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Doorbell rang again. Tom went to the door. It was Judy and Harry and Doug. Judy said "hey guys." Sydney said "I'm so happy to see you, let's go upstairs I'll show you around." She took Judy's hand. Tom said "baby I'm going to take Harry and Doug  downstairs." Judy said "wow this place, pictures don't do it justice." Sydney said "I know."  Harry said "how's married life Hanson?"  Tom said "um tough."  Harry laughed.  Tom said "it's awesome, but man I keep making her cry, I mean it's her time of the month, and I got a lot to learn."  Harry and Doug laughed.  Doug  said "so she moody."  Tom said "yeah really moody. I mean one minute she is fine, and I say something and she runs off crying."  They laughed.  Tom said "guys come on I need some help here. I never had a relationship a real one, I mean like this."  Doug said "ok so what did you say something about her cooking, her outfit?"  Harry said "her body?"  Tom said "no I asked her if she wanted me to make her grilled cheese sandwich for lunch and she said that sounded perfect. So she went to the couch, I went to the kitchen. I come out and say hey you want tots or chips, and she burst out into tears, and ran upstairs."  They laughed.

Tom said "it's not funny. I went up and said if you don't want the sandwich I can get you something else. Then she ran in the bathroom. She finally told me it was her time of the month, and she was cramping bad."  Doug said "poor Hanson he for real is in a marriage."  Harry laughed. Tom said "guys come on she is really struggling. I mean I knew she had bad dreams, she has mentioned it, but they are like full blown nightmares, night terrors. She is scaring me. I mean it's like I'm afraid she's going to have a heart attack, she gets drenched in sweat, she shakes from head to toe, her heart races."  Doug said "I knew she had bad dreams, I didn't realize how bad. I'm sorry."  Harry said "will she talk about them?"  Tom said "no but it has something to do with me, she always is saying Tommy please don't do that to me."  

Judy said "how are you? I know things with Hanson got intense."  Sydney said "I am slowly losing it. I mean crying all the time, and Tommy is being so sweet I feel so bad. It just hurts I mean my whole life my dream was to be with Tommy, to have a normal life, a house, kids, car. dogs, cats, be in love, and it's like I have my beautiful rings, my wedding pictures, and it is all a lie"  She filled her in on everything.  Judy said "hang in there, you do know that I think Tommy loves you no matter if you are Michelle,"  Sydney said "so how did the party go after we left."  Judy said "they are sick and disgusting.  But Harry and I may have a lead"  Sydney said "really."  She said "yeah you see that Dori girl, she was with her boyfriend, but she looked uneasy, she didn't want to join in and Harry said leave her alone, so she hung out with us the rest of the time. She told me that she hated the club, but her boyfriend really wanted to get in with the group, so she had no choice. I told her it was scary, and she said yeah but it was scarier a couple weeks ago, she said a girl she knew died" Sydney said "she knew her maybe she knows what happened."  Judy said "I am having lunch with her tomorrow, if you guys want to join us."  Sydney said "yes. sooner we get this case over the better, though I will be sad to leave this house."  

Tom said "you guys get anything."  Doug said "I may have something. You notice that nerd with the glasses Mario."  Tom said "no I was too busy trying to keep from killing all the guys looking at Sydney." Doug said "well Mario seems to be the smartest one of the group, nerdy, glasses, crazy outfit, he was alone the whole night, well I found out that he is actually really smart and good with electronics, my guess is they keep him around and he is the one that uploads the videos and flash drives, I mean you notice that we couldn't see any cameras, spot any of them, they have to be so small almost invisible"  Tom said "good going, I guess try and get in with him, maybe get him to turn on them."  Doug said "yeah I'm thinking of trying to just let him know if they go down, they will blame it all on him."  Judy and Sydney came down.  She said "I love this house, now Hanson you know you are going to have to work hard to take care of my sister here."  He said "oh I know, she is going to need a  nice house."  They laughed.  They all left.