Chapter 30 - Izuku.

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Izuku was currently in the dreamscape of his mind. Lazily sprawled on a rolling hill of dazzling green grass that gleamed in places like it was kissed with dew drops and staring up at the clear blue above that resembled the sky, with a burning ball of sunshine. Don't ask how this worked because he honestly had no fucking idea, but it was peaceful. As far as the eye could see, was vast wilderness of fields, mountains, forestry and the like. It was literally a paradise for Syrinx.

No need for food or anything because he got his nutrients from whatever food and drink Izuku put into his body, well unless he appeared outside like when they'd been at Training Ground. He sighed as he put his hands behind his head. He was waiting for Syrinx to get back, from where they'd heard the situation with a villain wanting to take Bakugou away. So he'd let Syrinx take over, just so he could rest. He couldn't believe that he'd fought Rhyki like that though. What the hell was wrong with him in losing control like that? An injudicious immature brat, who was the epitome of a stupid machine should not have gotten the better of him.

He, who literally laughed in the face of villains. It was pathetic. But perhaps after this, the class would back off because Izuku pretty much had enough of it all now. They hadn't done anything wrong to them to warrant this kind of behaviour. Hell, since starting at U.A, he'd not even done a full week due to hunting Lycania. What a way to start the year off though huh? He snorted at his thinking. Feeling the ground rumble, and snapping from thoughts, he tipped his head back and locked eyes with Syrinx, who had settled on the ground comfortably. He absently noticed he had no injuries from the fight, having healed them already. Well, he did, but it was faint scars.

"What happened?" Izuku asked.
"As we heard, scumbag villain wanted to take Bakugou away to join them. Pyro took over Rhyki and ripped his heart out in front of everyone, outright refusing to let that happen."
"I know that's not all of it. What else occurred?"
"I ripped his spine out." Syrinx grinned toothily and Izuku snorted. Clambering to his feet, he approached his bloodthirsty Kitsune.
"I'm not surprised by that. What now?"

"They've taken yours and Rhyki's unconscious bodies down to the infirmary. Chiyo is going to heal whatever wounds she finds, well the ones we haven't already with our healing quirk. Other than that, I'm not entirely sure."
"Rhyki ok though?"
"As well as she can be after the fight."
"Figured as much. Can't believe we did that." He sighed.
"I know Kit. It sucks, but it has happened and no point in dwelling on it now. You'll make yourself miserable and you know Rhyki, and Pyro for that matter, won't be upset with you."

"Yeah, true. I'm glad of that. Well, I'm going to stay here for a little while anyway." He climbed onto Syrinx's back and lay down.
"Sure thing. Comfortable there?"
"Quite comfortable, thanks. Are you going to sleep?"
"Yeah. What about you?"
"Not yet. But I will soon."
"Ok Kit. Don't stay awake much longer. Rest will do you good. Night."

"Night." Syrinx lowered his head to rest on his feet and quickly fell asleep, resulting in Izuku rising and falling slightly with each steady and slow breath that the Kitsune took. It was remarkably calming. Tucking his hands behind his head again, and crossing his ankles, he stared up at the 'sky', just as memories of when he'd gone after Lycania came forth across some of the vast space. Almost like a TV sort of thing. Why did he have to think about this though? It was over with. He knew it was pointless in trying to stop it, so just let it roll out.

Izuku strolled into the building he was working in to find Lycania with a backpack slung over one shoulder. It was ten am, and sure, he'd have liked to have come in earlier, but he had been told to just start at ten am and get a decent rest. Like that'd happen while away. He'd barely managed four hours sleep. He was dressed as he'd pretty much been since he'd gotten here. Black combat trousers. Black, long sleeved muscle t-shirt, bulletproof vest.

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