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Sydney ran after Tom. She said "Hanson wait up."  Tom stopped, but he didn't turn around.  He was fighting tears back. Sydney said "Hanson."  Tom said "what."  Sydney said "Tom are you gonna make me talk to your back?" Tom turned around. She noticed his eyes were red.  She said "Tom I'm sorry. Look coming here I was not trying to hurt you ok. I know you didn't want me to come, but Tommy please Judy and I are big fans of Johnny's."  He said "yeah I can see how big."  He turned back around and started walking.  Sydney said "Tommy wait."  He turned around.  She said "Tommy I'm sorry I am not trying to hurt you. I don't see why you are getting so upset. I'm sorry. I have been a big fan of his since I was a kid. He played a young cop, in this tv show."  Tommy said "yeah I know you love him, he's this big movie star,  I just, I know you're not mine yet, but I love you. I don't want him to steal you away from me. Syd I'm sorry, but I really won't be able to handle it, I mean I'll have to quit, move, if you and Johnny get together. I just can't sit back and watch it."  Sydney laughed.  Tom turned around to walk away, cause she was laughing. Sydney said "Hanson, please don't go."  She touched his shoulder.  He turned to face her.

She said "Hanson I'm not laughing at you ok, I just what you said is really sweet, but hilarious.  I mean seriously it is insane to think Johnny would ever want a girl like me. That is crazy"  Tom said "no it's not.  You're beautiful."  Sydney said "Thanks you're sweet."  She kissed his cheek.  She said "Tom you have nothing to worry about ok. Look there is no way Johnny and I.  I'm a big fan that is it ok. Yes I love him, I love his acting, I love how sweet he is to his young fans, to kids that are dying or sick with cancer, how he goes to visit them in the hospitals."  Tom said "I didn't know he did that."  Sydney said "yes he does, he spends his own time, and goes out of his way to try and make the kids feel good, and laugh. He really is a sweet man."  Tom said "and you want to be with him. So I'm losing my chance with you, before I even got it."  Sydney said "Tom no you're not. I'm a big fan. That's it.  Look don't worry about it.  You have nothing to worry about ok. You're pretty hot you know."  Tom smiled.  Sydney kissed his cheek.  She said "Tommy really you have nothing to worry about ok" Tom said "So I am sure if you were interested I mean Syd he would have to be, you are the sweetest, most beautiful, smoking hot gorgeous angel, who is also beautiful on the inside."   Sydney laughed.  She said "Tom I'm not interested ok, I wouldn't do that to you. I mean I know I'm not ready to be with you, but you're the only guy I would consider dating."  Tom said "really for real."  Sydney said "yes. So look Hanson, Johnny will never be my man ok, no other guy will. I'm saving that for you. So please don't lose your temper, and attack Johnny, and get yourself fired then arrested, and sued ok."  Tom said "ok I'll try, but if he kisses you the deal is off."

Tom said "I'm sorry Sydney, for being all jealous, and refusing to let you meet Johnny."  Sydney said "it's ok. But hey Hanson can you do me a favor?"  Tom said "what?"  Sydney said "don't kill Harry ok,"  She laughed.  Tom smiled.  Sydney said "He was really worried about making you mad, but he really didn't have a choice."  Tom said "did you two ladies really threaten Harry in that part of his body."  Sydney laughed and "said yep"  Tom laughed. Sydney said "So Hanson."  She smiled at him, and kissed his cheek, then his jaw.  He said "damn you want to be in that movie don't you?"  Sydney laughed.  She said "please Tommy."  He said "ok I'm willing to be persuaded."  He took her hand, and they went back to the trailer.

Johnny came out.  He said "Judy are you ready sweetheart?"  She said "yes Johnny."  Johnny said "so Sydney did you talk your man into it?" Sydney said "I'm working on it."  Tom said "I'm willing to negotiate."  Sydney said "ok."  Tom said "With Johnny."  Johnny said "ok what."  Tom said "ok Sydney can be in your movie, but I want it clear that there will be no flirting, no kissing, no hand holding,, absolutely no love scenes."  Johnny said "now Hanson, that is just no fun man."  Tom looked at him.  Johnny laughed.  He said "I'm messing with you ok.  Deal."  Johnny offered his hand out for Tom to shake.  Tom shook it. Sydney said "does this mean yes Hanson, I can be in the movie with Judy."  Tom nodded.  Sydney said "Thank you baby,"  Sydney hugged him and kissed him.  Doug and Harry laughed.  Johnny said "damn Hanson you're a lucky man." Tom said "I know it."  Johnny said let's go.  They got to be in the scene and watch Johnny act. Tom was watching Sydney.  After filming was done for that scene, Sydney and Judy went over to the guys. To watch the rest of the day's filming.  Sydney said "Hanson thank you."  He said "you were awesome."  She laughed.  He hugged her.