Letting Life Unfold

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We get paged to O.R 2. As we walk out of the on call room doctor grey starts to put her hair up. We get to elevator and both get on at the same time because we were in a hurry. "Shit I need to put my hair in a bun." Doctor grey says she normally has her hair in braids but she took them out because they were giving her a headache. She pulls her hair tie out and her hair falls perfectly on her shoulders. I watch her put her hair in a messy bun and then the doors open back up. We run out of them "get out of my way." Grey yells at some interns, they immediately move. Damn she's hot. We get to the scrub room and she immediately starts scrubbing I walk up behind her to tie her scrub cap. "Thank you Doctor Hayes." Doctor Grey says as I walk next to her to scrub in.
"Grey, Hayes, it's the four year old from earlier. He has free fluid in the abdomen." Bailey says as we walk in with out hands in the air to make sure we stay sterile. "Okay." We say at the same time. "Suction" Doctor Grey says as she tries to find where he's bleeding from. "I got! Clamp" I say. "It's the liver." I say looking at Doctor grey.

Doctor Hayes found the source of the bleeding. "3.0 prolene." He says as my hand accidentally brushes up against his. We lock eyes for a moment again. "He's coding." I say "clamp! Push one epi." Doctor Hayes yells. His heart rate steadies. "Doctor Hayes you're being paged." Doctor Bailey says. Hayes looks at me. "Go I got this." I say. He nods and leaves. I finish fixing the liver and then ask Bailey to close. She agrees and then I walk back into the scrub room. I couldn't stop thinking about how my hand brushed up against Doctor Hayes' The second my hand touched his I felt a shiver down my spine. I left the scrub room and went back to an on call room to do some charts. After about twenty minutes of doing charts I decided to go check on our patient. I walk into his room. "Hello I'm doctor grey you can call me Meredith. I was one of the doctors working on Tommy today." I say to Tommy's mom while holding my hand out for her to shake. She shakes my hand "hi Meredith thank you so much. You can call me Quinn" She says I smile. "Of course both surgeries went very well. Tommy should be back to normal soon, I believe Doctor Hayes will want him to spend the night." I reply. Tommy looks at me. "Where's Doctor Hayes?" He asks I smile and walk over to the side of his hospital bed. I sit down in a spinny chair. "Hello Tommy. Doctor Hayes had to go help another little girl but will be right here." I say. "You did a really good job and your belly is all better now. I brought you something." I continue Tommy moves so he can see me better. I hold up a stuffed animal and a cup of jello. "I brought you this big lion because you're so brave and some jello incase you want to eat something." I state putting the lion by Tommy's arm and the jello on the hospital table. "Doctor Hayes!" Tommy says I smile and look behind me.

Doctor grey was sitting by Tommy's bed when I came to check on him. She was so good with kids. She was making him laugh which I found to be very impressive because he was in a lot of pain. "Hey Tommy." I say smiling and walking in "hello Quinn." I follow. I walk over and stand right behind Doctor grey. "I see you meet my friend, Tommy. What do you think of her?" I ask. Grey looks up at me and smiles then looks back at Tommy "Doctor grey? She brought me a lion and jello!" Tommy says I smile more. "I see, what's the lions name?" I question "hmmm..." Tommy starts. "What about... Johny?" Doctor Grey suggests Tommy's face lights up "yeah! Johny." He says hugging the lion. I place my hand on Doctor greys left shoulder, she places her right hand on top of mine. "Okay Tommy, I want you to get some rest. I need to go home to help my boys but I will back in the morning." I say. "Will Doctor Grey be here?" Tommy asks. I shake my head "no, Tommy I have a little girl at home who is just like you that I have to go make dinner for. But tell you what, I will be here tomorrow before Doctor Hayes!" She answers as she places her hand on Tommy's head. "Okay." He says excited. I smile. "Quinn I'm sure Doctor Grey got you caught up but I just wanted to let you know everything went perfect. I'm keeping Tommy here for observation. Doctor Grey and I do have to go home but if you need anything have the nurses page us." I say. "Okay thank you both." Quinn says as Grey and I walk out.
"Thank you Doctor Grey." I say as I walk with her to the nurses station handing one of the nurses Tommy's chart. "You don't have to thank me for doing my job Doctor Hayes." She replies. I chuckle "I know but you didn't have to check on him, or be that kind." I say. Doctor Grey smiles. "Well you're welcome." Doctor Grey responds. I smile and start to walk away. She follows me. "Doctor Hayes are you going home?" She asks. "No I was going to go get some rest before I went home." I say as I walk towards the on call rooms "hmm" Grey says. I turn and look at her narrowing my eyebrows. She was standing to my right and I lightly bump into her. "What's that mean?" I question. She smiles "what ever you want it to mean Doctor Hayes." She responds as her hand brushes up against mine. I want to hold her hand. Her pinky interlocking with mine a little she looks me in the eye still walking. I pull my hand away because we were in the hallway and if we were going to do this we needed to talk. She clears her throat. "I'm tired." She says. "Me too." I reply. She looks at me. I grin "cuddles?" I suggest. "Five minutes that's it I need to get home." She agrees.

I walk into the on call room with Doctor Hayes. He locks the door and lays in bed. I walk over and lay with him placing my head on his chest again. He's laying on his back and I'm on my side. "Five minutes." I remind him. "Mhm" he hums. I push his arm playfully "I'm serious." I say. He chuckles, "Mhm and I'm a neurosurgeon." He says. He wasn't a neurosurgeon which was his point. He was saying that I'd stay longer. "Doctor Hayes, I'm serious now it's four minutes." I reply. "Four minutes ten times." He says, I chuckle "Mhm" I hum. "You can call me Cormac Doctor Grey. By all means call me hayes but I'm okay with you calling me Cormac." He says. I smile but he can't see. He's playing with my hair twisting a piece around his finger. "Okay, you can call me Meredith." I reply. "Thanks for laying with me." He says. "Thank you for letting me." I reply. "I thought you were tired?" I say yawning at the end. "Mm I am." He answers. "So sleep." I reply. "And miss out in our conversations? No way." He says as I place my hand on his chest. "People are going to think we are a couple." I say changing the subject. "So?"

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