Chapter 7

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Location: Antarctic Ocean

After the events from last chapter, the Azur Lane fleet found themselves in the Antarctic Ocean with some of them tired from the previous battle.

After the events from last chapter, the Azur Lane fleet found themselves in the Antarctic Ocean with some of them tired from the previous battle

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London: Yes. When the special combat zone collapsed earlier, it seems to have also caused the rest of the nearby area to become unstable as well. 

Hood: Is this all done by the Sirens?

Prince of Wales: The Sakura Empire's "Project Orochi" and that mysterious event caused by Courier... I cannot help but feel that they are related in some way. 

Queen Elizabeth: In order to thwart whatever it is the Sirens are plotting... We can't let the Sakura Empire escape. 

Up in the sky, there was a crack that shows the void. The Azur Lane fleet looks at it with curiosity.

Columbia: Big sis... What's going on?

Cleveland: How would I know...?

Hornet: What are you doing... Courier?

Enterprise and Belfast watch as a part of a Siren ship fell from the crack to the cold water.

Belfast and Enterprise: Courier...


Javelin and Laffey were separated from the others and are trying to find them. 

Laffey: Cold.

Javelin: We got separated from the others... We have to regroup with the fleet, soon. 

The wind blows harder as the two notice an outline of a figure from the smoke.

Javelin: Oh... Ayanami,

It was two against one as Laffey sneezes from the cold.

Ayanami: This again... Why won't you fight?! What are you thinking?!

Laffey: We told you before. We want to be friends with you. 

Javelin: That's right! We want to be friends with you, Ayanami-

Ayanami: We're enemies! What are you talking about?!

Laffey: It doesn't matter.

Ayanami: It does matter! We are warships... Fighting the enemy is natural!

Javelin: No. We are not that simple.

Ayanami: ....

Laffey: Watch out!

Laffey pushes Javelin down when a sudden shell flew past them. 

Yuudachi: Stop bullying Ayanami!

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