Part 46

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Me and Blaise walked Draco to his dorm, he wasn't like this when we were at the lake but when we left his state just got worse.

We got to his dorm and he was extremely pale, he started wobbling and I started getting worried.

He was getting worse but really quick.

"Blaise what's wrong with him??" I started panicking as Draco went in and out of consciousness.

Soon enough he collapsed on Blaise and we rushed him onto his bed.

"BLAISE?!!!" I waved my hand in his face it was like he was in a trance....

"Huh? Sorry." He shook his head and looked away from Draco.

"I'm not sure.... he got a small cold or flu after we had a party one night in the common room."

"Ok and what happened during it, with Draco I mean." I was breathing heavily and wiping the hairs of dracos face.

Draco began heating up, which was odd seeing as it was freezing.

I took his cloak off and his sweater very gently.

"Well he was with pansy a lot of the night..... I'm pretty sure she gave him a drink too at some point. If you want I can go find out if she put anything in it? One of her friends is drooling over me and would practically tell me anything so I'll ask her." He rushed out the room.

I walked back and forth not knowing what to do.....

I took my jacket off and went to get some cold water and a cloth from the bathroom.

Once I got back I saw Blaise entering the room.

I sat down next to Draco and placed the wet cloth gently on his forehead so he doesn't heat up as much. Hoping it would do something atleast.

"Turns out she drugged the drink...." Blaise put his head down.

"And..??" I waited patiently for an answer as I dabbed dracos forehead with the cloth.

"It can't be removed with magic, he's gonna have to do rounds of muggle medicine that's in a shop I've never heard of, he's gonna be like this for a day or two... it's a slow starting drug so that's why he's been feeling like he's had a cold for the past couple of days and why it's just hit him hard all of a sudden. That's what the drug does the girl said to me, it starts off slow and then hits hard" he sighed.

I huffed and nodded.

"So what we gonna do with pansy and why did she even do it??" I got up to put the cloth away.

Blaise followed me.

"She practiced amortentia even though we won't learn It until 6th year, it's a love potion and she made a batch and gave it to Draco, it didn't work because she made it wrong and put the wrong ingredients in and that's why he's ill. I'll speak to snape about it."

I nodded and stared down at Draco.

"Want me to do anything?" Blaise crouched down infront of me.

I shook my head and as he left I called him back.

"Tell the twins What's wrong before they kill someone looking for me...." I smiled a little and he left.

I decided to write molly a letter, while draco was still passed out, thanking her and Arthur for the jumper and also asking for the muggle medicine, I've heard of it before and I know for a fact dracos going to hate it.
I also asked for some of her homemade food, I missed it this Christmas and I really wanted some.

I sealed the letter and gave it to dracos owl, he was lovely and such a beautiful shade of black.

I stroked his feathers and sent him off with the letter.

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