Chapter 1

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I was on the train that hadn't left yet but I got on, I was tired to say the least I had been up since 3:45 this morning. My skin is pale as I haven't left the attic all summer.

Cinnamon was snuggled into me. I already changed into my robes. I was just about to fall asleep, when there was a knock at the door.

The door opened and in walked the twins. "Well someone looks tired" they said in unison. "So what if I am" I retorted back. The two sat on either side of me.

"It's alright darling, why don't you take a nap, we'll wake you up when we get to the school" George said. I didn't want to listen to them but I was too tired to complain. I quickly felt myself drift into a slumber.

~George's p.o.v~

Y/n fell asleep on my shoulder, Fred got a little jealous until cinnamon hopped onto his lap. We both held her hands. To be honest we both liked her.

Soon though the bunny came over to my lap. So I slightly rolled my shoulder and y/n fell forward. She picked herself up and Fred pushed her head on to his shoulder, and she fell back asleep.

Soon though she woke up and we left to go change into our robes.

~Your p.o.v~

The boys left and I was looking out the window when a girl came in. "Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost his." "No, sorry"

"It's alright. Is that a rabbit?" "Yeah this is cinnamon!" "Why did you name her that?" "Because she's a bunny, and bunny shortened is bun, and so she's cinnamon bun."

"That's really clever, I have a cat his name is Crookshanks. I'm Hermione Granger by the way." "That's a very unique name for a cat, I like it, I'm y/n y/l/n. It's nice to meet you Hermione!"

She smiled. That's when we heard two coughs, we looked up to see the twins. "Well you were up you didn't see a toad did you?" I asked, they both said no.

"I should probably go" Hermione said as she got up and headed for the door and the boys moved to the side. "Bye y/n" "bye Hermione!" And with that she left.

"Who was that darling?" George asked "Hermione, she's a first year this year" "oh she seems very formal" "a little but, she's nice! She complemented cinnamon!" "Ohh" they both said

~time skip~

We were all sitting in the great hall when the first years came in. Dumbledore said his yearly speech and then they started the sorting ceremony. I was sitting in between the twins when Hermione was the first one to be sorted.

"Gryffindor!" We all clapped. Next was Malfoy the twins told me about his family. "The hat didn't even touch his head and he was already in slytherin" Fred said, me and George snickered. Until Percy told us to be quiet.

More kids were called up and then we heard the name "Ronald Weasley!" "You didn't tell me your younger brother was in this year" I whispered to the twins "you never asked" they replied.

"-I know exactly where to put you, gryffindor!" The next name was called and everyone shut up, even Dumbledore sat up a little bit in his chair. "Harry potter!"

The sorting hat talked for a couple minutes. Until they yelled out, "Gryffindor!!!" We all started cheering.

"Now we have a secure chance at winning our quidditch matches for the next 7 years!" Oliver said "are you serious right now, instead of thinking about quittage, look at it like we just gained the only person who survived an unforgivable curse".

We all looked at Harry as he talked with Ron and Hermione. Soon everyone was called and Dumbledore started the feast.

Everyone was digging in and eating, the first years met all of the ghosts when they came out and scared Ron. The prefixes then gave a tour to the first years. As the rest of us head straight up to the dormitories.

I fell asleep after catching up with the rest of my dorm mates. That night I finally slept peacefully with cinnamon snuggled up to me, not cold on the floor of the attic.

~time skip to the next morning~

My first class was Potion with Snape. He was one of my favorite teachers even though he could be kinda hard on everyone sometimes, but he's a good teacher.

The classes came and went and soon everyone was in the main hall studying. Or talking with friends. I was doing both. I tried to study the new materials but the twins kept talking.

"So y/n you're going to be on the quidditch team this year right?" Fred asked "of course she will just like last year right?" "Obviously, just don't go hiding my broom this time or you'll really be hit upside the head."

Just as I said that mail came. The twins got their stuff and then something strange happened and an owl dropped something off for me. I caught it only to see it was a muggle newspaper. I read the front page.

Local girl goes missing, her parents frantic to find her!

Local girl y/n y/l/n has gone missing. Her parents say over summer break she became very distant with everyone in her family. Investigators believe that y/n ran away from home. She was last seen on Friday, August 30th. In-

I stopped reading when it was ripped out of my hands by Fred. He started to read it. After a couple seconds he stopped and looked at me. "Wow y/n I didn't know you were so mischievous, I guess we're rubbing off on you." "What do you mean Fred?" George asked. He passed the paper to George and after a couple seconds George looked up at me.

"Y/n why did you run away?" "My parents didn't want me coming to hogwarts this year so I left to go without them. They must have found out." "Did you really think that they wouldn't notice you were gone?"
Fred asked, laughing a bit.

"I was locked in a attic for 3 months, I didn't know what to expect, but I figured they would find out after a month or so, not a couple of days"

That's when 3 nosey kids butted in. "Your parents locked you in an attic?" Hermione asked we looked up "Yeah" I replied. "That's bloody terrible!" Ron said. "It wasn't to bad, I suppose"

"But what's gonna happen when you have to go back in the summer?" Harry asked, he seemed interested in my answer. "I don't know yet, I'll have to wait and see." He was a bit saddened at the answer.

I looked at the newspaper, "the question is who sent it?" We all stared at it. Hermione then spoke up "y/n I have a question for you?" "If it's about my family then I don't want to talk about it" She nodded and then left the 2 boys following behind her "they act a lot like us last year" George said. "If the boys act anything like you two I have bets that they will be a troublesome trio." The twins laughed and we went back to work.

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