Chapter 37

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Location: Azur Lane Base

After their victory at the Panama Canal, Elda's fleet returned to HQ with the newly recruited Compiler. Currently, Compiler was talking with the other Advisor-class Sirens while Ash, Ember, Ark Royal Meta, and Courier were on lookout.  

Minutes later, the fleet docks at the harbor and leave their respective ship. As they got down, they were greeted by Bismarck, Nagato, Queen Elizabeth, Sovetskaya Rossiya, Yat Sen and Vittorio Veneto. 

Elda: Hello everyone. 

Bismarck: Guten tag. I see that the mission was a success? 

Courier: Yes, we manage to defend the base against the attack while also capturing another ringleader. 

The leaders look behind Courier to see Compiler was there.

Nagato: Is that Compiler?

Enterprise: Yes, we brought her here after her agreement of a duel with Courier. 

Texas: And that's not all. There are also three others that came back with us.

Queen Elizabeth: Who?

From the sides, the mentioned trio reveals themselves. Ash, Ember, and Ark Royal META. 

Sovetskaya Rossiya: Что за(What the)?! Another Grey Ghost?!

Queen Elizabeth: Why is there another Ark Royal?!

Nagato: I suppose this is another Takao? 

Courier: Correct, and to clear up the confusion. They're actually from another universe where the Sirens. But they didn't knew about this universe's Sirens to be controlled by another force.

Bismarck: I see... but I realized something.

Richelieu: What is it?

Queen Elizabeth: Oh yes, that. Commander, there's someone who wants to meet you.

Elda: Who? 

Nagato: Another Advisor-class Siren named Observer Zero. She appeared here while you were away on your mission as well as that S.O.S signal. By the way, who is that woman next to Courier? Because I never saw her before.

Courier: Oh, this is HMS Habakkuk. Another shipgirl who came from a different universe. 

Habakkuk: G-Greetings, I am HMS Habakkuk. The first of project Habakkuk, and first-ever ice-made Aircraft Carrier. To rule the waves for her majesty. 

Habakkuk introduces herself as she bows in front of Queen Elizabeth.

Elda: Now that's over with. Can you lead me to Observer Zero, please?

Bismarck: Natürlich. Follow me. 

Soon, admiral Elda follows after Bismarck, followed by everyone else.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi USS Texas meeting Texas from Arknights

Arriving at the room where Observer Zero was supposed to be, both admiral Elda and Courier were followed by the others Advisor-class Sirens who wanted to see her as well.

As they enter the room, they indeed saw the Siren whose description is Observer Zero. She saw their arrival and speaks first. 

Observer Zero: So we finally meet face-to-face, Courier.

Courier: Indeed, so you're Observer Zero?

Observer Zero: Correct. Arbiter sent me here to join Azur Lane like the others.

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