Chapter 37

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TW: This chapter will be very graphic with topics that include
Animal cruelty/death
Cat Calling

After the fight with dad, I've just felt so numb. I was on the train heading back to Hogwarts, I was in the same compartment as the twins. Cinnamon was on my lap, I was stroking her, and I could tell that she was asleep or relaxed because of the way her ears were.

I again was staring out of the window. I looked over at the two boys. Fred was sitting next to me, playing with his wand, turning random items he could find into another object. George was across from me, quiet. He's been like that sense the morning after the fight. Then again, everyone was.

“I'm gonna change into my robes.” Fred said. I looked at him and nodded. He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek before he left. After the door closed, I let it be quiet for a few moments before addressing George. I stood up and sat next to him. He didn't move, not looking at me.

I reached my hand out to touch his, only for him to pull away. “George?” I asked, trying to look in his eyes. “Not right now, y/n.” He mumbled, I nodded and let him be alone, I moved back over to the seat where I once was. “I'm sorry.” George spook up. “It okay. If you're upset about something, I'm sure we can talk about it.” I told him. “Yeah sure. Maybe later, though.” he said, and we went back to silence.

~time skip~

After getting back from break, everything just seemed so off, not just with the twins but the whole school. Umbridge has been acting if she runs the entire school, and without quidditch again this year, the school has gone almost silent. That was until the day of the break out.

I sat in the common room with the trio, the twins, Lee, Angelina, Neville, and Ginny. We were listening to a broadcast of the minister.

“We have confirmed that ten high security prisoners in the early hours of yesterday evening did escape. We strongly suspect that the breakout was engineered by a man with personal experience escaping from azkaban. Notorious, mass murderer, Sirius Black. Cousin of escape Bellatrix Lestrange.” I rolled my eyes, and the minister droned on.

“We have news that Mr. Black has a daughter in her 6th year at hogwarts. Who, as I speak, is being investigated and interrogated by an official who has been placed in the school.” Just as he said that, the common room door swung open. “Ms. Black.” We heard McGonagall say.

I rolled my eyes, “Yes miss?” I said. “Come with me, please.” She said, “I'll be right back.” I told everyone. Sure enough, McGonagall led me to Umbridge's room. We knocked before going in. “Thank you, Minerva, tea Ms. Black?” She asked. “Sure.” She gave me a smirk, and I gave it back to her.

I took a few sips, and she got straight into questioning. “Where is your father?”

“Who?” I asked
“Sirius Black.”
“I don't know, I never met the man.”
“I'm not lying ma’am. After all, there is Veritaserum in the tea.”
“How did you-?”
“Oh please!” I laughed, “It's not that hard to figure you out.”

She stood up, approaching me, then pushing the picture she had of fudge down, “I guess, if you won't tell me willingly. I’ll have to take it from you.” I stood up and started to draw my wand, but she was quicker. “Crucio!”

I screamed in pain. It felt as if every atom in my body was being ripped apart. “Talk. Where is your father?!” She yelled. “I don't know!” I yelled back. The pain only grew. “Liar!”

~3rd P.O.V.~

Back in the dorms, the group sat together, making some small talk. “Oh! I forgot I have a study session with Willow Elrod.” Angeline said. She was snuggling into Lee, and so she turned, gave him a kiss on the cheek before going up the stairs to her room to grab her bag.

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