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       ⚠️If you forgot what happened                            reread. This picks up where I left off.⚠️

Cormac's POV:
"Roxy is not a hooker." I reply to Meredith she looks at me tilting her head to the side. "So my kids are with her? Great." Meredith responds twisting her hips freeing herself from my hold. "Why are you smiling? This is not funny my kids are with a hooker... she could be fucking another dude right in front of them." Meredith walk's into the living room. "You called them your kids... and I never said they were with her." I follow her. "No I didn't... i said the kids." Meredith replies turning to look at me. I shake my head as I put my hands in my pockets. "No you said your kids." I argue. Meredith just looks at me for a minute "uh-huh... I have an ob appointment so if you want to talk we need to do it now." I look at her smiling just admiring... her. My phone goes off

Hey baby🥰

I ignore her text slipping my phone back into my pocket. Meredith noticed my actions. "Who was that?" She asks. I look at her and sigh. I know I have to tell her I'm talking to Roxy again but everything is so perfect between us right now... I don't want to ruin it. "My sister. We still have to talk..." I say walking to her.

Meredith's POV:
Cormac is standing in front of me as he softly placed his hands on my hips, knowing I love it when he does that. "We do need to talk but you suck at having adult conversations." Cormac makes a confused face. "No I don't. Babe I'm a doctor I have adult conversation all day." He says I smile closing my eyes as he pulls my hips closer to his. "Mm I've noticed that. But when you have a conversation with me you just want to kiss me... it's cute." I say placing my hand very softly on his chest. "I do not." Cormac says as Maggie walks into the living room sitting down on the couch. "Yes you do." I protest. He looks at me scrunching his nose I turn my head to look at Maggie as she rubs her belly. "How do you know?"

Cormac says catching my attention. My eyes lock with his as I back away from him sitting on the couch. I bend my knee under my other knee that's in my chest. Cormac sits down next to me placing his hand on my thigh. "You look at me with that look in your eye... lick your lips then lightly bite your lip letting it go slowly. You hold your head up with your hand on your cheek and chin, your finger touching your lips softly. Cor you look me up and down then touch me either my thigh, arm, hand anything." I say looking at him Maggie is jaw dropped. Cormac leans towards me giving me a quick kiss. "It's not my fault I can't help but want to kiss you." Cormac says as he leans closer to me again kissing me as he moves his hand up my thigh slowly to my belly. Our lips lock as I smile. I pull away "you did that on purpose." I say he looks at me with a seductive smirk. "Mhm si." Cormac replies. I smile "you're cute." I state laying my head on his shoulder "your both adorable." Maggie cuts in making me smile. "Thank you." Cormac and I say at the same time.

Cormac's POV:
"Babe..." I say placing my hand back on her thigh. "Hm?" She hums in response. "I uh- uh.." I don't want to tell Meredith about Roxy but I can't hold it in. "I don't want you to be mad okay?" She picks her head up looking at me as Maggie turns to look at me too. It's become apparent I've said something wrong. "Good luck dude." Maggie says standing up. "Any sentence that starts with 'don't be mad' is not a good sentence Cormac." Meredith says. I sigh throwing my head back some disappointed in myself. "This isn't a good sentence..." I say not looking at Meredith. She adjusts herself so she can see me better. "What?" She asks in a worried tone. "Nothing happened I promise Mer nothing happened." Meredith stands up catching my attention "I want to remind you I am pregnant... with your child..." she says. I sigh knowing what I did is extremely wrong.

"I- I texted Roxy." I say simply. Meredith looks at me expressionless. "When we were arguing. She uh.. I.. Meredith I'm sorry. I needed something to do to get my mind off you and the situation. I know it was wrong but..." Meredith looks at me as she shakes her head "no. But nothing. Cormac what the fuck!" Meredith yells making Maggie run downstairs. "What? What did he do?" Maggie asks. Meredith just looks at her. "I- Meredith I love you I'm sorry." I say. Meredith licks her lips as she looks away from me.

"You're not. If you were sorry Cormac you wouldn't have texted her in the first place. You said sorry last time and I believed you. You're showing me I can't trust you." Meredith was angry which I expected but I didn't expect it to go like this. I stand up pissed.

"You have to be fucking kidding me." Meredith backs up placing her hand on her small bump. "I have friends. You are not the only woman In my life and you're being a bitch." Regret instantly takes over my whole body. "N-no no I didn't mean that." Meredith laughs which only pisses me off more.

"Cormac I think you should leave." Maggie buds in. "Shut up. This isn't your fucking relationship." Maggie places her hand over her mouth.

"You can't just expect me to only talk to you Meredith. God! I have other fucking friends and people in my life. You are not the only one I love!" A tear runs down my face.

"So you love her now?" Meredith says maintaining a calm voice. "No babe-" Meredith rolls her eyes as I say this "don't. Don't babe me. You brought it up, finish it." Meredith says.

"I love you. I'm in love with you. What I'm saying is I like other women too. I have friends." I say reaching for her as she pulls away.

"Friends that you occasionally fuck on the days I'm not around... right? Friends you text at night when you can't talk to me." She says nodding. "Go spend your time with those friends Cormac. Go. I'm not stopping you. If you love them so much why are you in front of me?" She replies as Maggie puts her hands on Merediths shoulders. "Baby please. Just let me talk." I beg.

Meredith's POV:
"I tried to let you talk. You decided to scream in my face... I need to leave." Cormac was making me very upset. If I wasn't pregnant I would have killed him with my bare hands. I was telling the truth I really did have to leave I have an appointment with Carina at 1:30 and it's 1:15. "No. I need you." Cormac says falling to his knees with his hands out.

"You're acting like a fucking child Cormac, honestly I think Austin has done that. I have a doctors appointment. I need to leave." I say looking at him disgusted by his behavior. "I don't want you to come back here. I don't want you around me or my kids. I'm done Cormac." I say as I pull his t-shirt off my body revealing my red lace bra. "Here, get you shit and go." I say as I walk away.

Maggie's POV:
Cormac grabs Meredith's leg as she walks away. Fear plastered on her face as he yanks her back making her fall. Her hands out in front of her. Bam.

Uh oh! Who's side are you on? What happens to Meredith? What does Cor do next? I hope you guys liked this chapter I don't know how I feel about it. Happy greys day. Who's excited for new Merhayes content?

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