Chapter 30

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I was sitting in the room with Hermione and Ron. Ginny and the twins had wandered off somewhere. Suddenly the door was heard to be opening, and the three of us stood up. We soon saw Harry as he entered the room.

Hermione ran up and hugged him.”Oh Harry!” she said and soon let go of him. “Are you alright? Y/n heard them talking about the dementor attack. You must tell us everything.” Hermione said, rambling. I sat back down on the bed as Ron went closer to Harry and Hermione

“Let the man breathe Hermione,” said Ron. But Hermione was not done. “And this hearing at the ministry it's just outrageous! I've looked it up, they simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair!” she went on. “There's a lot of that now,” Harry said walking away from his friends.

“What is this place?” Harry asked. “Its headquarters” Ron told him, “for the order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought you know who.” Hermione told him a little less vague than Ron’s answer. “You couldn't have told me in a letter. I've gone all summer without a scrap of news.” Harry said.

“We couldn't write to you,” I told him. “Why?!” Harry asked, getting angrier. “Because Dumbledore made us swear to not tell you anything!” I snapped at him to shut him up. And it worked, “Dumbledore said that?” He asked. We all nodded.

“Well why would he want to keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help. After all, I'm the one who saw Voldemort return. I'm the one who fought him. I'm the one who saw Cedric Diggory get killed!” Harry exclaimed, getting all worked up again.

Just then two redhead twins appeared in the room. “Harry,” George said. “Thought we heard your dulcet tone” Fred said. “Don't bottle it up though mate, let it out” George continued. “Anyways more than shouting” Fred continued. “Want to hear something a little more interesting,” George said finishing the conversation.

The six of us stood at the top of the stairs as the twins slowly lowered and extendedable ear so we could hear what the order was talking about. The first voice we heard was dad’s. “He’s not a child Molly” “He’s not an adult either!” she snapped back. “He’s not James! Harry’s-” she was cut off by dad. “He’s not your son.” “He’s as good as.” she retorted. “Who else has he got?” Molly asked.

Just then Ginny joined our little group. “He’s got me.” dad said. We all went back to listening intently. That is when a new voice was heard. “How touching paternal black. Prohapes Potter will grow up to be a felon just like his godfather. It's already clear that Y/N is heading down that path, especially if she keeps hanging out with those twins” Snape’s voice was heard. “You stay out of this snivellus” dad shot back.

“Snape’s in the order?” Harry asked. I nodded and we continued to listen. Dad and Snape continued to talk but we couldn't hear as Crookshanks decided to attack the other ear. Hermione was pleading with her cat to let go, and the twins were trying to pull the ear up. 

Soon enough though Crookshanks killed the ear by pulling it off and walked away happily with his prize. “Hermione, I hate you cat,” Ron said. “Bad Crookshanks.” we all sighed. We all continued back up to our room. 

"Dinners ready!" Molly shouted. The twins looked at me before appariting away, I grabbed cinnamon and walked downstairs.

As I was walking down I heard Molly shriek, "just because you're allowed to use magic now does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!" I laughed a bit at the twins' antics. 

She then turned her attention to Harry, "are you hungry Harry?" And then Arthur asked "are you sure you're alright Harry? Gave us quite a turn". Harry nodded, "yes I'm alright, and I would love something to eat Mrs.Weasley." 

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