Part 63

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I didn't get much sleep that night, I woke up 4 hours after I fell asleep and tossed and turned since.

George left me but left a note when I fully woke up.


See me in the great hall for breakfast, I've sorted umbitch out, she said you can do your detention this morning after you eat. And I've spoken to Fred, nothings coming out of him. I am ashamed but come see me love.

George W.

I took a deep breath and sighed, I wasn't sure if I could face Fred without crying..... but I pushed them thoughts aside while I got dressed and grabbed my bag then left.

Everyone, I assumed was in the hall eating, seeing as the corridors were empty with just the ghosts walking around and the paintings talking like they do.

A new decree was put up, 'all students will submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities' what a bunch of bullshit.

I sighed and walked in, Blaise looked at me then back down, the same with Draco.

George lit up when he saw me, Fred moved to sit next to angelina when I walked in.

Ron, Harry and Hermione all looked concerned.....

"Hello" I breathed out and sat next to George.

"Hello sweet" he smiled and handed me a plate of food.

"Thank you" I grinned and ate.

I could feel angelinas stares but I Dare not look at them.

"Y/n umbridge said your detention will go through when she questions you about 'suspected illicit activities'" Ron scoffed.

"Ok, bet she's not questioning the slytherins is she?" I huffed.

They all shook their heads. She's like Dumbledore in a way, fucking favouritism against a house, that's one thing I didn't like about Dumbledore and the other, the fact he keeps disappearing and Hagrids fucked off somewhere.

"Harry any word on where the fuck Hagrid is? I want some of his tea." I scoffed.

"No idea y/n" he said and he stood up, George the same and he held out his hand to me.

"shall we?" He smirked.

"We shall" I grinned back and took his hand to stand up as we all left the hall to pink swamps office for questioning.


"Ok turns out we're not needed till later, I dunno what she said to be honest. Quiet frankly I don't give a shit. Oh And your detentions been cut forward to tonight." Ron came out the classroom where people were lining up in.

"Great, we can go practice then." Harry beamed.

"Fantastic" I huffed.


This lesson, we were making sure people got a hold of what we had learnt already and that they could control their magic properly and not turn the spells into something much worse.

"Here" I grabbed Fred's arm, he flinched then tensed as I guided his wrist to the movement he was supposed to do.

"Your welcome." I muttered and walked off helping some others.

"That's amazing Luna!" She held up one of the students on her own in the air.

I walked over to a group where Harry was helping, he was being extra close with cho Chang and she got flustered when he helped her, causing her to drop Nigel from the air.

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