Chapter 28

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He opened his arms and I ran up and hugged him. He hugged me back, rubbing his hand up and down my back. "It's good to see you again, kiddo," he said. "You too dad."

We let go of each other and looked at the rest of the group, we then walked up to the Weasley children. He talked with Ron asking him about his leg, then introduced himself to Ginny.

And lastly, he turned his attention towards the twins. "Fred and George, correct?" He asked, they nodded. "From what I heard is that you two went to the Yule Ball with y/n last year, correct?" 

Again the twins nodded. "If you hurt her, I will make sure you hurt 10 times worse." He said. The two swallowed hard and nodded rapidly.

"Wonderful! Now why don't you guys go unpack, boys are upstairs to the left, and girls you'll be upstairs to the right." He said. "Molly, Arthur your room is over here" he said again leading them somewhere else.

We all went upstairs and found our rooms. I opened the door to mine and Ginny's room. We saw 4 twin size beds. They all had the same color bedding, gray. "Wow! Love the gray color! Makes me feel depressed!" Ginny said jokingly.

"Oh shut it" I laughed. That's when we heard something crash. "Did you hear that?" Ginny asked, I nodded and put the trunks down quietly. Ginny put cinnamon, who was sleeping in her cage, down on a bed. We got our wands and walked over to the sound.

It was an elf whose back was hunched over. He had dark eye bags and his ears drooped downwards. He was wearing a black cloth-like outfit. He looked back up at us before cowering away.

I nodded at Ginny and we brought our wands down. I crouched down to talk with the elf. "Hello, I'm y/n, what's your name?" I asked. He mumbled something incoherent. I looked up at Ginny. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear." I said calmly. "Kreacher!" He snapped at me. "Stupid half blood." He said after he turned his back on us. I stood up. "Hey, that's not very nice." Ginny said.

He then turned around towards us. "You're no better, filthy blood traitor!" I protectively put an arm in front of Ginny. Pushing her slightly behind me. That's when Kreacher turned his attack towards me, again. "Sirius makes a lot of mistakes, but one of the worst was having you, with that mudblood!" He yelled.

"KREACHER!" Dad yelled as he entered the room, "GET!" He yelled again. Kreacher left mumbling incoherent words. "I'm sorry about that. He isn't the friendliest elf." Dad said, "are you two alright?" 

Ginny and I both nodded. "Alright then, you should finish unpacking, dinner will be soon." He said leaving and shutting the door. "Are you alright?" Ginny asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine, well at least as much a I can be when I was told that I was the worst mistake my dad had ever made." I said as I continued to unpack my stuff. "Let's go down for dinner, I'm starving!" Ginny said once we finished.

As we left the room the boys left theirs. The twins came over to me, "soooo who's Kreacher?" They asked, "we heard your dad screaming at him." 

"The house elf" I said, "Oh" they said. "Let's go down for dinner now!" Ron said, so we did.

~time skip~

Dinner was nice. We had a very comforting meal. It was only the 10 of us, we all laughed and joked around all night. Then the end of the night started to roll around.

Molly then spoke up. "Ginny and Ron, upstairs, go get ready for bed." She said, They both groaned, and Ron spoke up, "but what about y/n? And the twins?" 

"I'm not y/n's parent, I can't tell her when to go to bed. As for the twins, they're 17, and adults. They can decide when they go to bed." She said, The twins smirked and looked at each other.

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