Coffee shop

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Cormac's POV:
*in coffee shop*

"Meredith, Roxy wasn't someone I loved or even liked." I say sitting across a wood table by a floor to ceiling window. Meredith turns to look out the window waiting for me to elaborate "after-" I start "I'm not ignoring you, I want you to finish talking. Tell your side and then I'll say what I need to. I'm not ignoring you." Meredith cuts me off as rain starts to pound the window I nod. "Maggie had told us she was pregnant and I stayed the night... we- we had fun that night. Lots of fun, I went to the bar the next night and got really drunk. Meredith I didn't take her home she took me home and then she surprised me at work and I never wanted to kiss her again. I didn't even want to sleep with her. Meredith I love you, I never want to hurt you and I cannot stop thinking about you." I explain. It goes silent for a while "I didn't like. I regretted it right away. Meredith do you remember that story you told me? The one where you said you threw that guy out in the middle of the night? That was me. I screamed at her and then I ran out of her house barely dressed. She came to the hospital to apologize but ended up pushing me on the couch kissing me. I kissed her back which I knew and know was a horrible decision." I sigh as I remember what happened I can see the hurt in Meredith's eyes as she takes Laker out of his car seat. "Meredith, I would marry you right now. I will get up drive to the goddamn courthouse and marry you. I love you. I love your kids, I love how you love mine, I love how you sometimes speak Italian but say little words wrong, I love how you cuddle up into my chest the second you wake up because it makes you feel safe, I love how when I call you the first thing you say is "cormac" in a soft excited voice, I love how you care so much for your family and patients, I love you smile, I love your eyes, I love you hair, I love your voice, Meredith I love you." I say Meredith was looking at Laker who was sitting on her lap. She nodded.

"Thank you for explaining it to me. Cormac I don't think I can be in a relationship with you. You really hurt me." Meredith says. I nod.

Meredith's POV:
I have big news to tell Cormac, honestly I understand where he's coming from but I don't know if I want to do this again. I already did this with Derek and Addison I'm older now and over it.

Seeing Laker and Kailor made me want to just scream what I was waiting to tell Cormac but I had to wait and have this conversation because of what I'm telling him is actually going to happen we have to be in a good place.

"I never meant to hurt you." Cormac says looking at me. I turn Laker so hers laying in my right arm, my left hand is placed on my stomach. "I know you didn't Cor but you did... I love you and I always will but I'm not doing this childish crap where I play run after the man of my dreams. I don't have time for it. I'm a surgeon, a mom, and an aunt. People rely on me I can't be chasing you." I say. He sips his coffee "that's what I'm saying. You won't. I'm done. I never wanted to start in the first place." He replies. I nod as a smile forms on my lips.

"That night... when I cried and you came upstairs to help me... you spent the night." I say looking out the window then turning to look Cormac in the face. "Mhm" he says. I bit my bottom lip slightly. "We had sex... that was the last time I kissed you." I say he nods "trust me I know." He responds.

"Would you really marry me?" I ask raising an eyebrow. We both softly laugh. "I would but to be completely honest I don't want to. I-I-I- hang on. No... no I would it's just I don't want to right now." He replies. I nod. "But if you're asking if I want to spend the rest of my life with you? Then yes, yes all day." He continues. I smirk "Wanna go home and cuddle?" I offer he looks at me excited and surprised. "Does- does that mean? We're dating?" He was acting like a middle school teenage boy "friends cuddle..." I reply he nods. "Yeah let's go."

Cormac's POV:
We get back to Meredith's house. Meredith and I walk inside each holding a baby and walk right to her room. The cribs were still in there from the night we last saw each other, her bed was made and her room was extremely clean. I place Kailor in her crib as does Meredith with Laker then she lays on her bed. "C'mer." She says. I walk over to her and lay down facing her face. "I missed this." I say. She smiles and grabs my hand interlock her fingers with mine. "I missed you." She replies. I kiss her forehead. "Are we dating?" I ask. She looks at me "I don't know... did you ask me to date you?" She answers. I shake my head and smile "Meredith will you be my girlfriend again?" I ask. She just leans forward "si" She replies (yes) I laugh "I didn't mess that one up." She says.

Meredith's lips softly press against mine then back away the smallest bit. She does this a few more times before wrapping her hands around my neck. Her bottom lip in between both of mine she lets a gentle moan escape her. She pulls away a little before her lips meet mine again she slowly sticks her tongue in my mouth as a feeling pulses through my whole body. She moans again then pulls away.

"Cormac, I have something to tell you."

Cliffhanger? What do you think Meredith is going to tell Cormac? Did have time to proofread. This chapter is kind of sucky. I'm writing 3 different stories right now. Let me know what you think about this chapter.
💙 G

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