Chapter 19

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Summer with Hermione was alright. We grew really close, her parents were also really nice, and just like the Weasley's I made some really good memories.

But one of my favorites is when I got a letter from school.


I just woke up, It was a couple of weeks before school started for the new year. I left my room and saw Hermione coming out of her room. We said good morning to each other. Before we headed down stairs.

"Good morning mom, good morning dad!" Hermione said. They smiled at the two of us. "Good morning girls," her dad said. "How'd you two sleep?" Her mom asked. "Alright" we answered.

That when they're was a sound from outside. Hermione and I went to look, only to see an owl with a letter in its beak. We took it and thanked the bird before it flew off.

"Y/n it's for you." Hermione said as she handed the letter to me. I looked at it before opening it and reading it. "What is it?" Hermione's mom asked. "It's a hogwarts letter, it says that I'm a prefect"

"Really!?!" Hermione asked excitedly. "Yeah!" I said smiling. She hugged me with a smile. Her parents smiled at us. "I think this calls for a celebration! Tonight let's all go out for dinner!" Hermione's dad cheered.

We smiled at each other, the scene was beautiful but then another noise was heard. We looked to see an owl that had just flown into the window. We all went to check it out.

The second that we opened the window and took the letter the bird stood back up. We thanked it before it flew off again. "It's from the Weasley's," Hermione said.

She opened the letter and read it. "What is it?" Her dad asked. "It's an invitation for the quittage world." Hermione said, still reading it. "Oh yeah that's right it's this summer!" I said.

"You guys should go!" Hermione mom said. "Really? It would make us leave a couple days earlier than planned?" Hermione asked. "It sounds like it's important, you guys should go!" Her dad said.

"Alright," Hermione said, not entirely convinced. We all sat down and started to have breakfast.

~time skip~

(This is a reverence picture for what's about to happen

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(This is a reverence picture for what's about to happen.)

Hermione, Cinnamon, Crookshanks, and I made it to the burrow. It was the first time Hermione had met Molly. After introducing the two to each other Molly gave us the task of waking the boys. Hermione went to wake Ron and Harry, well I went to wake the twins.

I opened the door to see the twins sleeping in two separate beds with two desks in the middle. There were posters on the wall. I smiled at the two sleeping boys.

I knocked on the door, watching as the two shifted in their sleep before George muttered "go away Ginny". "I leave for one summer, and they mistake me for their sister." I said playfully.

That was all the two needed to open their eyes and sit up to see me. "Y/N!" They shouted as they got up and hugged me. "You two need to get dressed, your mom says that breakfast is ready." I said to the two gingers as they let go of me.

Their hair had grown a lot over the summer. I could imagine running my hand through their locks. I only smiled at the two as I left the room.

~time skip~

Arthur, Ginny, Hermione, Harry, Ron, the twins, and I left the Burrow. That's when Ron spoke up. "Hey dad! Where are we going?!" He yelled. "You'll see!" Arthur yelled back.

That's when another man came into view, "Arthur! It's about time!" He yelled. "Sorry Amos" Arthur said "some of use had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory, everyone he works with me at the ministry." Arthur said, introducing the man.

That's when someone else dropped down. "And you must be Cedric? Am I right?" Arthur asked the boy. Oh yeah, hufflepuffs seeker! "Yes sir" he answered. Hermione looked at me and Ginny. We only rolled our eyes. As we all followed him.

~time skip~

We all crowded around a boot. We all touched it as Amos counted down. Next thing we knew we were all spinning around and Arthur was telling us to let go. So we did just that.

We landed on the ground with an oof. We got up and headed to where the music was coming from. "Well kids welcome to the quidditch world cup!" Arthur said.

We were trying to make our way through the chaos of the crowd. We then split up with the Diggory's and headed off to our own tent. "Ah home sweet home!" Arthur said as he went into the tent.

We soon followed the twins and ran towards the table, well Ron went towards the kitchen. While Ginny, Hermione and I ran to the bunks.

"Ron get out of the kitchen, we're all hungry!"
"Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron!"
"Feet off the table!"
"Feet off the table!"

The twin would repeat whatever their dad would say. Even yelling at each other, before putting their feet back on the table.

~time skip~

The night was going great, except for the run in with Draco and his Father. But other than that the match was just starting. The Irish V.S. the Bulgarians.

"Who's that?" Ginny asked pointing at the Bulgarian seeker "that sis, is the best seeker in the world!" Fred yelled. "VICTOR KRUM!" the crowd yelled.

Then the minister came on to the mic, which was really just his wand, and he allowed the match to begin.

~time skip~

The match was over, with the Irish winning. Now we were all back in the tent. Fred and George were dancing to the music. That was played in the tent. We heard a couple of fireworks go off.

"There's no one like Krum!" Ron said. "Krum, Krum, Krum, Krum!" The twins yelled. "He's like a bird the way he rides the wind!" Ron yelled again.

The twins continued to yell "Krum'' throwing their arms around. "He's more than an athlete!" Ron started, stopping to get the flag that Fred threw on him "he's an artist!" "Think you're in love Ron?" Ginny asked.

"Victor I love you"
"Victor I dooooo"
"When we're apart my heart beats only for youuu!"

That's when we heard more fireworks. "Sounds like the Irish got their pride on, ay Y/n?" George asked. I smiled and nodded at him.

"Stop, stop it." Arthur said, braking up Ron and Fred who were fighting. "That isn't the Irish, we need to get out of here now." He said, we all left the tent, only to be met with a different type of chaos. "Get back to the Portkey, and stick together!" Arthur yelled. "Fred, George Ginny is your responsibility!"

Next thing I know we're running away from everything. We were separated from Harry too. There was fire everywhere. And these people in masks and pointed hats.

We were trying to make our way through the chaos of the crowd. People pushing and shoving, people screaming and falling down.

~time skip~

It was later we had all managed to get to the Portkey, however we lost Harry. Ron and Hermione went to go look for him, with Arthur and Amos. And as for us? The twins, Ginny, and I along with Cedric left to go back to the burrow.

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