Chapter 4

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The winter passed, Harry had been off the past couple of days. The new year came and we were studying for the end of school exams. The twins had just used another one of the cards I got them for Christmas to pull a prank on some slytherins.

They were mimicking the faces of the slytherins when the great hall doors opened. Neville came hoping in, kids were laughing. He went up to the trio, they weren't paying attention to him before getting up to leave.

Neville fell, I went over to him and did the counter curse, I helped the boy up and he thanked me before leaving.

~Time skip~

It was the middle of the night everyone was asleep, cinnamon was snuggled up to me and was fast asleep. I awoke to the dorm room door shutting. I sat up, the 2 older girls were asleep, I looked over at Hermione's bed.

It was empty. I quickly got out of bed and the room. I went to the common room to see the trio surrounding something.

"What are you 3 doing up?" I asked. They turned and faced me they had something behind them. "If you're sneaking out, I don't really care, unless you get caught"

They let out a sigh of relief, before showing me an invisibility cloth that had a rip in it. "It was an accident," Ron said. I laughed a little before turning away to the couch. I got down on the ground and pulled a box out and opened it.

The 3 looked confused, I pulled out some thread and a needle before reaching out for the cloth, Harry handed it to me. Hermione and Ron tried to look in the box.

"Be careful it bites" I said as Ron pulled his finger back before the box closed. "Where'd you get it?" Hermione asked, "I don't know, it was here when I came back from break last year, it was on my bed."

"There was a notebook, so naturally I read it. I'm pretty sure that it was a hogwarts couple that started dating in their 5th year, about 19 years ago. For some reason though, the box only opens to me and doesn't like anyone else"

I finished mending the cloth and handed it back to them. I opened the chest again and put everything back. I looked at the trio, "I have a few rules before you go. Number 1, don't get caught. Number 2, if you do get caught I was never a part of this. Number 3, make it back before morning. And last but not least don't get hurt, or do anything stupid."

They nodded and quickly left the dormitory. I picked my box up and slid it under my bed, and I quickly fell asleep.

~another time skip~

It was the next morning I was sitting with the twins in the great hall. "Did you hear?" Fred asked "hear what?" I asked, "the trio snuck out last night and got caught" George finished.

"Oh," I said, recalling last night. "They didn't rat you out" the twins said, "how do you know that? How did you know I helped them?" I asked "We have eyes and ears everywhere" they said. "Creepy" I mumbled under my breath.

~lol another time skip~

Me and the twins were in the common room and we were playing blackjack. We were waiting for the trio to come back from detention with Hagrid.

I wasn't really paying attention, my mind on other things, finals and what the three have been doing. But most importantly the journal from last night.

It's true I read it, I looked at everything in the box but here's the thing at the end of the journal it said something.

If you're reading this, that means it's your first year at hogwarts! Now this box only opens to our children. You could be the only or first one to read this, maybe not even the first maybe you're older siblings showed you. However you can't tell us.

We love you (or you guys) with all of your hearts. Hogwarts is the time for you to find yourself, to make lifelong friends. Maybe even find some (but expect us to not want to let you go)

Love, mom and dad!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened to show the trio. "How was detention?" The boys asked, laughing a bit. Hermione rolled her eyes before going to her room, Harry then left for his room, Ron stayed to talk with his brothers though.

"I'm gonna turn in for the night". I said as I got up heading to my room Hermione was the only one in there, she was brushing her hair.

I went to the bathroom and changed into my pajamas. Before heading to my bed. "Good night y/n" I heard Hermione say, "good night Mione" calling her the nickname I gave her.

~Ron's p.o.v~

I turned to my brother's after y/n was out of sight. "So have either of you two asked her out yet?" "No, we don't wanna ruin our friendship with her by making her uncomfortable. So we'll wait until she chooses to ask one of us out."

I rolled my eyes, me and Percy were the only ones that knew about the twins crush on their best friend.

~time skip, your p.o.v~

We had just finished up the end of year exams. Me and the twins, "so we got an 85 or lower on are potion final" they said. "Why what did you two do to Snape?" I asked, knowing it was something big if he would knock 15 points of their finals

"we were copying off of some ravenclaw kids, and got caught" George said "and if that wasn't enough he announced it to the whole class before making us move up front right next to him". Fred finished.

I laughed "you guys deserved that, you cheat off the hufflepuffs and maybe some other Gryffindors. Ravenclaws and Slytherins will always turn you in."

They sighed and we walked back to the dormitory, we were laughing and joking. I loved hanging out with them. They were the best, then again I also found myself thinking about them in class, or when I'm trying to sleep.

I can't be in love with them? At least not both of them? Can I?

~last time skip for the chapter I promise~

I was woken up to cinnamon. She was hyper and hoping everywhere on my bed. Thank Merlin she didn't wake anyone up. Maybe she's hungry?

I thought as I picked her up she calmed down when I picked her up. Spoiled brat. I laughed a little. Just as I was about to open the door there was a thump in the common room.

Maybe someone's up? Glad to see I'm not the only one up.

As me and cinnamon went downstairs. She started to get more hyper. She then jumped out of my arms "cinnamon no!" I whispered shouted.

I went down the stairs faster trying not to trip and fall. I saw her and she saw me and we made eye contact. "Come here now!" I said. She thumped, I rolled my eyes, and quickly went to get her.

As I picked her up I realized that Neville was on the ground. "Oh my hang on I'll get you out Neville." I quickly went back to my room. Putting cinnamon in her cage, "sorry cinna" I quickly grabbed my wand and went back downstairs.

I did the counter curse, and Neville spoke up. "It's Harry, Ron, And Hermione! They snuck out there going to get themselves hurt! We have to tell someone!" He said really fast.

I nodded and I grabbed his hand and we went and left the dormitory to go find someone, anyone, we needed help, they needed help.

I knew something was up with those three. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a familiar monotone voice. "What do you two think you're doing up and out of bed."

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