Chapter 35

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I was sitting in the library with Hermione and Ron. The three of us being Gryfindor prefects were working on an assignment given to us by Professor McGonagall. "If we can spread the classes out more, it would be a lot less homework." Ron said. "Yes but only meeting for one class once a week will be terrible to remember everything," Hermione argued. "Yeah, that and do you really want to spend three hours with Snape in his dungeon?" I asked.

"Well no, but why are we even thinking about changing the schedule? It's been the same sense Hogwarts was founded." Ron said. "McGonagall said that Umbridge doesn't like the current class schedule." Hermione said. Just then we heard running footsteps. I got up from the table to see 3 red heads, Harry, and Nevile. "There you guys are!" Ginny said. "Shhh. What are you guys doing?" I questioned.

"Nevile found the perfect place for Dumbledore's army." Harry said. "Really?" Hermione asked. "Way to go mate." Ron said. "Come on, we have to show you," Ginny said. The three of us packed up and followed them to this so-called perfect spot.

Nevile stood in front of a wall and it slowly shifted into a door that opened. We all walked in, the room was big enough for us to practice. It had a fireplace and small dummies that looked like death eaters. "You've done it Nevile. You've found the room of requirements." Hermione said. "The what?" Ron asked. "It's also known as the come and go room. The room of requirements only appears when a person has a real need for it. And is always equipped to the seekers need" Hermione explained.

"So say you really needed the toilet?" Ron asked. "Charming Ronald, but yes. That is the general idea." Hermione dead panned looking at Ron. "It's brilliant. It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back. Let's go get everyone. We'll have our first lesson today." Harry said. "We can meet up every Saturday, no one has any lessons." I said. "Yes. and maybe at night too. Just for extra lessons, cus once a week won't be enough." Ginny said. We all nodded.

"Ron, Hermoine, get to Gryfindor tower and tell everyone there about it. Fred, George, Y/N you three get the Ravenclaws. Nevile can you get the Hufflepuffs? And Me and Ginny will sweep for anyone in the hallways." Harry said. We all nodded and ran off to where we needed to be.

~time skip~

We were able to get everyone down there and we explained what was going to happen. Harry instructed us to get into two lines. He brought a death eater dummy to face us. Nevile was up first. "Now we'll start with the basics, a simple disarming charm, expelliarmus alright Nevile?" Harry asked. He nodded. "Expelliarmus," Neville said, casting the spell. The wand flew out of his hand and backwards. We all ducked so we werent hit. "You're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this." Harry said. "Expelliarmus" He casted and the dummy's wand flew out of his hand.

And that's how we would work for the past few weeks. Every Saturday we would practice all day. And every few nights we would sneak out to practice. We had to be sneaky, we knew that if any of the teachers caught us it was game over for the night. But if Filch caught us, we were dead. He kissed up Umbridge, reporting everything to her. The scar remover potion I made works like a charm on Umbridge's cruel punishment, as long as the cuts were within the first 48 hours they were made. I could probably make a scar remover for ones longer but that would take some time.

After learning all about disarming, we moved onto stunning spells. And after we mastered that, Harry said that we could start trying patronus charms. That's when Umbridge made a new rule. 'All students will submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities'. "How will she make us tell her?" Ginny asked at the end of a meeting. "Veritaserum. It makes the drinker tell the truth no matter how hard they try to deny it." Hermione said.

"Where would she even get that?" Ron asked. "Snape's cupboard." I said. "What?" Nevile asked. "Snape has a vile in his cupboard." Harry said. "How do you know that?" I asked, "He threatened me with it last year. You?" Harry answered. "I've been sneaking into his supply to make the scar potion." I told him. "What are we going to do about it though?" Luna asked. "We could sneak in and switch the potion with just water." the twins said. "It's a liquid so she would probably put it into tea or a snack she gives us. We could just not drink or eat anything she gives us." Lee said.

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