Chapter 14

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It was now morning and let me tell you falling asleep again was impossible. However I was going to McGonagall in her office.

As I walked to the door and knocked, no one had classes today, so I knew that she isn't teaching a class. "Who is it?" I heard professor McGonagall ask. I opened the door to see professor McGonagall, Snape, and Dumbledore.

"I was wondering if I could speak with you professor?" "In a minute dear, for now please just wait outside." I nodded and shut the door waiting patiently.

"Hello there stranger, long time no see" I turned to look at the familiar faces of the boys. "Hey" I said and looked back down at my feet, "why the long face?" George asked, "you wanna talk about it?" Fred asked.

Before I could speak, the doors to McGonagagll's office opened up. Out walked all three teachers, McGonagall turned her attention to me "Come on in y/n" I entered her office, as the boys stayed outside.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" "You remember all of your students right?" "For the most part, why?" "Was Sirius Black, ever one of your students?" "He was"

"After graduation did he get married and make a family?" She sighed. "He did" "Can you tell me about them?" She sighed and nodded. She sat down gesturing for me to do the same. "Black got married to a Ravenclaw girl, I don't remember her name. They had one child. A daughter." I looked down, dreading her answer. I asked the question.

"Am I Sirius Black's daughter?"

It was silent, I looked up at her. She was slightly crying, she nodded. "Thank you professor" I quickly stood up and walked out the door, "y/n!" The boys shouted, I ran to the 2nd floor girls lavatory.

No one is ever here. I ran into a stall and just tried to process everything. "Hey this is my lavatory! And no boy aloud!" Moaning myrtle said. I walked out. And saw that the twins were standing by the sink.

"Hey darling, why are you crying?" George asked as he noticed me first. I didn't even notice the tear streaks that were on my face. The twins looked at each other before speaking up. "Hey! How about we go to hogsmeade! That would cheer you up! Right?"

I laughed a little, "yeah alright, let's go" I said trying to smile. They nodded and we went out to where we could get a ride to hogsmeade. It was a quiet ride, I was looking out the window thinking of everything.

"Hey, so maybe you'd wanna go to the Three Broomsticks first?" George asked. I nodded not looking at either boy. Until I felt someone grab my hand. I looked to see Fred holding my hand.

"Hey, what's wrong lovely?" He asked. I sighed, "was it something McGonagall said?" George asked. I spoke up, "sort of, I'll tell you guys later, alright?" The two nodded.

~time skip, get ready for some tea~

We all entered the Three Broomsticks, we were greeted and went to a table near the back. "I'll go order our usual" Fred said, George and me nodded.

I was just looking around when I saw it, or more like her. Angelina. She was sitting by herself, and she was staring, more like glaring, at me. George almost immediately took note of this and watched silently for a while before Fred came back.

The twins got on either side of me. Then they started to narrate the stare down. "Welcome one and all to the second round of, y/n v.s. Angelina, stare down." I smiled at their antics. "Y/n, is now smiling can she be able to keep a straight face while two handsome fifth year twins try to make her smile, because it's the best thing they see all day. A smile that can light up any room." They said.

"Looks like Angelina is still going strong. She hasn't moved, maybe she died on the staring field." This was the thing that got me. I started to laugh, note that I was not laughing at Angelina dying because I would never do that.

However the fact that the twins were trying to make me feel better, even if the humor was a little dark. A waitress came over to us with our three butterbeers, we all said thanks to her, before having a fun conversation of our own.

After spending about 2 hours sitting there talking about the most random thing, we all decided to leave and head to Zonko's Joke shop. However someone pulled on my braided hair which stopped me in my tracks.

"Ow! Hey let go of me!" I yelled making the boys realize what was going on. Angelina. She was the one who grabbed my hair. "Hi boys!" She said letting go of me.

"What was that for Angelina?!" Fred asked. George came up beside me. "You alright darling?" He asked and I nodded. "I don't know why you hang out with her," Angelina said. "Especially when she keeps secrets" she said following up.

"What secrets?" George asked getting level with his brother "Y/n tells us everything" Fred says. "Oh is that so? Then did she tell you what Harry said to her last night? Or maybe why the trio has been avoiding her? Or how about why she was crying this morning?" Angelina asked firing off questions.

"No," the twins said. "But it could be personal," George said looking at his brother, "yeah, so why did you pull her hair?" Fred asked looking back at Angelina. "You shouldn't hang out with her, she's just like her father" Angelina spat, her words stinging.

But if that wasn't bad enough, she was about to make it a hundred times worse. "Sirius Black" she said his name. The boys looked at me shocked. "Isn't that right y/n, y/n Black?" She said laughing.

"Y/n? Why didn't you tell us?" The two boys asked, I felt the tears well up in my eyes. But I knew damn well not to let them fall, especially in front of her, I can't show her that she won. George reached out for me, I pulled away.

No no no no no, not now, please not now. I thought, I slowly looked up to see the three's faces. George he was hurt that I pulled away from him. Fred was shocked, he kept giving me these sorry eyes. They're just like Hermione's.

Then there was Angelina, she had a smug smile on her face. I felt the feeling of wetness on my cheeks, I was starting to cry. NO NOT IN FRONT OF HER. I CAN'T LET HER SEE SHE'S GOT TO ME! I yelled at myself.

Before I could even think my feet took off. I was running, running away, the twins tried to follow me but Angelina was keeping them with her. I ran letting the tears fall freely. I didn't know where I was going but when I finally stopped and looked around I was in the shrieking shack.

It was quite, until I heard someone say something from upstairs. The shack was normally abandoned, making me get my wand ready. I slowly made my why upstairs where I heard it.

I approached a door and saw the one and only Sirius Black, or, my father. He was yelling, "I did my waiting! 12 years of it! In Azkaban!" He shouted. I saw that professor Lupin was there along with the trio. I decided to make my presents known to all five of them.

"And you'll only be going back there!" I yelled, everyone's attention turned towards me. "Oh, well if it isn't my little girl" Sirius said. I pointed my wand at him, "y/n, be rational about this" Lupin said.

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