We Meet Again

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💗 We meet again 💗

Chapter 4

Erza could hear the music coming from the ball room . It was dark outside but the moon was her light she sat down in the water fountain looking at herself . When she saw another reflection in the water behind her .
hazel eyes , blue aura hair ,tattoo and She quickly turned and their eyes meet . She looked straight into the eyes of the man her heart beat for and died for . . He looked at her with evilness.
"Erza " he said . Erza eyes widen all the feelings she though she wash away came back all the love she though she forgot came back and all the pain and sadness she felt came back reminding her how munched she loved him but how much she hated him . 9 year not seeing him but now he was face to Face in front of her . 9 years waiting to tell him she hates him but she couldn't know That he has him right in front she has noting to say but I love you but she held it in she turned to walk away not wanting to face him or see him because she knew she couldn't hold back and that she rush into his arms but he grabbed her stopping her and turned her "Don't leave me when I have to desire to talk to you " he said . " You didn't have the desire to talk to me 9 years ago when you made them torture me " erza said and pulled her arm away from his grip "that is the past " jellal said . Erza just looked at him . " You truly are beautiful " he said touching her scarlet hair . She slapped his hand away . "Don't you ever touch me , not after what you did " erza said . "So you still remember ?" he said . "How could I forget " erza said her eyes not leaving his , looking at him with pure hate but also pure love . "That was in the past this is now " jellal said . " We might be in the present but I do not forget the pass and if your trying to say you forgot It then come I shall engrave my blade in your chest " erza said . " Oh erza I just want to make peace " jellal said . "But I don't and certainly not with you if you want peace tell it to the king and queen you - he grabbed her wrist and digging his nails. she slapped his hand away . "unhand me !" erza said "Don't you dare mention anything or I shall - "shall what ! you can't do nothing to me anymore ! " Erza said . Jellal knew she was right people Already saw them together and if anything happen to her he would be the first to lose his head . He let his grip go . He looked up at stars . If he couldn't trick her with threats anymore he have to trick her with words . "I never forgot you erza " he said . " Don't think your lies will make me pity you " erza said . " I do not speak with lies but with the heart " jellal said . " You were everything to me and still are my heart still beats for you and my soul dies to emerge with yours " jellal said . Erza looked at him she knew she couldn't fall for his white lies . "And what if I told you my heart has forgot yours " erza said her heart cringed . "Then I guess my world will be nothing and my kingdom and thrown Would mean nothing " jellal said . " Pitiful lies jellal , it was your choice to forget me and your choice to choose your own pride and kingdom over me " erza said . " I know what I did but .. I realize I was wrong " jellal said . "If your only trying to confuse my heart and make it buy all the lies your saying its not working and if your saying the truth then your to late " erza said and she began to walk away the garden but a hand grabbed her wrist "wait " he said . She turned . "Let me have this one last dance with you before you choose to forget me " jellal said . Erza tried to reject but he already had her swaying to the music in the room you could hear the music all the way to the garden in where they where dancing in . She laid her head in his chest she forgot how it felt to feel safe and warm around him she remember the first time they danced .

Music was playing from the ball the king held . "Wow look At them dance the princess with the prince they look so beautiful , i wish we could dance there "erza said . Jellal stood up and extend his hand . "What are you doing " erza said . "You want to dance don't you ?" jellal said "yeah but look at me I don't have no dress Im wearing armor I look ugly " erza said . " You don't have to wear dress or makeup you look beautiful just the way you are in fact your the beautifulest girl out of all these girls no one can compare To you " jellal said . "Oh jellal " erza said and she remember them swaying to the music and hoping this moment last forever .

It was like the old days when they loved each other so much . He swayed with her and then spin her around and their chest bumped making both of their eyes meet , lips inches apart and heart beats increasing She realize she was getting those warm fuzzy feelings and she couldn't fall in love again . She pushed him away . "You have what you wanted you wanted your kingdom and adorations and know you have it all so stay away from me and don't ever come back " erza said she turned and left to walk thru the doors back into the ball . That's when they heard a scream . "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" everyone stopped the music and everyone froze . Princess Lucy was at the door with tears in her eyes as her eyes were open wide and she was screaming everyone rushed to her and their eyes open wide when they saw King Jude Heartifila on the ground with a knife in his chest ... Dead .

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