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Sydney was sick to her stomach.  She and Abby went downstairs.  Judy said "Sydney you want to try eating some crackers you need to try and eat and drink."  Sydney said "ok thanks."  Judy said "Sydney I know you're hurt and angry at Tommy, but you don't want to throw it all away over this do you Ok I know you don't want to talk about Tommy."  Sydney said "no not right now."  Judy said "honey you've won. You survived your mom, your bullies, your dad abandoning you.  You are so strong, you are a kick ass police woman, with great friends, and one incredible kick ass best friend."  Sydney and Judy laughed.  Judy said "and you have Abby, and you have a man who adores you, and loves you."  Sydney said "how can he love me. After what I did. Judy you didn't see how horrible I was to him.  I was so mean and cruel."  Judy said "Sydney you snapped ok. It was all too much for you facing everyone. But Tommy loves you. You heard him say it.  Ok I won't bring up Tommy right now. I just want you to realize that you don't want to throw him and your marriage away over this. I know you're hurt.  You have every right to be hurt, be mad, be angry at him. For what he did in the past, and what he did at the reunion. So I'd advise you to just take time, I'll keep Tommy away from you if that's what you want,  but when you're ready you need to talk to him, and then try and put the pieces back together with Tommy. Take things slow, don't jump right back in to your relationship, just don't give up on your love.  Your love is so special Sydney. I know you can't see it right now, but it is. Ok I will stop and give you some peace."   She hugged her.

Booker called Harry.  Harry finally answered. Harry said "Dennis this better be good you do realize what time it is."  Booker said "yeah I know and I'm sorry. But I'm going to need your help.  Can you meet me at Tom and Sydney's. We have an emergency."  Harry said "oh no what is it Abby?"  Booker said "no Sydney it didn't go well. She came home, she's with Judy. Tom's on the way home.  She walked out on him, wouldn't let him explain."  Harry said "Explain what."  Booker said "I'll fill you in. Tom's devastated, Sydney's devastated.  Somehow we need to get Sydney to talk to Tom, let him explain.  I need get a hold of Doug, he's not answering."  Harry said "you'll probably have to go over wake him up he was having a party tonight."   Booker said "I'll give Doug the key, if you can meet him there in a few." 

Booker knocked on Doug's door, kept banging on it, cause he wasn't answering.  He kept on.  Doug came to the door.  he said "Booker what in the hell is your problem. You do realize what time it is. I just got to sleep man, and my head is killing me."  Booker said "yeah from the looks of this place it looks like you had  quite a  wild party man."  Doug said "I did, and I'm not alone."  Booker said "Sorry but I need you to get dressed, and meet Harry over at Tom and Syd's. It didn't go well."  Doug said "oh no."   Booker said "Sydney flew home she's at Judy's.  She's too hurt to let Tom explain.  Tom's devastated and on his way home.  We have got to help them get back together."  Doug said "yeah Ill do whatever."  Booker said "I figure right now with Judy talking to Sydney, Tom shouldn't be alone, plus I feel like he's going to need some witnesses with Sydney. To make sure she knows he is home and not out drinking and drowning in booze."  Doug said "good idea."  Booker said "hey I think if you want to bring the booze, Tom probably would do him good to just sit and drink but at home.  He needs to take the edge off somehow.  I need you to give me a ride to the airport.  I'm going to drive Tom's car home. I don't think he's in any condition to drive.  I've talked to him on the phone, he's not doing good."  Doug said "poor Tom, but poor Sydney."

Doug and Harry both called Judy's to ask about Sydney and they both wanted to talk to her.  Doug said "hey Syd I just wanted you to know I'm here for you."  She cried.  Sydney said "Doug thank you. But you have no idea what I did, how horrible I was to Tom, I was such a bitch, so mean, and hateful,"  Doug said "honey it's going to be ok.  Tommy loves you. Don't worry about anything. Just know that I love you and no matter what I have your back always."  She said "Thank you."  Harry said the same thing to her.  She said "But Harry you and Doug don't understand who I am, you don't know me, who I am."  Harry said "sweetheart, we do know you. You're one of my best friends. Nothing in your past could ever change that or change how much we care about you. We are always going to be here for you."  Sydney said "I never wanted you to know. I should have told Tommy from the start, but I didn't want you and Doug to know, cause I was ashamed."