Chapter 13

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Winter was officially here and I was sitting under a tree. Finishing up the book that Lupin gave me. The twins were somewhere else at the moment.

There was barely any snow however, but the bitter cold air was the only thing that showed that the cold season was approaching. I heard the sound of someone stepping on snow. At first I thought it was one of the twins.

I looked up to see a dog. "Hi" I said nervously. The dog sat next to me before laying down. I looked to see that the poor thing had fleas. "Hey" the dog looked up at me.

"Do you want me to get those out?" I said as I pointed to it's back. The dog sat up. "Stay right here I think I have a potion in my dorm." I ran to the school up to Gryffindor tower, to my room where I grabbed the potion, a brush, and a sponge. Quickly running back to the dog.

Sure enough he was there. "Come on, follow me!" I yelled, he got up and stretched. I stopped "Come on now, we don't have all day!" The dog started to run me chasing after him.

We sat down by the lake. I wet the sponge and then put the potion on it. I scrubbed the dog, multiple times to make sure I got everything out. Well washing the dog I was talking to it.

"So yeah, the two red heads that I call my friends, I think I like them. But this girl, Angelina Johnson, I think she's jealous of me. I think she also likes the twins. She doesn't even know what it's like to be friends with them. They're constantly pranking you. Or telling you really cheesy jokes or-"

"Y/N!" I heard the twins yell.

"Speak of the devils. Hi boys" "you didn't tell us you had a dog?" Fred said. He went to pet the dog, but it just growled. "I don't think it likes you Freddie" George laughed, "oh really George, I had no idea?"

I finished brushing the dog and he got up and left. "Bye!" I waved bye to him. The twins are still bickering. "Hey, gingers, are you guys coming?" "We'd always cum for you hun"

I rolled my eyes "get your minds out of the gutter!" -or they're constant sex jokes.

~time skip~

A couple days have passed since we saw that dog, we were currently building a snowman in the courtyard. Until we saw tracks in the snow. The twins grabbed at thin air and we heard Harry's voice.

"Guys let me go!" "Clever Harry" "but not clever enough" "besides we got a better way" "come on guys, I'm trying to go to hogsmeade!" "We know. But we have a better way. Come and join the big kids!"

We took Harry's invisibility cloak off and he was not the happiest. "What are you doing?!" "Shhhhh'' we handed him the map "what's this rubbish?"

"What's this rubbish, he asks" Fred said laughing. "That there is the secret to our success" George continued what Fred was saying "It's a replica of the school."

"And we've decided that your needs are greater than ours. So let me present'' I pulled my wand out. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" as I tapped paper and sure enough the paper's writing appeared.

Harry read the title and opened it, "is that really?" "Dumbledore" "pacing" "in his study". "Does that a lot," we said together. "So this map shows everyone?" He asked.

"Everyone," we said, "Everyone?" He asked again.

"Where they are"
"What they're doing"
"Every minute"
"Of everyday"

"Brilliant! Where'd you get it?" "It was in y/n's bitting box thing" Fred said. "Now listen there are several secret passageways out of the castle, but we recommend" George started. "This one" we all said together. "It will take you to honey dukes cellar. And remember when you're done" I said.

"Just say, mischief managed, or anyone can read it!" We said together before leaving. And heading outside to take a walk.

Well we were out talking and such, when something happened. "Hey, y/n, isn't that your puppy?" George said, I looked to see where he was pointing only to see the dog from the other day, running up to us with a stick.

Wait a minute, "That's my broom." The dog dropped it before running away. "Thank you!" I called out. I picked it up only to see that it had bite marks all over it. "Let's go give this back to woods" the boys said as we left.

~time skip~

It's been a couple of days since then, and the trio was off. For starters Harry was ignoring me. Ron kept giving me dirty looks, and Hermione, oh Hermione was the worst. She kept giving me these sad eyes, pity full.

I was fast asleep thinking of everything. The trio, the twins, the dog, Sirius Black, and so much more. I was woken up by the sound of a boy screaming.

It was Ron, all of the girls were up and I think everyone else was too. Then Hannah came in telling us to all head downstairs. I quickly grabbed cinnamon and went down.

Everyone was downstairs in the common room. Even McGonagall was there. I saw my boys, "are you two alright?" I asked "We're fine, Ron just had a nightmare." "It wasn't a nightmare! It was really him! Sirius Black!" "That's absurd Weasley, how could Sirius Black get through the portrait hole?"

McGonagall asked. "I don't know how he got in! I was a bit busy dodging his knives." "Sir Cadogan?" McGonagall asked a portrait. "Yes ma'am?" "Is it possible that you let someone into Gryffindor tower tonight?" "Why of course! He had the password! He had the whole list actually, on the little piece of paper!"

McGonagall turned to us. "Who wrote down the passwords and then proceeded to lose the paper?" Neville put his head down. She sighed, "well Sirius Black is gone, however it is safe to assume that he will return again at some point. Now everyone please return to your separate dorms" McGonagall said before we all left.

Harry was sitting by the fireplace, "hey Harry, we're heading back to bed you should get some sleep." "Shut up, y/n'' he said to me coldly. I sighed and started to walk away. I heard him mumble my name. "Yes Harry?" "Who are your parents?" "Harry, what are you talking about?" "Who are your parents?" He asked again, raising his voice.

"Jason and Sarina, y/l/n. You know this Harry" I spat back. "Your lying" "what are you on about?" "You aren't their daughter, your real father is Sirius Black isn't it?" He said as he got up. What that can't be can it? No my parents are muggles, even if that diary says different!

"No Harry I'm not! I don't know where you heard this but it's not true!" I said as I turned to leave. "McGonagall said so! Go ahead and ask her tomorrow! She'll tell you everything!" I left. I couldn't be his daughter!

But if McGonagall said I was, ugh whatever I'll ask her tomorrow! I'm so sick of this year! I just wanted a normal school year, with no major breaks, no attacks on students or the school, and nothing life changing or anything like that!

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