Chapter 11

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My first class today was Hagrid's class. As we walked down there I was recalling the other night, what did they mean 'we already knew' is it that obvious my crush on the twins.

Oh my, what if the twins know. Yet they're so nice to me, does that mean that maybe just maybe they like me? NO! That can't be! It would be nice if they did though. Imagine a future with my boys, kisses, cuddling, starting a life together. A family, kids, little us running around.

The thought of Fred and George playing with our kids. A small smile graced my face, but slowly disappeared when I heard Hagrid's voice. "Thank you y/n for volunteering!" I looked around to see all of my classmates had stepped back.

I slowly walked towards the animal. "Now you have to be very careful around a hippogriff if they don't like you then they aren't afraid to show it" Hagrid said as I stepped forward. "Now y/n I want you to take a bow and wait until he bows back!"

I bent over and bowed to him, to which he bowed back. "Well done you two! Now y/n you can go pet him!" I slowly walked towards the animal with my hand out it slowly walked towards me as well. I soon felt the head of the animal touch the palm of my hand. I brought the other hand up to pet him and the creature remained calm.

The class clapped for me. "Now, let him give you a little ride." "What?" Hagrid then picked me up and set me on top of the buckbeak. "Hold on tight" he then slapped the back side of the buckbeak and he took off.

I held on as we flew through the sky. We flew past where DADA class was taking place. I looked to see everyone staring at me.

I smiled as we flew off towards the lake. Both of my hands were not touching anything as we got closer to the water. My braided hair coming undone because of the wind.

We got so close to the water that I could touch it. It was cold, I smiled as we flew back up. Heading over to where the rest of class was. Slowly getting closer to the ground before we got down there, and I got off.

I smiled as I pet buckbeak, "so y/n am I doing good" "brilliant!" Hagrid smiled at my answer before I headed back to where the rest of class was.

The class went by fast and soon enough we were all packing up and heading to DADA. I just happened to pass by the trio, "what are you all smiling about?" Ron asked. "Didn't you braid your hair this morning?" Hermione asked. "You'll see, and yes I did" I answered before leaving.

~Lupin's p.o.v~

My class was distracted by the girl that just flew by outside on a hippogriff. "Who is that?" I asked already. "That's y/n y/l/n" the Weasley's said. "Is she in her 4th year?" the two nodded "I believe I have her next period"

We all looked over at her as she touched the water of the lake. They're so similar it's hilarious. Of course she looks more like her mother.

~time skip your p.o.v ~

I walked into DADA class surrounded by literally everyone, however leaving the many conversations to go say hi to the ginger boys. "Hello darling, did you enjoy yourself?" I heard George's voice. I smiled at them "it was something to remember"

They smiled before leaving and I headed into class with professor Lupin. We stood in front of the closet that shook every once in a while. "In there is what we call a boggart. Does anyone know what a boggart is?" "No one knows, it takes the face of whatever the person fears the most" Willow said.

"Correct, and there is a very simple spell to get rid of a boggart, now everyone practices with me without wands. Riddikulus" The class repeated him "very well. Now say it very clearly 'Riddikulus' now you try" again we said it.

"Now the spell alone is not enough to get rid of a boggart, what will really finish one of is laughter! I want you to picture something that brings you joy! Ms. Y/l/n, I saw that this morning you rode a hippogriff, would you be willing to go first?" I slowly nodded.

I stepped forward, "now y/n, what scares you the most?" "Probably snakes." "A completely normal fear. And your friends with the Weasley twins, correct?" "Yes" "from what I know they are quite pranksters." I nodded.

"I want you to think of some of their pranks on the snake, alright?" I nodded. He unlocked the door and stepped aside. However instead of a snake slithering out, my mother stepped out and walked towards me. I held out my wand and said the spell.

"Riddikulus" the woman was then slipping on a bunch of marbles. The class then started to laugh as they all took turns. As I stood in the back of class, watching everyone, professor Lupin came up to me. "Y/n, are you alright?" "Oh, I'm fine professor" I said with a smile, "if you don't mind me asking, who was she?"

"That was my mother, I haven't seen her in a little over a year, and when I left, we weren't on the best terms." He nodded and patted me on the back.

~time skip~

The day was over and yet the memory of DADA was still on my mind. I was in the great hall with the twins we were studying, however I kept having this feeling that someone was glaring at me.

Sure enough I looked up to meet eyes with Angelina. We had a small stare down and then the boys caught on. "How long have you two been staring?" Fred asked Angelina rolled her eyes and got back to work.

"He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Seamus yelled as he ran into the great hall. "Who?" Ron asked. "Sirius Black!" Everyone crowded around the paper "duff town! That's not far from here!" Hermione said. "You don't think he'll come to hogwarts do you?" Neville asked. "There's dementors at every entrance!" Dean said "he can slip by them, he did it once what's to say he can't do it again!" Seamus said.

"Black could be anywhere, it's like trying to catch smoke, catch smoke with your bare hands" I said and everyone shut up.

~time skip~

Going to hogsmeade was always interesting. We stood at the fence that separated us and the field to the shrieking shack. We jumped the fence and warmed up. "I'm gonna win this time," Fred said proudly. "Oh is that so? Well I'm gonna bet that I will win" George said. "Alright how about we all bet in 2 Galleons ($13 or £9.35), winner takes all."

We all nodded and got ready. "On your mark" we got ready, "get set", I focused all of my strengths to my legs. "Go!" We all took off. I let my legs carry me, not using all of my to the shack. I ran faster as I saw the twins in my peripheral vision. Soon though I made it to the shack first. Meaning I won the money.

"You always win," Fred said. "Well maybe you should stop losing" I shoot back, George was laughing, "it wasn't that funny George" Fred said. "No no, it was, it really was." "Anyway you two have to pay up!" They sighed and paid up. We went to the Three broomsticks, where I spent my winnings on three butterbeers. Before going back to school.

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