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Tom said "so you aren't playing with me are you?" He smiled. Sydney said "what?" He said "about agreeing to be my date, you aren't just teasing me, and you already got a date?" Sydney said "um no I will go to the prom with you."  Tom said "yes"  He did the yes sign and screamed Yes.  Sydney laughed Tom said "just so you know Officer Kramer, I wasn't playing with you earlier." Sydney said "what?" Tom said "um when I first got on my knees and you were like freaking out and saying um Tom what in the hell are you doing?"  Sydney laughed. Sydney said "ok Hanson, I didn't freak out and I didn't say that, I said Tom what are you doing."  Tom said "um you were freaking out, I saw the look on your face."  They laughed.  Sydney said "ok so you weren't playing what does that mean?" He said "I told you I wasn't proposing yet, but I am going to propose to you one day. You can count on it."  Sydney stared at him.  He said "Syd I ain't joking. I will. I'm just letting you know. I mean I won't do it until I think you are ready but I am going to propose to you, and you can say no, but just know I will keep proposing until you say yes."  Sydney said "you're joking right."  She laughed.  Tom said "no dead serious."  Sydney looked at him.

Judy and the girls and Harry came up. Patty said "so where do you go to school at Tom?" Sydney got up, she said "back off bitch, I don't care about your pretty face, I will put you into that wall, any of you that try and talk to Tommy. I don't take kindly to sluts trying to steal my man."  I pushed her and kept walking and backed her up against the trash can.  She said "sorry geez I didn't know you guys were that serious. No one here will try and talk to your man ok. Let's go girls."  They left.  Judy was laughing.  She said "way to go girl."  She high fived  her  Harry said "so I'm sure Hanson beat me to it, but if you don't have a date to the prom, I'd love to take you Syd."  Tom said "sorry she is going with me."  Harry laughed.  He said "I  figured I mean you drove us crazy practicing."  Sydney said "what." Tom said "nothing. let's go eat ladies I'm hungry."  Judy said "no we want to hear, what practicing meant."  Tom said "nothing ok." Harry said "oh no Doug, Jenko, and I had to hear like Tom practice on what to say to ask Sydney to the prom."  Harry, Sydney, and Judy laughed.  Tom turned red.  Judy said "aw he's blushing Sydney, we must be embarrassing Tommy."  Sydney laughed.  They went to eat at Mi Cocina, and Harry asked about the guy on their case. Sydney and Judy told them what they knew. Judy said "let's go to the movies guys."  They said ok.  Judy said "I wonder if we should call Doug see if he wants to go."  Tom said "you can but I think he is busy, he was going over to look at mug shots of all the suspects for the last year."  Sydney said "poor Doug, I feel so bad for him. I know he is humiliated by it."  Tom said "yeah I mean any man would be, but really it happens a lot,"  Tom ran his hand thru his hair, and scratched back of his head.  He said "they told Doug that they have calls at least couple times a week in that area of guys getting jumped."  They went to the movies. Then Judy took Sydney home.

Sydney said "Judy I still don't know if this is a good idea. I mean I really can't handle it if Tom ditches me or can't make the prom. It's better for me to just go alone, rather"  She said "Sydney the dude practiced on how to ask you, ok, he won't ditch you. The way he looks at you girl, especially when you aren't looking."  Sydney said "for real." Judy said "yeah I mean he is falling so hard, and he like stares at you, when you aren't looking at him, and he gets this smile on his face. You have nothing to worry about"  Sydney said "ok, but oh my God. I don't have anything to wear."  Judy said "girl that is why we are going back to the mall tomorrow, plus hit Highland Park Mall and Grapevine, just to find the perfect dresses.  I mean I am going to my first prom, so I want to look good, even if it's just Harry who is my date."  Sydney said "you and Harry look like the perfect couple, poor Dougie tho."  Judy said "hey I know we can set him up with Margie."  Sydney said "perfect I mean she is so sweet and she doesn't have a date."  Judy said "I'll ask Doug tomorrow, and then we can ask Margie."  Sydney said "ok cool."