Chapter 18 - Bakugou.

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Bakugou peered across the road and saw that a guy had grabbed a woman and was holding her at knife point. A pro was in front of him, trying to get him to let her go. Or at least that's what Bakugou reckoned, he couldn't exactly hear him due to the amount of people there was, as well as traffic. The guy had the woman in front of a dark alleyway that was situated between two buildings, and no one could get near him. He heard Rhyki growl low as she took her backpack off and handed it to him, which he took without hesitation.

"Wait here. I won't be long." Before anyone could say anything, she vanished.
"Where the hell did Rhyki go?" Mina asked, looking around.
"No idea. I think she went to help. We should go over as well. If it gets too much with the crowd, we can keep them back. They can see your blazers with U.As logo, so that should help." Bakugou said as he grabbed the bags from the floor. Mina took Rhyki's, and he nodded thanks. They dumped their drinks in the bin, luckily, they were only small ones this time.

"Let's go." Sero stated, before they ran to the traffic lights as they started to change over. They dashed across the road as quickly as they could and skidded to a stop. They squeezed through and that was when Bakugou took in the pro. He wasn't well known, so either just starting out, or he'd only been a pro for a few years. His group managed to keep the crowd back a little, most of them realising they were heroes in training.

"Get fucking back, or I'll slit her fucking throat." The villain threatened, digging the blade in more, making the woman whimper as it cut into her skin slightly and drew a bit of blood. What a fucking scumbag. He stepped back further to the alleyway. He was nearly in it, and if he disappeared into the shadows, they'd no doubt lose him due to his dark clothing.
"Let her go." The pro said, hands out to show he was unarmed. And then Bakugou recognised him. His name was Screech. And his name pretty much described his quirk perfectly. When he took in a lungful of air and let it out, it was a high pitched scream that could easily shatter windows... or eardrums! It really reminded him of Present Mic and his voice quirk.

"Bakugou?" Mina whispered, drawing his attention quick.
"What is it?" He muttered.
"Did you see that in the shadows behind him just then?" Her voice warbled with a touch of fear.
"No. What was it?"
"I'm not sure. But it looked like glowing orange eyes. Like Rhyki's, but much, much bigger." He didn't say anything as he then caught a glimpse of it. Before anything could be said, the woman was suddenly away from the guy and in the arms of her sobbing friend, and a huge paw thing with claws half the size of Mina wrapped around the guy and dragged him into the shadows as he screamed. More pros then appeared, obviously noticing the crowd.

"What's going on?" Bakugou turned to them, and recognised a few, but the most noticeable ones were Kamui Woods and Mt Lady.
"Villain captured that lady over there. Held at knife point. When she was suddenly with her friend and then he was dragged into the shadows." Silence came from everyone as a horrendous scream came from the darkness, following by sickening wet crunching noises. Like bones were being broken.
"I'll go check. Wait here!" Kamui disappeared into the shadows. Everyone waited with baited-breath for the pro to re-emerge. Screech called for an ambulance while the Ragtags helped keep the crowd back for safety. Bakugou however, had to do something than just stand around. Telling the Ragtags to wait, he went to the woman who'd been injured and opened his backpack. He crouched down slowly in front of her, as she'd collapsed to the floor.

"It's ok. I'm a hero in training. Let me take a look at that wound for you, ok?" He kept his voice calm and reassuring. He didn't want to scare her any more than she was already. She just nodded as she stared at him from yellow eyes that were wide. No tears. It was obvious she was in shock. He wasn't surprised. He pulled out antiseptic wipes and a bandage. He always kept a small med kit on him, because who knew what he'd encounter out and about.

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