Chapter 20

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The train ride was calm. Cinnamon was sleeping and I was making small talk with the twins. "Oh I never got to tell you that I like your long hair" I said. "Really? We just honestly forgot to cut it." They said laughing.

I smiled at them then I remembered when Christopher decided to give me a hair cut when we were little. And without knowing my smile dropped. "Hey what's wrong darling?" George asked. "Oh it's nothing I'm just thinking of something."

"Family something?" Fred asked. I nodded, "I cut ties with them" "That's good right?" They asked. I smiled slightly, "yeah I guess" I answered. They looked at each other.

"What else happened this summer?" They asked. "Oh, not too much. I became a prefect." I said. "Really!" They asked happily. I smiled and nodded, the two then started cheering my name.

~time skip~

We just gotten off the express, we were gathered around in the courtyard watching as Hagrid almost got run over by a flying carriage. Then a boat emerging from the lake.

We then were brought inside, the first years were sorted and Dumbledore started his yearly speech. However before he got a word out filch came running in.

After a brief moment of talking, he ran out, and Dumbledore started again. "Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Triwizard Tournament." The twins got this stupid grin on their faces.

"For some of you that don't know, The Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical competitions. From each school a single person is chosen to compete. Let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone" he said. "You hear that only one of you gets to make the cut." I said to the twins mocking them.

"Good luck too to whoever wins Georgie boy" Fred said "as to you brother" George said back. "These competitions are not for the faint hearted. But enough of that! Let me welcome you to the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!"

The doors flew open and in came girls in blue dress uniforms. Then in came their headmistress, "blimey, that's one big woman" Seamus commented.

The next group to come in was Durmstrang Institute. They came in a little bit stronger. But it was interesting to watch.

Then we sang our school anthem, and let's say it was not as impressive as what everyone else did.

~time skip~

We were currently in the middle of eating when Dumbledore spoke up again. "I would like to say a few words. Eternal glory. That is what waits for the student that wins. But to do that, that student must survive three tasks. Three. Extremely. Dangerous. Tasks."

"Wicked" I heard the twins say, laughing a bit at them. "That's why the ministry thought it would be fit to create a new rule. And here to explain it is Mr. Bartemius Crouch."

The great hall's ceiling did not like that as lighting shot out. But was quickly stopped by some guy with an eye eyepatch.

"That's mad eye moody" Ron said.
"Alistair moody, the Auror?" Hermione asked.
"Auror?" Dean asked.
"Someone who hunts down dark wizards" I said calmly.

Dumbledore shook hands with him before he went over to a corner and drank something. "What do you suppose he's drinking?" Seamus asked. "I don't know, but I don't think it's pumpkin juice." Harry answered.

"After consideration, the ministry has concluded that no student under the age of 17 can put forth their name-" the poor guy couldn't even finish before students started yelling. The twins being a part of that.

"That's rubbish!" "You can't do that!" "That's rubbish!" "You don't know what you're doing!" "Booooo!"

"SILENCE!!!" Dumbledore yelled.

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