Chapter 32

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Life since that day has been hell. I've been trying to mind my own, however everywhere I turn I see her, in her stupid pink outfit.

Umbridge has been raised to high inquisitor and has gone around the school inspecting everything. It also doesn't help that the minister has given her permission too. And to top it all off, I haven't gotten anything from dad. I've been sending him owls and they will just get sent back opened, or responded back by Tonks or on occasion Remus.

There is a good part to this year though. The twins have had a big break of their joke items and recently an old pub closed down and we’re hoping that by the end of the year, they will have made enough money to buy the place and open their own huge line of joke items.

Angelina and Lee have been forming a great bond. I'm honestly really glad they have found happiness in each other. Lee needed it. I've been getting close with the trio and anyone else who will come within a 5 meter radius of me.

I'm not the brightest when it comes to potions, however I think I have been able to help ease and slightly get rid of the marks that umbridge has been leaving on almost every student.

Left and right Umbridge has been putting up plaques with new rules. I’m currently standing and watching as they put up the newest one, “All Weasley products will be banned immediately”. The twins were glaring at Filch as he put it up. 

“I can't believe she banned them. We weren't even doing anything wrong.” they said. “Yeah, she’s gone off her rail. Come on, we have a free period and I need to go to the library to get some notes down” 

However before we could make our way to the library Colin came running up to us. “Fred! George! Y/n! You have to come see this! It's Umbridge! She’s kickin Trelawney out!”

We all followed Colin only to be met with the whole school watching as Trelawney stood in the middle of the courtyard. Filch was bringing her stuff out and she looked absolutely distorted, slightly stumbling. 

Umbridge walked out, a slight smirk on her face. The sound of her heels clicking on the bricks as she walks. It was the only sound heard as she made her way to Trelawney, stopping in front of her.

“Sixteen, Sixteen years I've taught here. Hogwarts is my home.” Trelawney was crying and so were some students. McGonagall came up from behind us. “You can't do this,” Trelawney cried. “Actually I can.” Umbridge said holding a piece of paper. McGonagall ran out to Trelawney as she cried more. I covered my mouth as tears welled up in my eyes

“Minerva I-”
“It's okay dear.”
“Something you would like to say dear?”
“Oh there are several things I’d like to say”

Suddenly the doors swung open and out walked Dumbledore. He walked up to the three women. “Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybill back inside” McGonagall helped Trelawney back inside as she thanked Dumbledore.

“Dumbledore, may I remind you, that under the terms of educational decree number three as acted by the minister-” Umbridge started only to be interrupted.
“You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster.”
“For now” was all she said.

Dumbledore turned and started walking towards the door he came from. “Don't you all have studying to do!” We all continued on with our day. The twins and I went to the library.

~time skip~

“So what is it?”

I looked up at Fred, “It's a potions list. I'm making something that will hopefully help with the marks of everyone's hand.” I explained. “Where are you going to get half of this stuff?” George asked.

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