Chapter 12 - Izuku.

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Izuku sighed as he sunk into the water. He knew they should have been more careful on the phone, but once Rhyki got going, there was no stopping her. Well unless he wanted to snatch the phone out of her hands. And he knew for a fact that they were scared of her, he could smell it.
Do you really blame them though Kit? Syrinx chipped in.
No, I don't. But we know what she is like. They're not used to it. I'm going to have to answer their questions but be careful in how I word them.
I know. You'll be fine, you're an insanely smart guy anyway. Don't forget, if their reactions are not good, then tell me and I'll wipe the memories and put in new ones for you.
Thanks Syrinx.
He pulled out of his mind and looking up, found them staring at him.

"Ok, you can ask me a question now." He took a deep breath and waited.
"How do you know Endeavour?" Kirishima asked.
"I've known him for since I was about four years old."
"How did you meet?"
"That's for another time when we trust you more. But he doesn't remember it, nor does he remember me. He only knows of me and Rhyki over the phone now."
"What was that we walked in on?"
"We do surveillance work and other bits for heroes. We are literally their secret weapon on how they get in and out of tricky situations and all that stuff."

"That's pretty impressive." Sero admitted.
"Yeah, so I'm told. Look, I'm not going to lie to you. Me and Rhyki are already pro heroes, but major underground ones, so no one knows us. We need you to keep your mouths shut on this, because if it gets out, then it's not only mine and Rhyki's lives on the line, but yours as well."
"Who does know about you both being pros?" Kirishima asked.
"My mum. Rhyki's dad. Other heroes who personally know us."
"Who wants to get their hands on you?"
"Mostly villains. Gangs etc."
"So a fair few then?" Kaminari asked.

"Yes. So please, just keep this quiet. We are trusting you, as our friends."
"You called us your friends!" Kirishima grinned, as his eyes welled up with tears.
"Ok, stop. Look, it's a brutal field to work in of what me and Rhyki do. Don't be surprised if some days you can't contact us at all - because if that happens, it means we're on a mission and when we are, we throw our entire focus into that. I need you all to understand where I am coming from."
"We get it. Honestly, we do. We'll keep your secret." Bakugou said and Izuku looked at him, making sure that he was serious. He even sent out a 'brush' to his mind and found that he wasn't lying. He truly did mean it. Yes, he knew that one day it might come to light about the work that they did, but until then, it was kept majorly on the downlow.

"Yeah, we promise too." The others all chipped in together. Izuku just nodded. Then the building shook, followed by a guttural roar.
"What the hell was that?" Kaminari said, looking around.
"Rhyki. Give me a few minutes, I'll go and see if I can calm her down and bring her back."
"I'll do it." Bakugou said and he just blinked.
"Erm, what?" He was immediately on edge. Why would he want to go see his sister while she was like this? Or was it because they both literally crushed after each other really badly?
"I'll go talk to her. What good are having friends if we can't talk to one another?" He countered.
"If you say so. Just be warned then, she'll be on a bit of a rant and most likely beating the shit out of a punching bag." Izuku warned him.

"That's fine. Where can I find her?"
"Out here, hook left. Door at the end. Down a flight of stairs. She's in the room there."
"Ok." And with that Bakugou got out the tub, dried off and left them alone. Izuku took a deep breath and hoped that Rhyki wasn't ridiculously angry when Bakugou joined her. He really didn't feel like cleaning blood or injuries today.
"Reckon he'll be alright?" He turned his gaze to Kirishima, who stared at him with slight worry.
"Yeah, he'll be fine. Rhyki isn't that angry enough to hurt anyone." He hoped.

"Unless you put Endeavour in front of her. Now that, I'd pay to see." Mina chuckled and waggled her eyebrows at him, making him snort.
"I think a lot of people would pay to see Rhyki rip him apart." Sero stated.
"Facts!" Kaminari crashed his hands together, and nudged Kirishima's shoulder. Not that it really moved the red head.
"Reckon she'd be able to?" Kirishima wondered aloud.
"Without a doubt. A lot of people underestimate the pure power that Rhyki can muster, more so because of her personality shall we say."
"What's a rough estimation of how strong Rhyki truly is?" Mina said.

"You know at the start of the quirk examination when we were throwing each other around?" Izuku looked at them.
"Yeah..." Sero replied.
"Well, that was us barely even trying. We were literally just mucking around to let off a little bit of energy. If we really tried to hurt each other, it would have resulted in broken bones, blood etc." He shrugged before leaning back in his seat.
"Are you serious?" Sero gawked at him.
"Yeah. I wouldn't lie about something like that."
"And you're stronger than Rhyki?"

"Damn dude, you're like a god! So manly." Kirishima's jaw dropped, but his eyes were sparkling in amazement. Izuku had no idea why though. He was but a man who just trained his body to the best of his abilities. Well, kind of. He still had a fair old way to go yet before completely mastering his quirks enough to suit him.
"Izuku?" He turned his attention to Mina.
"What made you build Training Ground?" She questioned.

"I was fed up with being treated like scum in the normal gyms because I'd do more than the others there. They didn't like the fact a kid was better than them. So I spoke to and brainstormed with my mum, Rhyki and her dad. We did blueprints and everything. I brought this warehouse outright, don't ask me how, and spent about a year in creating it to be as you see now."
"How many floors is it?" Sero said.

"At the moment, we're about twenty floors below ground. But on this level, we have Main Room, the room we're in, storage and med bay. Then underneath us is the gym Rhyki is in, as well as the olympic sized swimming pool. Then below that is about twenty double sized bedrooms. Then below those in a very secure vault, is my lab. Put it this way, you could live here for about thirty years and not step a single foot outside."
"That's definitely a lot of work and thinking gone into this place. That's really impressive. How comes you've done it like that?" Kaminari asked.

"Because me and Rhyki work from here as well. Before we joined U.A, we pretty much lived here all the time. More so when busy. It was just easier. Plus, should something happen, and we need to go into hiding, we've got the perfect place to hide out as no one can get down here without mine or Rhyki's credentials."
"Not even your parents?"

"Nope. They need to come with us. Unless we're already here, then they just hit a switch which connects to Main Room and we can activate it or not if we know who it is."
"Completely fool proof."
"I'm impressed. How do you think Bakugou is getting on with Rhyki?"
"Your guess is as good as mine. But by the sounds of it, fine considering there is no screaming, or explosions." Izuku leaned his head back on the edge of the tub.

"Well at least we know he's not dead." Mina chuckled.
"I'm sure Bakugou could hold his own..." Kirishima began.
"I wouldn't be so sure. Remember, his quirk's explosions. Rhyki is literally fireproof. He'd have more chance of trying to land a punch than firing explosions at her." Izuku muttered, butting in to what Kirishima was saying. They just nodded in agreement, knowing he was right.

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