Chapter 20

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Location: Mozambican Strait 

Currently, Courier and Amagi were heading to the Basilica Richelieu told them about.

Courier: There it is, the Basilica. The reunification of Iris Orthodoxy is upon us.

Amagi: This architecture is truly magnificent.

Courier: Indeed, it's truly amazing to witness something like this.

Courier Thoughts: Poseidon would go crazy if he was here.... 


Courier: Hmm?

Courier receives a notification from his UAV info about nearby Sirens. 

Amagi: Is something wrong?

Courier: Yeah, my UAV just detected a Siren fleet.

Amagi: Is there a lot?

Courier: Nope, mostly just ships and a few humanoid ones. Can you stay here while I take care of them?

Amagi: Don't worry about that. I'll wait when you're done.

Courier nodded and sail towards the Siren fleet to take it out. 

Meanwhile, the Siren fleet was patrolling the area they're in, bored out of their mind.  

Siren 1: Hey.

Siren 2: Yeah?

Siren 1: You ever wonder why we're here?

Siren 2: It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night.

The two Sirens stare at each other in silence.

Siren 2: ...What?! I mean why are we out here, in this canyon?

Siren 1: Oh. Uh... yeah.

Siren 2: What was all that stuff about God?

Siren 1: Nothing.

Siren 2: You wanna talk about it?

Siren 1: No.

Siren 2: You sure?

Siren 1: Yeah.

Siren 3: Can you two shut up! I just picked up something on my radar!

Siren 1: Wait, really!? What is it?!

Siren 3: It's only one ship. This should be easy, at least we get to do something.

From the distance, the Siren fleet saw a figure taking form in the mist.

Siren 4: I can see her! Wait a second, it doesn't look like a girl!

Siren 1: Wait, if it isn't a girl. Does that mean it's the...?


Siren 3: Hold on, if we deal with the Courier. We likely get a promotion! 

The Sirens' eyes sparkle, imaging themselves promoted as they nod with agreement.

Arriving, Courier saw the Sirens notices him as they aim their main weapons on him.

Sirens: Looks like we're going to sink you.

Courier: Brave, but foolish. Thinking you can take me on. No matter, you'll die here instead. 

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