Chapter 41: Petite Chou-Fleur 🍋

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Location: Azur Lane Base

It has been a day ever since the arrival of Shinano and Editor into the real world. Currently, Courier and Seraph were having their training session to get the carrier back up to combat ready. They weren't alone, as the others also came along to train as well.

Due to the absence of Horseman, Seraph was trained by Arbiter to further master his abilities as a substitute. Testing some Siren aircraft he designed himself, he test flight them while doing a mock duel with Courier. 


The two carriers clash, the dual blades against the shovel, sparks going off against one another.

From afar, Arbiter and the other Sirens collected the data from the tests to analyzes their power. From the results, the two were equally matched in terms of their abilities, trying to edge the other which surprises them. 

Meanwhile, the Shipgirls were training after the disaster's operation that nearly costed not just their lives, but Courier's as well. After facing the Tritons, they knew they can't rely on Courier forever and had to take matters into their own hands if such a situation ever happens again. Retrofits, enhancements, upgrades, anything to give them the advantage.


It was evening by the time Courier and Seraph finished their training. With their stomachs glowing the duo decided to head to the cafeteria for a meal. Unexpectedly, they were greeted by a group that's made up of Arbiter, Enterprise, Bismarck, Sovetskaya Rossiya, Queen Elizabeth, Nagato, Vittorio Veneto, Yat Sen, Richelieu and Jean Bart. The duo sat down and ate as they start a conversation with the group.

Enterprise: How did your training go, dear?

Courier: Surprisingly well, didn't knew Seraph had it in him.

Seraph: Yep, you have to thank your other self that. Tho Arbiter did teach me some new abilities.

Arbiter: Indeed, he's quite a fast learner as well.

Courier: Doesn't explain the vortex back there. 

Seraph: Oh, you mean my new armaments? 

Bismarck: Excuse me?

Seraph: Well technically it was a part of a simulation. 

Enterprise: Simulations?

Seraph: Correct. Which reminds me, I saw another simulation, #965399336 that had a Shipboy with the same kind of armaments, and is surprisingly a carrier, modern like Courier. 

Seraph spoke, surprising everyone with the information.

Richelieu: What's the name of this shipboy?

Asked Richelieu. Seraph puts a hand to his chin, thinking about the shipboy he saw.

Seraph: To be honest, I don't know, but I did saw his designation number.

Jean Bart: And that is?

Seraph: R91.

Hearing the designation, Courier's eyes widen while the rest were confused.

Courier: Charles....

Courier whispers out a name, which didn't went unnoticed by Sovetskaya Rossiya.

Sovetskaya Rossiya: Did you say something Courier?

Everyone's attention turns to Courier, waiting for him to answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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