Chapter 15

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I smiled, "your right" I pointed my wand at him, "you're the one who has the wand." He stopped and lifted his hands up. I carefully made my way over to where the trio was. All of them were hurt, though Ron looked the worse.

"Are you three alright?" I asked. In the second that I was distracted Lupin cast a spell "expelliarmus!" He said. My wand went flying. I looked at them. Lupin gave his wand to Sirius, "finish him off, but just wait a minute Harry has the right to know why"

"I know why. You betrayed my parents, you're the reason they're dead" Harry tried to get closer but I made sure to get in between him and the two older men. "No Harry he didn't! Somebody did betray your parents, someone I thought to be dead!" Lupin said.

"Who?" Harry asked, Sirius spoke up "Peter Pettigrew! And he's in this room right now! Come out come out Peter! Come out come out and play!" "Expelliarmus!" Snape said, coming into the room. "Vengeance is sweet, how I hoped to be the one to catch you." He said slowly "Severus" Lupin said getting closer.

The wand was then pointed at him. "I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle, and now here's the proof." "Brilliant Snape, once again you put your mind to the task and ended up with the wrong conclusion. Now if you'll excuse us, Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to" Sirius said.

The wand that Snape had was now pressed to Sirius's neck.

"Give me a reason, I beg of you"
"Severus, don't be a fool"
"He can't help it, it's habit by now"
"Sirius be quite"
"Be quite yourself Remus!"
"Look at you two, quarreling like an old Married couple"
"Why don't you go run along and play with your cemetery set"

The wand that Snape had was pressed farther into Sirius's neck. "I could do it you know, but why deny the dementors they're so longing to see you. Do I detect a flicker of fear, ah yes a dementors kiss. One can only imagine what that's like to endure. Some say it is unbearable to watch, but I'll do my best."

"Severus please" Lupin said as Harry took Hermione's wand. I sighed and moved Hermione over a bit. Snape nodded for us to leave. Harry pointed the wand at Sirius, before switching to Snape "Expelliarmus!" Snape flew backwards into an old bed breaking it.

"Harry do you know what you just did?" Ron asked, "you attack a teacher" Hermione said. I stood my ground trying to keep Hermione back, "tell me about Peter Pettigrew" Harry said. "We went to school with him, we thought he was our friend," Lupin said.

"No Pettigrew is dead, you killed him" Harry said pointing the wand at Sirius. "I thought so too, until you pointed out seeing Pettigrew on the map" "so what, the map was lying then"

"The map never lies" I said after I picked up my wand, and headed over to Harry. "Pettigrew is alive, and he's right there," Sirius said pointing at Ron. "Me?!" Ron asked, "no not you, your rat!"

"Scabbers! He's been in my family for-"
"12 years! Curiously long life for a common garden rat? He's missing a toe isn't he?"
"So what?"

"All they could find of Pettigrew was his finger" Harry said calmly. "The coward cut it off so everyone would think he was dead!" Sirius yelled. "And then he transformed into a rat!" He said looking at the rat in question.

"Show us," Harry said. Sirius took the rat from Ron as Lupin grabbed a wand. They sat the rat on the piano and tried to run away, but couldn't as both older men were casting a spell. He was about to get away but was hit and turned back into a man.

The older two pulled him out and pointed the wands at him. "Remus! Sirius! My old friends!" He tried to run but was stopped and pushed back. That's when he looked at Harry and me. I pushed Harry behind me slightly.

"Look at you too! Harry you look so much like your father, and y/n like your mother! We were all the best of friends!" He said as he was about to touch us.

"How dare you speak to them!" Sirius said. Peter ran away, getting cornered behind the piano by Remus and Sirius. "You sold James and Lily to Voldemort? Didn't you?" Remus asked. "I didn't mean to!" Peter said, "the dark lord, you don't know the weapons he possesses! Sirius what would you have done?"

He asked my dad "I WOULD HAVE DIED! I WOULD HAVE DIED THEN TO BETRAY MY FRIENDS!" He yelled at Peter as he crawled out from under the piano. But before he could get to the doorway, Harry and I got to it. He reached out and grabbed Harry.

"James wouldn't want me killed he would have me spared" Peter said, I pushed him off of Harry as Remus and dad pulled him back pushing him down to the ground. "Harry are you alright?" I asked him.

"-if Voldemort didn't kill you then we would, together!" "NO!" Harry yelled.

Well fine then just ignore me like that.

He slowly went up to them. "Harry, this man-" Remus said being cut off by Harry "I know what he is. But we'll take him to the castle" Harry said Peter tried to get closer to Harry, "get off! I said we could take you to the castle, after that the dementors can have you"

~time skip~

We were all walking back to the outside world. Dad and Harry helping Ron, Remus handling Peter far behind us, and me with Hermione. The five of us exited from a whomping willow tree. Me, Harry, and Hermione tried to help Ron. That was until Hermione spoke up.

"You two go with him, I'll take care of Ron" we nodded and walked up to the man who had on a prison uniform. As we got closer the sound of Ron and Hermione's conversation grew more and more quiet.

"It's beautiful isn't it? I remember the first time I walk through those doors, it will be nice to walk through them again as a free man." Dad said.

"You two were very brave back there, trying to save each other, putting your lives at risk to help your friends." Dad said, then Harry spoke up. "Y/n, I'm sorry that I snapped at you last night. It was stupid of me-"

"To think that I would actually try to kill you, If I really wanted to I could have in your first year" I said, cutting him off.

"What do you mean?" He asked.
"When you, Ron, and Hermione went down to go get that stone or whatever, I was the one that alerted the teachers. You would have been dead then if it wasn't for me. But I told them, and do you know why?" I asked.

"Why?" "Because I would never try to kill you! Idiot." I said, saying the last part under my breath. Dad laughed lightly. "You two act just like how me and James did." We all smiled, until we heard a commotion by the tree.

Remus was bringing out Pettigrew; he was trying to reason with Ron and Hermione, but failed to do so as he was dragged away by Remus.

"I don't know if you knew this but James and Lily made me your God father, Harry" dad said. "I know," he answered. "So I would want you two to be able to have a better home then you already have, but I would understand if you would want to live with your aunts and uncles"

So that's who those people were, alrighty then at least I know the people that I've been living with for most of my life, said they were my parents, made me get into a marriage, and that abused me are at least somewhat related.

"But if you guys ever wanted a different home" "I can live with you guys?" Harry asked. "It would be nice to not sleep in an attic" I said "or under the stairs" Harry said finishing my sentence. We all laughed a bit.

"GUYS!" We heard Hermione yell and we looked back at her. She pointed at the sky, specifically the full moon, Remus started to grow fur, he's a werewolf isn't he, kinda cool. But right now not really needed.

Dad ran up to him to try to get him not to shift. I helped Hermione and Harry with Ron. Remus dropped the wand and Pettigrew picked it up. "Expelliarmus!" Harry said getting the wand out of his hand. He smiled and waved bye before turning into a rat and running away.


A Free Spirit: Weasley Twins x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora