Chapter 26

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Everyone was at the maze, we were all waiting for the third task to begin. The twins, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and I were all waiting in the stands. People kept giving me a weird look, even Willow, she was trying to avoid me. Always cutting our conversations short. 

“Hey guys'' I said as we approached them. The three of them looked at us. Then Hermione spoke up. “Y/n, you didn't tell us you started to tell people?” she asked. “What are you talking about?” I asked. Ginny then whispered, “about your dad” she said. 

“No, the only people that should know about it are, all of us, your parents, and Harry”. I said, “Everyone knows about it!” Ron whispered shouted. I looked puzzled, “You guys never told anyone right?” I asked “Never” they all said.

“Harry wouldn't tell anyone, unless he’s going through the ‘y/n’s trying to kill me’ phase again” Ron said. “So, who told?” I asked. “Angelina!” the twins said. “What?” Hermione asked. “Angelina knows. But she would do something like that, That's low even for her” I said.

“Whats low for me?” Angelina asked. We didn't say anything. She smiled then spoke up again. “Oh Y/n! Did you hear?” she asked happily. I shook my head, she laughed. “Well I just happened to hear that Sirius Black, You know, the killer” she said. “rumor has it he has a daughter” She said. That's when people started to shut up and listen in on the conversation.

“And apparently, she goes to Hogwarts, A fifth year.” she said laughing, that's when I looked at all of the people that were listening in on the conversation. I sighed, “alright and?” I asked. “Well, don't you remember last year?” she asked, “I sure do” she said, smiling evilly.

“Piss off” I said looking at her, “Oh don't want to talk about it?” she asked. If it wasn't for Dumbuldores voice cutting us off I would have punched her in the face, right then and there. “Silence!” He said. “I’ll see you around” she said and walked away. “Early today profeser Moody placed the Triwizard Cup, deep within the maze. Only he knows this exact place. Now as Mr. Digory,” The crowd cheered for him.

“And Mr. Potter” we cheered for him, “Tied for first position, they will be the first into the maze, followed by Mr. Krum.” More cheers, “And Mr. Delecor” And some cheers for her. “First person to touch the cup wins!” We all cheered as Dumboldore went to talk to the Champions. 

Then they got ready to go into the maze. “On the count of three!” Dumbuldore said. “One!” the conon sounded and Harry and Cedric went into the maze, then the walls of where they entered shut and we could no longer see them.

About 5 minutes later Fluer and Krum went into the maze. After about 10 minutes Professor Mconagall called all of the prefects down to her. I sighed before going down. Once we were all there she spoke up, “Now listen up, When the champions come back, They might be a little bit bloodied up, Madam Pomfrey has set up a small care tent, I would like you guys to help the champions over to the tent, However I only need about six of you to help the campions over to Madam pomfrey’s tent, and 3 to help Madam Pomfrey in her tent. You may decide between yourselfs.” she said as she walked away.

We were able to sort everything out, two Ravenclaws and a Slyterin went to help Madam Pomfrey, they couldn't have cared less about who the winner was, I ended up getting picked as one of the six that would help the champions to Madam pomfreys.

We were given a spot to sit, and the twins, Ron, Hermione, And Ginny all came down over to me. “What are you doing?” The twins asked. “I was picked to help the champions,” I said. “Next thing you know they'll put you in the maze.” Ron said. I laughed lightly.

Just then the vines of the maze opened up and they pushed an unconscious Fluer out of the maze. The Perfect ran over to them and helped her up. We put her on a stretcher and two of us brought her to Madam Pomfrey’s. 

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