Chapter 10

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I stayed with the Weasley's for the summer, and let me tell you it was awesome. We pranked Percy a lot, then he became head boy for Gryffindor.

But that wasn't the only thing oh no. Arthur won the annual daily prophet grand prize Galleon Draw. To which we all went on a trip to Egypt. That's where I met Bill and Charlie, the oldest children of the Weasleys.

I got myself a new look, I had started to like my hair braided. Of course Ginny always wanted to braid it, growing up with only brothers she never got to partake in these girly activities.

But sooner or later our month-long trip to Egypt was over and we had to go back, so we were able to get our stuff for the new year where we met up with Hermione, all of us heading to the leaky cauldron.

We were able to rent out three rooms, one for the parents, the boys, and then us, the girls just for the night. Of course the news of Sirius Black escaping Azkaban traveled fast, and we all heard about it.

~time skip~

It was the morning we went to Hogwarts and I was heading down to breakfast, along with the twins of course. "Not flashing that clipping of us again ron?" Fred asked, "I haven't shown anyone" he retaliated back. "No not a soul" George said as he took the newspaper clipping.

"Unless you count Tom," I said.
"The day maid"
"The night maid"
"The cook"
"The guy that fixed the toilet"
"And that one wizard from Belgium"

We all laughed as Molly asked Harry about his school supplies, before Arthur pulled him away to talk. "How do you think Black escaped?" Ron asked. "I don't know, ask Hermione or y/n. They're the smart ones" George retaliated.

~time skip~

We were on the train, we had been on there for a couple of hours, it had started to rain but I didn't mind that I liked the rain. It was just me and the twins, and cinnamon of course in the car. She was sleeping in her cage.

"So darling, you ready for the new school year?" "Of course, I'm ready to win all the races we have." "Oh is that so, we-" then the train started to slow down. "We aren't at school yet are we?" George asked?

"Of course not" Fred told his brother. I looked out of the car to see what was going on only to be thrown back when the train officially stopped. But I was caught by Fred, "you alright there love?" He asked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes as I stood back up again. Only to have the door shut and lights go out. George locked the door as the train jolted. It got extremely cold as ice sounded at us. The twins had their wands in one hand as they grabbed both of mine with the other.

The train shook again. And a figure walked by the car. The boys held my hands tighter. It looked and faced us still outside the locked car. It pointed at me with it's fingers. It looked like a skeleton's hand. (Ok so there are two dementors on the train, this one, and the one that attacked Harry)

It continued to point at me before trying to get in. There was this sound somewhere else in the train and it left. However the ordeal was not over, the lights were turned on as it left. We all sat down. "You alright love?" Fred asked. "Yeah, I'm fine".

Then the lights went off again. And the dementor was back. It tried to open the door by pulling on the handle but someone stopped it. The creature slowly disappeared, and the person stepped into view.

He opened the car door after we unlocked it, "are you three alright?" We all nodded, "what are your names?" "I'm Fred" "I'm George" "Weasley '' they said together. "And you would be?" "Y/n, y/n y/l/n, sir" "It's nice to meet you. I'm professor Lupin, now I'm going to go talk to the conductor." We all nodded as he left.

I then started to laugh, "you alright?" George asked. "This will be a very interesting year" we all started to laugh and joke around. Putting whatever just happened to us behind.

~time skip~

Everyone was settled in, the first years were sorted, and everyone was chatting away ready for Dumbledore to give his speech and then we could start the feast.

"Welcome, welcome, to another year at hogwarts. Now I would like to say a few words before we begin tonight's feast, firstly I would like to welcome professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly agreed to be our new Defense against the dark arts teacher. Good luck professor." We all clapped.

"On the other note, our care of magical creatures teaches retired to spend the rest of his time with his remaining limbs, so in his replacement is our own Rubies Hagrid" we all clapped and for him.

"On a more serious matter as a request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts, until further notice, will play host to the dementors of Azkaban" Everyone was shocked, after the incident on the train.

"The dementors will be stationed at every entrance to school grounds, and well I have been assured that they will not disrupt our day to day activity, a fair warning of caution. Dementors are vicious creatures. They will attack both the that they're after and the one's that stand in their way. Therefore I must warn each and everyone of you, give them no reason to harm you."

Congratulations Dumbledore you scared the first years "it is not in a dementor's nature to be forgiving. But you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times when one only remembers to turn on the light." He waved his hand over a candle and it lit itself.

~time skip~

The girls were all settled in for the night. We were all talking about what we did over the summer, laughing and having the time of our lives. "So truth or dare, y/n?" Ginny asked, I sighed. "Truth" "how do you truly feel about the twins?" I blushed.

"Well, um, they are my best friends obviously." "Oh so nothing more?" Hermione asked. "Of course not!" My face is as red as ever. "So you wouldn't mind if I took one out on a date" Hannah asked.

I looked at her with a small glare. "Which one?" "Oh so you at least like one of them?" She asked again "Alright so maybe I like them, both of them." "We already knew, we just wanted it to be conformed." Hermione said. I rolled my eyes and we continued the game.

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