Another Day, Another Night

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Chapter 39

Erza ordered around her kingdom around rebuilding it piece by piece. The towns were being built as well Erza would come offend to drop off food to all her people, Natsu helped Around but got some days off to be with Lucy. Nothing bad has happen everything was going good, but when the sun went down and the town was asleep Erza sat down the river and though all that has happened she never stopped shaking everyday and every night she had dreadful memories and shook they wouldn't go away no matter how much she tried it was hard. She hugged her knees remembering everything. "Those days they held me captive I remembered things I didn't want to remember" Erza looked up at the moon. Even though Jellal had got taken away there was not a day she did not think of him he was always in her memory. "Jellal, I wish you were here with me .." Erza said holding herself.

Jellal was in his cell thinking of everything that has happened he was to blame for everything the kingdoms getting destroyed, Grays death, Erza pain it was all his fault everything he had done to Erza even if she had forgiven him he just couldn't forgive himself he could of stopped this all from happening and he didn't and that's why Erza hurt and she's never be able to forget everything that was done to her she had suffer to much all because of him. "Your food Jellal" the guard said and place his food down next to the other trays not eaten he was to full of guilt to even eat. "What's wrong not gonna eat again?" The guard said he stuck his stick in and shocked him. Jellal was already use to this pain since he was little no sound came from his mouth but it still hurt. The guard finally stopped "I'll let you be for today" he said. He curled up in a balled and grabbed his head. "I'm sorry Erza .. I'm so sorry" Jellal said.

The next day Erza walked in town waving to her people strolling around to see if they needed anything. She went to the gardens that were growing her beautiful gardens that's once stood so tall are merely seeds not one plant was spared. She looked down sadly when she spotted something white. She ducked down to get it. As she lifted it up her eyes grew wide a single white rose. "A white rose ... My favorite .." Erza said she looked at it and smiled when she remember jellal.

Erza looked all over for jellal . "Jellal where are you !" she said . She was in the fields of the kingdom but when pass them and was getting worried that's when they embrace her from behind . "Boo!" he said she screamed and turned around and hit him . "Don't scare me like that and nows not the time to play around we have duties to fulfill come the king is waiting "erza said walking away but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her and began to run . "Where are you taking me !" erza said . "You'll see" jellal said . After a while they stopped running an their was a beautiful garden full of red roses . "What is this place ?" erza said . "I found it I don't know either but I thought you like it " jellal said . Erza looked around you could see the stars and the moonlight was their light . "I love it " erza said and smiled . "Stay here " he said he went to dig in the roses and took one out . "Close you eyes " he said and she did . Jellal put the rosé In front of her . "Open them " he said and she did and stared straight at a beautiful white rosé . "It's beautiful " erza said . "Your favorites huh ?" he said . "How did you know ?" erza said . "You told me once and I remember " jellal said . "I though you forgot " erza said . "Never you mean the world to me every single detail ill always remember " he said . He handed her the rosé . "A thousand of these can never a compare to your beauty but they represent you heart pure and gold " he said . And she smile really big . "I haven't seen that smile in a while In the end it was all worth it " he said . He leaned in . "I love you erza " he said . They were about to kiss when the guards came and took them . Jellal got punish for not listening to the king . He was thrown in his room where erza waiting and looked at him and hugged him . "Jellal don't ever do that again please I can't bare to see you get hurt " erza said . "It doesn't matter not as long as I got to see your beautiful smile one last time and if it is for me to pay the price just to make you smile ill keep doing it to see you smile " jellal said . Erza smiled and hugged him .

