Chapter 16

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Me and Harry had the same idea as we both were about to run after Pettigrew, however stopped by Hermione. We returned back and watched as dad tried to help Remus to no avail.

I made sure to shelter the 3 the best I could. We were about to run when Remus threw dad over the edge of the cliff when Hermione spoke up "Wait!" She slowly approached our professor.

"Professor" she said calmly, he looked at her. "Professor Lupin," she said again this time the professor howled at the moon in response, I pulled Hermione back. We all huddled together as the professor got closer.

Snape then came out of the tree, "there you are" he said in a scolding tone before turning around and seeing Remus. He swiped at us making us fall to the ground.

He was about to swipe at Harry and Ron but was stopped when dad jumped on him and the two started to fight. Eventually dad ran off with Remus following behind.

I can't lose him, I just got him back. I can't lose him! I thought to myself as my legs moved on their own to follow them, Harry having the same idea.

We saw that Remus was about to attack dad, without thinking, Harry threw a rock at him. The professor growled and turned his attention to me and Harry. That was until we heard the sound of someone howling.

Catching the teacher's attention he ran off to find the thing that made the sound. We then saw dad limping down the cliff side falling some. We immediately ran to find him.

We ran down to the lake where we found dad, we flipped him over. Only to see a huge gash on his shoulder. That's when the air started to get colder. The water freezing over. Dad gasped as he looked up, followed by Harry and I.


They were circling around us, just like vultures. One of them came down sucking some of the happiness out of dad, Harry stood up, taking out his wand. "Expecto patronum!" He yelled, a bright light came out of his wand.

It acted as a shield when the dementors tried to attack us. Eventually the shield was gone and another dementor snuck up and did the same thing to Harry as he yelled in pain. A third then approached and attacked me.

I felt their coldness, as happy memories flooded to my mind, before I felt them leaving me.

I remembered over the summer with the Weasley's, how big my smile was! How I felt like I was home, just like I felt well at hogwarts. The twins pulling pranks on Percy.


The past couple of years I have been at Hogwarts and all of my classmates and friends. All of the teachers and how many times I smiled and was truly happy.


Before I even found out I was a witch and playing with my 'siblings'. The way that I was treated as an equal, as I belonged in the house.


When I was 5 and It was my first day of school, everyone walking with me. Then splitting off from everyone else and waving goodbye to them.

Then, something that I forgot.

I sat with a young baby, but I was also a child. We sat with a ginger haired woman. The boy looked to be about 1 and I was about 2. Then two men came in one of them being dad.

He smiled and picked me up and I giggled. The other man looked like Harry, 'so these are his parents, then that means the baby is Harry' I thought.

I continued to watch the scene however I couldn't hear what they were saying though they seemed really happy, and me. I was laughing and babbling like the baby I was.

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