Chapter 9

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Darkness, I was surrounded by darkness. But I wasn't alone. There was this woman, she wore a lovely floral pattern dress. Her hair was braided and had flowers in it.

She looked at me and smiled. "Hello there dear" she said. "Oh, hi. Umm where am I" "oh I honestly don't know, I kinda woke up here." She said.

"Oh, well then maybe we could help each other out!" "That would be splendid!" We walked a little while in silence, until she broke it. "I'm Emily, I don't think I ever intruded myself" "I'm Y/n. I love your hair." "Thank you, my friend from hogwarts would love to braid my hair."

"Oh so you're also a witch!" "Oh, you are too!" "Well kinda, I'm in my 3rd year, almost in my 4th!" "Oh, I kinda graduated a while ago" she said smiling.

We stopped walking as we were getting nowhere, "oh my, your hand." Emily said. I looked at my hand as it started to fade away. I started to panic, until a voice snapped me out. "Hey it's alright, just do me a favor" I nodded at her "never forget me, forget about our conversation, or this." She gave me a hug.

I hugged back as I felt something that connected us, more than the hug. Something there, but it wasn't, I couldn't place it but it felt comforting. I never wanted to leave but soon enough I faded away.

I slowly opened my eyes and I was blinded by a bright light. I sat up looking around the room. "Well hello there, how are you feeling?" Madame Pomfrey asked. "I'm alright" then it hit me "is Hermione alright?"

"Why yes, Ms. Granger is perfectly fine." She moved the curtains to show Hermione sitting up and eating something. "Y/n!" She said. "I'm glad you're alright!" She said. I smiled at her. "Same here, Hermione."

~time skip~

Me and Hermione walked through the doors of the great hall, where we were then greeted by sir Nicholas. Three of the Weasley siblings and potter ran towards us Hermione hugging Harry and giving Ron a handshake. Me on the other hand, I hugged my two boys.

"Your back!" They said, "of course I'm back, did you think I wouldn't be?" "Not at all, but" they hugged me tighter, "we missed you" I smiled at them before McGonagall grabbed our attention by taping her glass.

Everyone sat down, Dumbledore stood up and began his speech. "Before we began our feast let us have a round of applause for professor sprout, and Madame Pomfrey. Who's mandrate juice has been successfully administered to all that had been petrified."

Everyone clapped and cheered. "Also in light of recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled!" More cheers erupted from all of the students! Except for Hermione who looked saddened by the news. And Snape who looked perplexed.

Then the doors opened and Hagrid walked through the doors! "Sorry I'm late. The owl that delivered my release forms got all lost and confused. Some rutty bird called Harold." Some of us snickered as Ron looked down in shame.

Hagrid continued to walk in, he turned to talk to the trio. Saying his thanks to them. Harry stood up and gave him a hug. The teachers stood up and clapped, soon followed by the students. Soon followed by cheers, then everyone crowding around him.

~3rd person~

The end of the year approached and so everyone was packing up their stuff, the dorm room was empty except for me, I was closing up my bag when someone knocked on the door.

Ginny opened it and walked in. She sat down on her bed. "The boys are almost ready" she said before an awkward silence filled the room, quickly though she broke it.

"I'm so sorry for what I did. I-" "Ginny, it's quite alright. I'm not mad at you. I'm not mad at anyone. There's no need to apologize." She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I opened my arms, she ran into them and hugged me.

She hugged me tighter, I saw two familiar red haired boys sticking their heads in the door. 'Go away' I mouthed to the boys. They smirked and opened the door even more.

Ginny turned around to glare at her brothers. "Can't you see we're in the middle of a conversation?" Ginny asked, laughing a little. "Oh our bad your majesty" they said as they bowed.

We both laughed, I grabbed my bag and Ginny grabbed cinnamon, we went downstairs and left for the train station.

~on the train~

We were all playing blackjack, Luna even joined us. We taught the two how to play, We we're all laughing and having fun. Luna was mainly playing with cinnamon, but I wasn't complaining, cinnamon was spoiled and loved all the attention she could handle.

Soon though a question came up. "Y/n are you going with Ginny, and the twins this summer?" Luna asked. The three red heads all answered for me. "Yes" I laughed, "I guess you got your answer there Luna."

As the train stopped, Ginny smiled at the fact that she won the pot, Fred and George perplexed and looking to see if she cheated, I took cinnamon away from Luna as she was leaving.

We soon found Percy and Ron, as the six of us headed to where Molly would be waiting for us but right after we ran through the barrier the five Weasley surrounded me "We're going to make sure that you get to our house this time." Ginny said.

The four boys nodded. Soon though we found Mrs. Weasley she gave us all hugs, and we quickly went to the burrow.

We all talked about the past school year, we joked about Ron's howler. We joked a lot about that. Soon we arrived and Arthur was there to greet us. It was nice, I finally found a place where I felt my own way of being normal.

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