"Jellal.." Erza said as she held the white rose closer to her chest. "Guard" Erza called a guard came. "Yes your highness?" He said. "Please tell one of the Maids to put this lovely white rose in a vase with water"Erza said. "Yes my princess" he said gently taking the rose and scurried away. Erza was about to leave when a voice called her. "Princess Erza!!" She turned. It was the girl they had seen before at Lucy party the one Geay had danced with. "Yes?" Erza said. "I don't know if you remember me from Princess Lucy party but I was there" she said. "Yes I do remember you but I don't recall your name?" Erza said. "It's juvia your highness" she said bowing down. "No need for all that Erza will do" Erza said smiling. " well Princess Erza I recall gray telling me he was your knight I was wondering if you could give me a few minutes to speak to him I haven't talked to him since he left my house a long while ago and I would really like to talk to him" juvia said. Erza looked down. Juvia noticed "I'm sorry did I say something wrong princess?" Juvia said. "Come with me juvia" Erza said taking her hand and leading her. She than brought her to the graveyard. "I don't understand my lady why do you bring me to the graveyard?" Juvia said. Erza than stopped at the very top of the hill where one tomb stone stood alone. "Pr- "please look at the tombstone" Erza said. Juvia looked at it and her eyes widen. "No .. Please .. Please tell me this is a joke" she said turning back to Erza her eyes getting watery. "I too wish it were a joke but I'm afraid it isn't .." Erza said looking down. "No please .. No" Juvia said she fell to the ground tears falling down her face.
"W-when did this happen?" Juvia said turning to Erza. "About a week ago.." Erza said. "How? Wh- "we were at war and we were fighting against zeref and to protect me.. He got in the way.. After that we had got separate and by the time we reached him again he had lost to much blood to the point were he couldn't be saved" Erza said. Juvia cried even more Erza bend down and place a hand on her shoulder "I was just like you .. I didn't want to believe that our Gray was gone till this day it still affects me but I know that Gray is much better where is now " Erza said. "I had came here today.. Because I was going to confess my love for Gray.. I wanted to tell him home much I love him and how much I need him but now .. He'll never know" Juvia said. Erza looked at her and reflected upon her image that how she had felt with Jellal "gray might have been clueless sometimes but when it came down to love he would noticed the signs and he probably did know and I know he is hearing you right know and he knows how much you love him" Erza said. "I guess so .. I just wish I could have said goodbye.." Juvia said. " why would you need to say goodbye grays not gone.." Erza said. "Not gone?" Juvia said. "No, gray will continue to live in our memories and within our hearts" Erza said. Juvia eyes got more watery and ran and hugged erza. "Thank you Erza-chan thank you!!" She said crying on her. Erza smiled and hugged back. Erza was going to leave Juvia alone with gray for a while when she remember. "Juvia" Erza said. Juvia turned "yes?" Juvia said. "Before Gray passed away he wanted me to give this to you" Erza said and handed her and envelope. "What is it?" Juvia said. "I'm not sure but if I had to guess I'd say a letter" Erza said. "Thank you" Juvia Said. "take care Juvia if you need anything I'll be around" Erza said and left. Juvia undid the envelope.

"Dear Juvia,

I know I left without thanking you
And I am awfully sorry but I want to
thank you for everything you have done
For me i will always be thankful
And if you were wondering if
I had notice the signs you have
Feelings for me than yes I have
And I want to say, my heart is taken but somewhere along the lines
You snuck in and now I can't get you
Off my mind since the day at the ball
When I danced with you I knew
You were going to be an impact in
My life and I just want to say even if
My heart belongs to another you
Will always have space in my heart
As well but no matter what happens
Promise me you will continue to live
And be happy! Thank you Juvia for being a big impact in my life I will never be able to repay you

Sincerely, Gray

Tears fell from Juvia eyes as Juvia shut the envelope and looked up at the sky "you already have Gray, you already have" she said and stayed laying next to Gray grave as if she was laying by him.

Erza watched from far away. "I'm proud of you Gray.. I'm so proud" Erza said she turned. "Maybe one day she will be able to be happy with the person she loved .. Maybe .. Just maybe one day"


Sorry if it was boring and sorry for another short chapter I'll try to make the next one long and I'll try to update sooner !! Love y'all


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