Because Of Sex

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She immediately places her hands on my face kissing me. "Thank you... I love you." She says resting her forehead on mine. "Thank you. I missed that." I say. She giggles "me too babe." We lay there for a minute before I get up turning on the light. I look back at Meredith who stands up immediately looking down "Meredith!"

Cormac's POV:
I look over to Meredith to see blood rushing down her legs. "Babe!" She looks scared and a little angry. "Shit" I mumble under my breath. Meredith's face starts to turn visibly green as she sways a little. She looks at me dead in the eyes as I jump to her side. I lay her back on the bed "it's going to be okay you're okay." I say looking in her eyes. They are full of tears fear and anger. I grab my t-shirt off the chair in the corner of the room slipping quickly over Meredith's head. "Maggie! Amelia! Maggie!" I yell trying to get someone to come help me.

"Save the baby." Meredith reaches for me, grabbing my arm "if anything happens save the baby. Not me." She says looking in my eyes. I can't respond I have no words. I don't want to think about the second love of my life dying. Not because of something I did... durning sex.

I shake my head no moving away from her to get the nearest pair of panties. "It hurts." Meredith cries. "I know. I know." I reply not sure what the hell to do. "Margaret pierce!" I yell sliding black lace panties on Meredith. "Babe! It hurts. Ahh." Meredith cries holding her self up by my shoulders. "Shhh I know. I know. Im right her-" Meredith cuts me off screaming at the top of her lungs in agonizing pain. The door swings open, the knob hitting the wall leaving a dent. "Dad what happened?" Liam asks rubbing his eyes not looking at us. Meredith screams again as tears stream from her face. "Please just make it stop." Meredith lays her head on my shoulder. "I got you baby. You're okay." I say felling Liam closer behind me now. "What the hell? Is she okay?" He asks looking at the pool of blood dripping everywhere. "No! No oh god-" Meredith yells at him. "Liam she's not mad at you." I assure him. "Yes I- I am." She corrects me. "Can you go get Maggie please?" I ask laying Meredith down. Liam shakes his head "she and Winston have the door locked." Liam replies I shake my head "fuck." I hear little footsteps growing closer. I shoot up leaveing Meredith with Liam.

"Hey baby girl what are should doing up?" I pick up Ellis walking fast towards Maggie's room. "Is mommy okay daddy?" Ellis asks resting her head on my shoulder. "She's okay baby... she just- has a boo boo." I reply. I slam my hand on Maggie's door multiple times

"Maggie get the hell up!" I yell. Maggie yells but she definitely is not talking to me. "Maggie!" I yell louder now getting her attention. Winston opens the door holding a small pillow in front of his junk.

"Can I help you?" He asks. I cover Ellis' eyes with my hand. "Yeah remind never to touch your pillows. I need Maggie." I say looking behind him. "She's busy... we're in the middl- what the hell is wrong?" Winston asks hearing Meredith scream louder. "Dad?" Liam calls. "Oh fuck my life." I say under my breath. "Take Ellis, put goddamn clothes on. Maggie get you ass out here I need help!" I yell running back to my room.

Meredith's POV:
I have no clue what Cormac did but he's definitely in trouble for it. I squeeze Liam's hand so tight I think I broke it. "I-I-I'm so-sor-sorry." I say trying not to scream. He shakes his head "it's okay. Maggie's coming." Liam replies as I scream again squeezing his hand. "Dad!" Liam yells. I can tell something is really wrong. I keep going in and out of consciousness. "Dad!" Liam yells louder this time. "What?" I hear Cormac's voice but can't tell what happens next. All the voice become distant until they are completely gone.

Cormac's POV:
I pace around Meredith's room waiting for her to get out of surgery. She should be back by now.

"I got you new scrubs... they're black but it's better than what you have." Richard offers I force myself to smile taking them from him. "Thank you." I say quiet. "She'll be okay Hayes. Bailey and jo have her." He says trying to calm me down. "I-I-I cant lose her. I love her I'm in love with her. She's carrying my baby." I ramble Richard looks at me crossing his arms. "Now is not the time for you to be giving me a big 'oh I'm Meredith's dad you hurt her I hurt you' shit you give everyone else." I say looking at him. He looks me up and down raising an eyebrow "I wasn't going to." He replies i give him a confused look. "Hayes sit down." Richard points to the chair in the corner of the room. I sit as does he. "I was going to say, she loves you too. You are good for her and I'm happy you make her happy. I haven't seen her smile the way she smiles with you since Derek. No matter what happens, don't leave her." Richard says I look at him nodding. "Thank you." I softly say. He nods standing up. "She'll be back soon. Stop thinking of all the horrible possibilities." Richard walks out of the room leaving me in the chair with black scrubs. "Where the hell did we even get these?" I ask out loud to absolutely no one.

Update because I haven't in a while. I hate this and have writers block so I tried my best. Sorry if it horrible

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