he exploded all his juices inside her. They then pulled away from each other gasping for air. They then turned to look at each other . "Erza " he said . Erza looked up at him and they smiled he pulled her close to him embracing her he then kissed her fore head . They then fell alseep in each others arms not knowing tomorrow would be the day their life's fall apart once more ...

I think I made it long enough anyway this isn't where it ends and it barely getting to the climax

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