The Memories Of Us

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✨🌟The Memories Of Us 🌟✨

Chapter 2

Jellal and erza where slaves working in the fields and lakes forced every day and every night to work as a kid their childhood got taken away . "I hate working here " jellal said . "I do too we don't get to play or be kids .." Erza said tears falling . "Don't cry erza as long as we have each other I couldn't care less if we have to work as long as I see you my heart tells me to keep moving on " jellal said . Erza smiled and hugged him .
But that's when they caught them trying to escape And they took erza and hurt her after a few weeks they throw her back into the cage . "Erza !" jellal said and ran to her . He turned her over and his eyes widen . "ERZAAA!" he said as he looked at her poor damage eye . "What have they done to you ..." Jellal said and hugged her . They put and eye patch on her eye and they kept working until one day a powerful king came and bought the kids and took them his castle to train them to be his knights and as time went by they grew up and became the best knights but the king treated them awfully didnt feed them or let them have a day off always work ,work , work . It was more awful then what then what they worked at . One night jellal came to erza room bleeding . "Jellal what happen? " erza said . He sat on the bed as erza grabbed alcohol and cleaned his wound " I hate him erza I hate him " jellal said . Erza cleaned his wounds the kind had wiped jellal till he bleed. " I know I jellal I know you do but what can we do ?" erza said . "Lets escape !" jellal said . Erza eyes widen . "Are you crazy ! we can't " erza said . "Why not !" jellal said . Erza held her bad eye "I cant lose another eye jellal .. i cant " erza said . Jellal looked at her he knew she was scared and sad she could no longer cry because all her tears where wasted and all that remain was the stains of the tears she had shed. " I promise ill protect you and I won't let anything else happen to you " jellal said his hands holding her cheeks . But erza pushed him away . "I'm sorry jellal I just can't risk it .. If we wait and believe well get our freedom but till them well have to stay here " erza said . "As you wish my love .." Jellal said and he kissed her goodnight .
Jellal and erza looked at the stars talking and laughing when a shooting star passes by . "Look a shooting star !" erza said . She looked at it and made a wish . "Jellal make a wish !" erza said . "What I wish is to be king " jellal said . "What why ?" erza said . "Because ill be rich and have everything I want Ill never have to bow down or serve anyone in my life , they'll be the ones to bow down to me and praise me ill finally know what it feels like being praise and adored by people " jellal said . "Why would you want that when I feel like I have everything when I'm with you " erza said . "But I don't I want to be king and I want the pig dead " jellal said . "Jellal don't say that you should never wish dead upon someone " erza said . "Well I do and you know what I wouldn't take it back at all " jellal said and from that moment erza looked at jellal eyes and they never were the same that was the day the darkness was introduce into his heart .
One day erza was walking down the alley looking for jellal when she heard screams she ran to the sounds and stopped and her eyes widen as she saw jellal with guards they had killed the king and queen . Jellal turned and saw erza . "Jellal what have you done !!" Erza said . "I did what I have must now nothing can get in my way of becoming a king and you shall be my queen " jellal said trying to hold erza hand but she slapped it away "NO I NEVER WANTED THIS ! YOU DID NOT ME HOW COULD YOU !" Erza said . Jellal looked At her and grabbed her by her chin roughly . "Well then your keeping your mouth shut or ill blame it all on you got that !" he said and he looked into her eyes and it scared her she never seen him like this it was another him . She nodded . The days passed and it was finally his coronation day .
Erza watched as He got the Crown . "I announce Sir Knight Jellal Fernandez as our prince and when he Marry's or has a son he becomes king " they said . Erza watched with rage and sadness and her dear lover got crown prince but only for his dirty work . An evil smile played his lips as he turned and his eyes meet her erza could only watch as the people clapped and honor him when he didnt deserve this she did not know why he would become like this or be like this but he did and it hurt it . As he walked down he looked at her and came close to her and grabbed her neck . "Don't you dare say a word or your dead " he said . And released her . She grabbed her neck her dear friend never had laid hands on her but he did and it hurt her he was not the person she knew he turned into someone far much greater and worser his pride had taken over him . She watched as he greeted the people and laughed with them but once and awhile shot dirty looks at her now that he was king she was sure he was going to forget her and that broke her heart .
She walked to her room no longer wanting to see this anymore . She changed into her black night gown and went to sleep . Later that evening she heard her door begin opened she looked up it was jellal . "Jellal want are you doing here get out !" erza said . But he stayed . "Oh erza I've been dying to be with you " jellal said he got on her and began to kiss her . "Get off me !" erza said kicking and squirming . But he remained and then when she punched him off and she took out we sword . "Don't you dare touch me !" erza said . "What's wrong I though you loved me " jellal said. " I do but not what you become This isn't the man I know ! now get out and I swear I won't hold back " erza said . "Do it then " jellal said . He walked to erza she began to shake . "I knew it you couldn't even hurt me if you tried " jellal said . Jellal took her sword and cut himself . "What are you doing !" erza said he fell to the floor . "HELP HELP SHE'S TRYING TO KILL ME !" jellal said . The guards rushed in . "Your majesty what's wrong " the said "that's woman she tried to kill me seize her and throw her in the dugeon and torture her till she bleeds !" jellal said . "What I did no such thing he did it himself you have to believe me !" erza said . They grabbed her taking her out . "Jellal you have to stop this !" erza said looking back at him . "Jellal !" erza said and called out to him . All she saw was his smirk and the door slamming behind her "JELLLALL!!" And she never saw him again .

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