Chapter 27

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(I'm writing this in someone's car after drinking a monster in less than 7 minutes.)

I spent the summer with the twins and the rest of the Weasleys. And now, we were all sitting down at the table for dinner, school starts in about 3 weeks. 

Molly and Arthur have joined "The Order of the Phoenix" which is an organization that dad is a part of and they're trying to recruit people, in case we have to fight Voldemort.

And we're not allowed to tell Harry anything about it. In fact we aren't even allowed to write to him. Dumbledore's orders.

But now, Molly and Arthur were leaving to go to another meeting, however this one was important, so they were going to be staying the night wherever the meeting was.

That means it was just going to be us. 5 teens. The eldest being the Twins. Who just recently passed their Apparition test. 

Molly and Arthur were just about to leave as we all stood by the fireplace. "Boys listen to me and listen well." Molly said to the twins firmly. "You two are in charge of the house until we get back. Don't leave the house, and don't do anything stupid." She said,

They nodded vigorously. Then Molly turned her attention towards me as Arthur talked to his kids. She took my hands in hers and then started to talk. "Y/n, Please make sure that they don't do anything stupid. Between us" she lowered her voice. 

"You're the one that's really in charge." She said with a small smile. I laughed lightly and nodded as she let go of me. I went over to the rest of the group. Molly was the first one to go, using floo powder. Then Arthur left.

"Now what?" Ron asked. The twins smirked at each other before running upstairs. "Well it looks like we're going to find out!" Ginny said laughing. We all moved back over to the sitting room.

The twins ran back downstairs and then into the kitchen. There was some sound of glasses clinking together. Then George ran over to us and set the glasses down on the coffee table. He then spoke up.

"I am pleased to introduce, the one and only, less attractive twin" he started. "Hey!" Fred yelled. We all laughed. "Fred Weasley! Annnnnd..." George started again.

"FIREWHISKY!" Fred yelled as he came into the room with four bottles of Blishen's Firewhisky. "We are 17, which means we can buy firewhisky!" George said. "Now come! Who wants a glass?" Fred asked

~time skip~ 

It was later into the night and well.... Everything is not going to well. Fred and George have completely downed half of our booze. (Each had one full bottle). The two were currently outside drunkenly looking for Ron.

Because we lost him.

He had a few glasses and then just disappeared. We looked for him, the twins outside and me and Ginny inside. Me and Ginny found him though.

Passed out in the hallway, right outside of his room. We tried to tell the twins that but they couldn't care less and continued to yell for him outside. 

Me and Ginny dragged Ron to his bed and then left heading back downstairs. Ginny was working on her third glass and I was working on my second glass. That's when the twins came back inside. 

Ginny laughed at them and I then looked at them. They had twigs and leaves in their ginger hair. Their eyes were slightly puffy and red. They came over to us and collapsed onto the floor, and then continued to cry. 

I sighed, and Ginny stood up. "Where are you going?" I asked suspiciously. "To bed." She said finishing off her glass. "You're just going to leave me here with these two like they are?!"

A Free Spirit: Weasley Twins x reader Where stories live. Discover now