Chapter 17

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A storm of bats came and buckbeak tried to grab them to eat. "At least someone is enjoying themselves." Hermione said. "Yeah," Harry said, we all smiled.

"When we were down by the lake" Harry started to talk. "I did see someone. That someone made the dementors go away". Harry said.

"With a patronus, I heard Snape telling Dumbledore. According to him only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it." Hermione spoke wisely.

"It was my dad" Harry said with a smile on his face. "It was my dad who conjured the patronus" Harry repeated himself. Me and Hermione looked at each other before she spoke up.

"But Harry, your dad is-" "dead. I know" he snapped at her. "I'm just telling you what I saw," he said looking back to the tree.

Everyone was quiet. "Here we come," I said as I started to get up off the ground. We watched the scene of Remus turning into a werewolf.

"Let's go." Harry said running off followed by Hermione and me. We watched as Harry threw a rock at professor Lupin. As the professor approached past Harry and I, I let out a howl. "What are you doing?!" The two younger kids asked.

"You guys hide and save Sirius. I'll take care of professor Lupin." I said before howling. The two hid when the professor came running towards us. And so I started to run.

I started to run, I could hear Lupin hot on my trail. I needed to keep running. Harry and Hermione were counting on me. Ron and Dumbledore were counting on me. Dad was counting on me.

I rubbed my head, then I heard a growl from behind me. I got up and turned around only to see professor Lupin.

"We can talk about this right?" I said trying to distract the teacher, something I have had to do before for the twins. But never like this. He growled at me again, "I'll take that as a no then."

Just as he was about to attack me, Buckbeak swept in and saved me. He hit the professor on the head, making him run off.

That's when the wind started to blow. I looked up to see dementors flying together. "Dad," I said aloud. I quickly ran off towards that direction. I eventually saw both Harry and Hermione.

We watched as past us were attacked by dementors. "This is horrible." Hermione said. "Don't worry, my dad will come, he'll conjure the patronus." Harry said. We watched the scene unfold.

"Any minute now!" Harry said, getting slightly closer. "Right there you'll see" he said pointing to the edge of the pond. "Harry, listen to me no one is coming" Hermione said.

"Don't worry he will! He will come!" Harry said. "He's dying, all of you are," Hermione said. I watched as the blue light slowly left dad. Then I watched as Harry ran down to the edge of the pond.

"HARRY!" Hermione called out. He pulled out his wand, pointed at the dementors and yelled. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!"

A powerful bright light came out of Harry's wand. Making the dementors fly backwards. Saving past us as we passed out.

~time skip~

We flew on buckbeak to go to the top tower to save dad. And I can proudly say that Hermione is afraid of flying.

We landed at the top of the tower, and went up to dad's cell. "Bombarda!" Hermione said. The cell door flew off the handles. Then we all took buckbeak back to the clock Courtyard.

~small time skip~

"I'll be forever grateful for this. For what you three did." Dad started. "We want to come with you," Harry said. "One day perhaps, but sometimes my life is too unpredictable. And besides, you two are meant to be here." dad said as he sat me and Harry down.

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