Chapter 33

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Hi so before you start this chapter I want to let you guys know that I sadly tested positive for covid and I might be off line for a few days and taking it easy. I had already wrote most of this chapter I just needed to finish a few things, but here it is.

“Come in Ms. Black” McGonagall said before I could even knock on the door. “Hello Professor. How are you today?” I asked as I walked up to her desk. “I'm alright dear, and yourself?” She smiled as she looked up at me from her papers that she was grading. “I'm good, I was wondering if I could ask you something?”

“Of course, What is it? Is it about the homework?” She asked, “No ma’am, Our quidditch team needs time to practice, and we were wondering if you knew if anyone had booked the quidditch pitch?” I asked her.

“I didn't realize that Gryffindor had a quidditch team. And I can only give that kind of information out to captains.” she said as she moved onto the next paper. “Professor, I am the captain,” I said. “Who's on the team?” She asked. “The Weasly twins as our beaters, Ginny, Angalina, and me as our chasers, Harry as our seeker, and Dean as our keeper.” I told her.

She nodded and stood up, she went over to a drawer and pulled out a scroll before handing it to me. “Here is the practice sheet.” she said as she gave me a quill, “write Gryffindor in an open time slot.” I looked at the paper. Most of the good times were taken. However there were still some practice times available. One being this afternoon from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM. I booked a couple of practice times and gave the scole back to McGonagall. She smiled as we said our goodbyes.

As I left I saw the trio. “Hey Guys!” I said and I ran up to them, “Hey y/n '' They all greeted me. “Hey! I was able to book us some practices and our first is this afternoon after classes.” “Sweet, I’ll tell the rest of the team when I see them.” Harry said. I smiled and walked away. 

~A Week Later~

After a week of practice today was the day. Were all in the tent, talking and going over our plan for today. “Listen, this is the first Quidditch match of the year, and the first one in two years ago. There is a lot of pressure on us today, but we got this, our team works really well together. Plus from what I have been told the Slytherin team has been falling apart at the seems. We have something that they don't.”

“Team Spirit!” Dean said. We all laughed, “yes, but we also have a calm and collected captain, Malfoy has been captain of the Slytherin team and i don't think he is a good one.” I said, everyone laughing along.

We heard the obnoxiously loud sound of Lee’s voice through the speakers. We all got ready for the curtains to open up. I look down to my broom, the bite marks in it. I trace my fingers over them. Should I try writing to dad again? Or just wait till I see him when I go over for Chritsmas? Before I could answer my own question the curtains opened up and we all left.

We all fly into our positions, Dean goes over to the goals and Harry flys up above everyone head to head with Draco. I look to the left of me George and Angelina, and to the right of me Fred and Ginny. 

Madam Hooch came out “Listen I want a clean match today, start of the quittage year right, got it?” We all nodded, “Alright then,” She put the whistle in her mouth and threw the Quaffle up in the air. She then blew the whistle and we all went after the ball as the twins tried to doge the Bludgers.

~Time Skip~

It was neck and neck, we were ten points behind Slytherin, Harry and Draco actually stopped playing to yell at each other, it wasn't till Fred sent a Bludger flying over their head. Speaking about Bludgers Umbridge has had multiple thrown her way, both by Gryffindor and Slytherin.

But here we were, 80 to 90, everyone was trying their hardest to win this, that was until we heard Lee’s voice “OH MY GOD! THE BOY WHO LIVED AND THE SLYTHERIN'S PRINCE ARE FIGHTING, LIKE PHYSICALLY!!”

We all look over to see that Harry had his hands on the snitch however Draco is trying to grab it out of his hands. Which is causing Harry to try and elbow him away and elbow him in the face. Suddenly George hit a bludger towards the two. It went right through Draco's broom breaking it in half, he fell to the ground. 

“GRYFFINDOR WINS!” Lee yelled into the microphone. We all surrounded harry and were cheering him, The twins hosted him up on their shoulders. Suddenly the Slytherin team came over to us. Draco spoke up “you know what Weasleys? That was a cheap move the two of you pulled, but I guess you never really had manners expesuly growing up in that bin you call home. With your idiot father and fat and ugly mother.”

The twins glared at Malfoy, I grabbed them both by the arms. “Leave it, Let him yell, he’s just sour that he lost.” I told them. Draco then turned his attention to Harry. “But you like the Weaslyes don't you potter? Spend your holidays there? Can't see how you stand the smell, but i suppose that when you're brought up by muggles even the Weasleys' hovel smells okay.”

George had managed to break free and was now being held back by Harry. Angilina, Ginny, and I were holding Fred back. Dean ran off to go get madam Hooch who was yelling at Crabbe for an illegal bludger attack earlier in the game. “Or perhaps” Malfoy started as a smirk grew on his face “you can remember what your parents house stank like, Potter, and the Weasleys pigsties reminds you of it.”

Harry let go of George and it all happened so fast but next thing we knew, Harry and George were sprinting at Draco, and, with the same fist that held the golden snitch, Harry punched Draco in his gut. George was cursing at malfoy as both him and harry beat the living daylights out of Draco.

I let go of Fred and ran up and tried to pull George off of Draco and somewhat succeeded as I pulled him back down to the ground making him stop attacking Draco.

“IMPEDIMENTA!” Madam Hooch yelled as the jinx casted on Harry made his body fly back, he was still punching.

“What on earth do you think you're doing?!” Draco was on the ground bloodied and bruised, George had a busted lip and Harry had a scrape on cheek. Fred had calmed down enough and wasn't trying to kill malfoy. “The two of you to your Head of House office now!” And Harry and George left, Malfoy was taken to the hospital wing and the rest of us went back to the dorms.

~Time skip~

We were all waiting in the common area for Harry and George to come back from McGonagall's office. The two of them came in and everyone stared. “What happened?” Lee asked. “We’re off the team.” Harry said. Shock was painted on everyone's face, I stood up, “Maybe I could talk to McGonagall, try and lighten your punishment.” “It wasn't McGonagalls say” George said as he kept his head down. 

“But I thought that you two went to the Head of House office? Did Dumbledore make up the punishment?” I asked. “No it wasn't him.” Harry said, he still had the snitch in his fist. “Wait, mate, don't tell me it was Umbridge?” Fred asked. Both boys nodded, outrage was heard throughout the common area. 

“You know what!” George said as he finally looked up, “Who cares what that hag does, she’ll be gone soon enough! And you know what else! We just won our first quidditch match in two year! What time is it?” “5:42” Colin said, “Dinner is at 6, during then invite as many Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws as you can, Because tonight Gryffindor is having a party!”

Cheers erupted in the room, everyone was pumped for the party. We all went to dinner and agreed that the party would start at 9 o'clock tonight. We even got Sir Nickolus in on it and he and some other ghost said that they could convince some of the house elves to bring some food up.

We were all ready for the party and we all went to dinner with devilish smirk plastered on our faces. No one knew what we're going to get ourselves into.

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