Chapter 8

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I had my first night of detention, with Hagrid non the less. We were harvesting some of the food he grows in the summer. After about 2 hours he said that I could go. "Thank you Hagrid! Have a nice night!" I said as I walked to the school "Good night Y/n!" He said back.

I meet up with the twins and then with a bunch of other Gryffindors. We were all heading back to the dormitory. That's when we stopped blocking the path was the trio themselves, and filch's cat. But the cat was dead hanging upside down.

Then the slytherin's rounded the corner. Madame Pomfrey then gasped, Collin was about to take a picture. I slowly pushed it down, he then looked at me confused. I shook my head, he frowned.

Then Draco spoke up "Enemies of the air beware" he read of the wall, then turned. "You'll be next mud bloods" "is one black eye not enough, do you want another one" I said threateningly. "I would ask you the same thing" he spat back.

We were about to lunge at each other when we heard filch's voice, "what's going on here, make way, make way." He said pushing past the gryffindor students.

"Potter what are yo-" then he saw it. "Mrs. Norris, you murdered my cat!" Harry shook his head. "No no" "I'll kill you" he then grabbed his collar "I'll kill you!" Then the high and mighty Dumbledore came into the room with Professor McGonagall, Snape, and ugh Lockhart.

"Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately," he spoke up. Everyone turned and walked back to the dormitory.

~the next day~

I was in professor McGonagall class. We were all talking to each other, however not moving. We all had a ripped off piece of paper, from an enchanted paper. We were talking about the 'chamber of secrets'.

"Mrs. Y/l/n, you know that writing notes in class is not acceptable, hand it over". I gave her the piece of paper she read before giving me it back, and continuing with the lesson. I raised my hand.

"Yes, Mrs. Y/l/n?" She asked, "what's the chamber of secrets?" I asked everyone waiting for her answer. "Very well, you all know about Hogwarts founders. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin."

"Now three of the founders existed harmoniously, one did not," she said as she walked around the room. "Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students enrolled at hogwarts. He believed that magical learning should be kept in all magical families, in other words pure bloods"

"Unable to change anyone's opinion he left. However, according to legend, Slytherin had built a chamber in the school. However when he left he sealed it until his heir is here to re open it, and unleash the horror within its walls."

"Muggle born's would be the first target then right?" A Ravenclaw girl asked. Professor nodded "naturally though the school has been checked multiple times no such chamber has been found"

"What's in it?" A Slytherin asked, "the chamber that is" a hufflepuff asked (I just love a hufflepuff x slytherin relationship. Even if they're just friends) "It's home to a monster only the heir of Slytherin can control" the class went silent.

~time skip~

I had finally found the book I was looking for, when I heard the voices of the trio, "three months, Hermione, half of the muggle borns in the school could be attacked."

"A polyjuice potion huh" I said approaching the group. They all jumped hearing me join their conversation. "Bloody hell!" Ron said. "The quickest polyjuice will only take a month," I said, handing the book I needed to them.

"But that's still too long!" Harry said. "Do you have a better idea?" Me and Hermione snapped back, he went silent. We made a trade of books before I left, "oh and Harry, when we go up against slytherin today, don't hold back against Malfoy for me" I said as I walked out of the library.

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