Who did this

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❓❔Who did this ❔❓

Everyone was still in the ball it had ended hours ago but they all couldn't leave without begin Investigated .
"It was king sting he was threatening King Jude to give him his money or he'll die !" ichiya said . " I said no such thing all I ask was if he had my money if anything it was King Midnight for he was in war with king Jude once !" King sting said . "That was once dont bring up the past and how could I commit such a crime I might be cold but I'm definitely not heartless!" midnight said . "I say it was that knight of Princess erza the one who was dancing with Princess Lucy maybe he was using the daughter to get to him !" prince Lyon said . "I object ! my knight would never do such a thing he is caring and trust worthy unlike other people in here y'all should be ashamed of yourself accusing one another if we were at war it prove y'all turn on each other quickly !" erza said . But everyone continue to ignore it . "Why if it was you queen Kagura you offered the king to buy some of his land but he refused maybe you grew with fury " Queen Angel said . " Why Would I grow mad over stupid land ?" Kagura said ."it must have been you king gildarts because king Jude always looked at your daughter in a way that made you mad" midnight said . " We cleared that mess up a long time ago " gildarts said . "Queen Mira it must have been you !" queen yukio said . "I never left the ball room I stayed in the ball room " Mira said . "Princess Erza wasnt in the ball room she left !" Angel said . They all turned to her . "You did it !" they all said . "I Never in the world would hurt someone for no reason !" erza said . "Then why where you out there huh ?" they said . Erza knew it was strange for her to be out their but it was because she didnt want to be inside where she would bump into jellal . "I do not like being around lots of people it intimidates me " Erza said . They were all still blaming her getting in her personal space and gray and Natsu tried to push them back but they were to many . That when jellal got In front . Erza eyes open wide he shield her from all the people . " Princess Erza was with me we were talking about trading we were both outside " jellal said he looked back at erza . Erza couldn't believe it he had stood up for her . "What if both of y'all killed her !" Hibiki said . "ENOUGH !!" They all turned it was Lucy tears still falling from her eyes . " all I want to know is who did this and accusing each other is not helping " Lucy said . They all stood their when they heard another scream they all ran where is came from and open the door . A servant was lying on the floor dead and a guard of Lucy was holding a knife . "He did it !" they all said . "No my Princess it wasnt me I swear I - "take him to the dungeon he killed my father and the servant and will be punished " Lucy said . They grabbed him . "PRINCESS YOU HAVE TO BELIVE ME IT WASNT ME IT WAS - !" But he got cut off . Erza knew something wasn't right and she senses it right away . She ran where they were taking him . "My Princess ! " Gray said they ran after her and so did the rest . When Erza got to the dungeon she froze as she saw the guards and the one who supposedly killed the king dead . The rest rushed in and their eyes open wide to . "The killer is still in here and within one of us " they said they all looked at each other . "No one leaves this tower until we find who did this " Lucy said . Everyone eyes widen especially erza's she couldn't be here not when jellal was here . "How can we sleep here knowing the killer is here !"Mira said . They all began to argue . Everyone got a room and their knights did to . Erza knew she couldn't sleep for one thing their was a killer but that wasnt the main reason the reason was Jellal was in here and it bothered her . Erza got up and decided to go to the kitchen when she heard crying she walked towards it an it was Lucy . She peaked thru the door . Erza felt bad and enter . " Erza ! oh Im sorry if my weeping disturbed your sleep I shall cry no more " Lucy said wiping her tears but they keep coming . "I don't not come here to stop you weeping I came here because I know you need someone to cry on and I want you to know I'm with you and you can cry on me if you like " erza said. "No ones ever been that kind to me " Lucy said looking up . "Thank you ..erza " she said and she started crying erza held her .

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