Forget About Me

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Chapter 40

"You are to show to the court of Jellal Fernandez on whether or not he is charged guilty or innocent" Natsu read from the scroll that has been sent to him. "By when?" Erza said. "Tomorrow" Natsu said. "Tomorrow! Natsu tomorrow is were we get the rest of the people homes fixed and the huge whole in the kingdom! And my trip to the kingdom over seas is tomorrow  how am I going to make it!" Erza said she began to freak out "I'll tell them to wait Erza well do all the duties you have for tomorrow but when it's time for the trial I leave to give them a notice and you finish up the town and rush to the court in sure you'll make it" Natsu said. "Oh I hope so but what is this trial about?" Erza said. "It depends on if he gets declared innocent and let free or declared guilty and charged with treason and be executed" Natsu said. Erza eyes widen "Jellal..."

"Wake up!" They tap the part of Jellal cell. He looked up. "Oh you were awake already" the guard said. Ever since he had came here he had never slept all the terrible memories of what he did all those horrible screams he had caused all the tears of Erza were always in his head reminding him of what an awful person he truly was. "IM TALKING TO YOU!" The guard said hitting him hard with the stick. "What the fuck do you want!" Jellal said. The guard laugh "that's more like it well I just came to tell you Fernandez your court is tomorrow" the guard said. "Tomorrow! But I though it wasn't until 4 more months" jellal said now aware holding the bars to his cell. "It was but they moved it for tomorrow since the jail cell is getting really packed and we need to take some out and we decide why not start with you" the guard so as laughing beginning to walk away. "Wait .." Jellal called. The guard stop "what will happen tomorrow?" Jellal said he already knew the answer but he was hoping they would say different. "Well my Prince" the guard turned to him showing a sheepish smile. "Tomorrow they decide whether you're declared innocent and sent free or charged with treason and executed" the guard said "oh" Jellal said the guard laughed and turned walking away. Jellal said down. He held himself. "Erza"

Jellal and erza where slaves working in the fields and lakes forced every day and every night to work as a kid their childhood got taken away . "I hate working here " jellal said . "I do too we don't get to play or be kids .." Erza said tears falling . "Don't cry erza as long as we have each other I couldn't care less if we have to work as long as I see you my heart tells me to keep moving on " jellal said . Erza smiled and hugged him .
But that's when they caught them trying to escape And they took erza and hurt her after a few weeks they throw her back into the cage . "Erza !" jellal said and ran to her . He turned her over and his eyes widen . "ERZAAA!" he said as he looked at her poor damage eye . "What have they done to you ..." Jellal said and hugged her . They put and eye patch on her eye and they kept working until one day a powerful king came and bought the kids and took them his castle to train them to be his knights and as time went by they grew up and became the best knights but the king treated them awfully didnt feed them or let them have a day off always work ,work , work . It was more awful then where they worked at . One night jellal came to erza room bleeding . "Jellal what happen? " erza said . He sat on the bed as erza grabbed alcohol and cleaned his wound " I hate him erza I hate him " jellal said . Erza cleaned his wounds the king had whipped jellal till he bleed. " I know I jellal I know you do but what can we do ?" erza said . "Lets escape !" jellal said . Erza eyes widen . "Are you crazy ! we can't " erza said . "Why not !" jellal said . Erza held her bad eye "I cant lose another eye jellal .. i cant " erza said . Jellal looked at her he knew she was scared and sad she could no longer cry because all her tears where wasted and all that remain was the stains of the tears she had shed. " I promise ill protect you and I won't let anything else happen to you " jellal said his hands holding her cheeks . But erza pushed him away . "I'm sorry jellal I just can't risk it .. If we wait and believe well get our freedom but till then well have to stay here " erza said . "As you wish my love .." Jellal said and he kissed her goodnight .
Jellal and erza looked at the stars talking and laughing when a shooting star passes by . "Look a shooting star !" erza said . She looked at it and made a wish . "Jellal make a wish !" erza said . "Why I wish is to be king " jellal said . "What why ?" erza said . "Because ill be rich and have everything I want Ill never have to bow down or serve anyone in my life , they'll be the ones to bow down to me and praise me ill finally know what it feels like being praise and adored by people " jellal said . "Why would you want that when I feel like I have everything when I'm with you " erza said . "But I don't I want to be king and I want the pig dead " jellal said . "Jellal don't say that you should never wish dead upon someone " erza said . "Well I do and you know what I wouldn't take it back at all " jellal said

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