Its Decided

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Chapter 41

It was just like another normal blue sky with a few clouds, green grassy fields swaying with the breeze, birds chirping just another normal day for a normal person but for Jellal and Erza it wasn't. Erza was everywhere trying to get everything in place before her trip trying to finish as soon as possible to be able to go to Jellal court. Although he said to forget him and although he said not to show up she was going to go no matter what. "Princess Erza!" She turned. "Yes?" Erza said she saw her maid. "The towns man said they shall be with us shortly to check the castles run ways" the maid said. "Thank you" Erza said the maid nodded and left Erza signed she looked up "don't worry Jellal I'll be there if it's the last thing I do" Erza said.

Jellal sat in his cell playing with his fingers nervously. Today was the day. He knew once he got in that court room there was no way out he just prayed that no matter what he wouldn't break down. The guard walked by. He ran to the cell. "Did you send it?" Jellal asked. "I'm pretty sure she received it yesterday at night" he said. Jellal nodded he sat down and looked down at the ground. The guard was about to walk away when he stopped and looked at Jellal. "You know I read the letter.." He said it went quiet. " did you know..." Jellal said. "Why do you do this to yourself?" The guard said. "It's for the best" jellal said "but you love her wouldn't you want to see her once last time just Incase you never get to see her again? I know I definitely would" he said. "I though about that I really did but the thing is I put her thru so much I wouldn't want to put her through so much more if it was to be decide for me to die I rather her remember me how I was then, than her remember me being placed 6 feet under ground and plus I rather remember her happy than her crying because of me one last time" jellal said. "I might not know what you have done in the past but if she loves you even to forgive you even after you hurt her than why can't you forgive yourself?" He said. Jellal looked down "it's not as easy as it sounds" jellal said. "Captain we have #14! I repeat #14 we need back up!!" A near by guard said. "Let's go !" The guard said and ran off with the other guard. Jellal looked out the little window. "Where are you now Erza?" He said looking down. After a few hours Jellal though about everything he had lived, every little he had of his childhood and every single memory he live being the awful person he was all of it haunting him and then there was the nice memories with Erza. He could still heard her little laughs and see her little smiles "Erza" he said. He looked out the window at the beautiful sky and the sun shunning bright. The bickering that was caused by the other cells mates stopped. It was quiet. Jellal heard footsteps coming from the end of the hall. "I guess it's time, no matter what you have to remain strong" jellal though to himself the footsteps got to his cell and they stopped "Fernandez" the guard said. "I know" jellal still facing the little cell window looking outside one last time. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and exhaled and opened his eyes and turned to face them. "Ready" he said. They opened the cell and handcuff him. They took him out and began walking with him. He saw all the cells and everyone was looking at him there hands on the bar looking at him some of the people he had associated with wished him luck. The big doors were opened  "this is it" jellal though and walked in.

"Didn't you say they were coming?" Erza said to her maid looking all around. "They told me about an hour ago they should be here right now" the maid said. Erza looked around "I don't have time for this anymore I have to go to Jellal court room it's important" Erza said fixing her hair and adjust her long dress and her little crown. Erza was heading for the door "if they come just tell them I was busy and we can arrange another meet later- that's when Erza opened the door and their they were. "We are awfully sorry your grace but our carriage wheel had fell out and we have to replace it" the towns man said. "I am sorry but I have to be somewhere right now would it be okay to do this some other time" Erza said. "My princess we travel far to much our schedule is full we don't mean to sound rude or disrespect your grace but we won't be able to inspect your Castle another time this is the only time we can" the towns man said. Erza bit her lip looking outside. She stepped aside "I understand go right in" Erza said. She closed her eyes. "Thank you" the said. "You're .. Welcome.." Erza softly said. Natsu looked at her he knew she was sad. "Erza if you want I'll watch over them you go to the court" Natsu said. "Thank you Natsu I- "miss Erza the thing is the rule here we have written on our sheet is the owner has to be here when we arrive and when we leave" the towns man said. " I see.." Erza said. The walked around the castle  Erza looked out the window "Jellal"

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