Chapter 28

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The day after the Royal Navy tea party, Courier, Enterprise, Texas, Algerie, and admiral Elda were preparing themselves for the travel to the Sardegnia Empire. Before they could leave, they heard voices calling out to them. They turn around to see Queen Elizabeth, Bismarck, Nagato, and Richelieu, along with a few other shipgirls coming to them. 

Elda: What do you need? We were almost being ready to depart.

Bismarck: We wanted to know if it's possible to bring with you a representative from each faction to show the Sardegnia Empire our union.

Courier: ...I don't mind, but I hope you already made your choice because we cannot delay the visit.

Nagato: We did before we try to find you.

Elda: Who did you choose?

Queen Elizabeth: For the Royal Navy. I chose Formidable as our representative.

Enterprise: I also want to mentioned that I'm bringing along Massachusetts as additional protection. 

Courier: I don't see a problem with that.

Richelieu: My sister, Jean Bart. Will be the representative of Iris République.

Both Jean Bart and Massachusetts look at each other competitively. 

Nagato: For the Sakura Empire, I decided that Mikasa will come with you.

Bismarck: And to represent Ironblood, Z23 will be the one doing the job. 

Z23 salutes, being honor to fulfill her role.

Elda: I hope everyone came prepared, cause we're leaving the harbor right now.

Jean Bart/Formidable/Massachusetts/Mikasa/Z23: Yes!/Hai!/Jawohl!/Oui!

Courier: Let us depart. 

With the representatives joining in, the fleet departs from the harbor, setting course to the Sardegnia Empire.

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Currently, on the UNS Courier. Courier was discussing something with the shipgirls, except for Enterprise, for she is looking for admiral Elda. Once she did, she wanted to talk with her privately.

Elda: What is it that you want to talk about, Enterprise? 

Enterprise: It's about... my relationship with Courier. But can we talk about it privately? I don't want him to eavesdrop on us.

Elda: Alright I'll tell him.

Walking up to Courier, Elda taps his shoulder, gaining his attention.

Courier: Hmm? What is it, honey?  

Elda: Enterprise wants to talk with me privately if that's okay with you.

Courier: I don't mind. 

Elda: Alright, see you in a bit. 

Getting the approval, Elda left with Enterprise to talk somewhere privately. 

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After finding a place to talk, both Elda and Enterprise sat down and begin their conversation. 

Elda: Now that we're alone. What is it about your relationship with Courier?

Admiral Elda asks as Enterprise blushes a bit. 

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