Long Time No See

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Cormac's POV:
"Oh my god!" Meredith says lightly as I kiss her torso. She's laying in my bed and I'm hovering over her. She has on a red lace bra that has a small little bow in the middle. I move back up to her neck, she sighs. "Can we just cuddle?" She asks. I chuckle because honestly she was being cute "if you want to." I reply she nods. "Okay but I'm still going to kiss you." I say moving to lay next to her. She laughs "okay." She says. I'm laying on my back on my bed and she is on her back next to me. "Sorry." She says I smile and look at her "don't be!" I reply she just looks at me "Mer it's okay, don't worry about it." I say she smiles.

Meredith's POV:
I feel bad for stopping him but I just don't want to right now. He was so kind, he didn't care that I asked to stop. "Do you have work tomorrow?" I ask "no, I can drive you to work though." I nod my head. "Hey.." Cormac says softly moving to lay on his side. "Hm?" I say. "What if you call in tomorrow and we just lay here all day?" Cormac asks put his arm around me. I chuckle "what if" I respond. "Mer." He says I giggle a little "yeah I could do that." I respond. We keep talking and I end up falling asleep.

Cormac's pov: (next day)
I wake up laying next to Meredith my arm still around her. I move closer to her hugging her gently because Meredith is still sleeping. I very softly kiss her forehead then get up and walk downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and make a pot of coffee I pour two cups as I hear Meredith walks in. "Good morning." I say with my back to her. "Morning." She replies. I was washing some dishes, she walks up behind me and warps her arms around my waist laying her head on my back. "I made you some coffee." I say. "Thank you." She says. "You're welcome. How'd you sleep?" I ask. "Good, how'd you sleep?" Meredith asks returning my question. "Good." I reply. It's quite for a minute. Meredith let's go of me and walks over to her coffee. I finish the dishes and walk over standing across from Meredith on the other side of the kitchen island. I smile looking at her as she takes a sip of her coffee. She puts her coffee down and looks back at me "what?" She asks. "You're just so beautiful." I say Meredith shakes her head, walks around the island and hugs me looking up at me. "You're just so handsome." She replies. I kiss her then pull away. "What do you want for breakfast?" I ask as she hugs me tight. "Mmm what do have?" She asks in return. "Umm I don't know what are you in the mood for?" I ask. Meredith picks her head up and looks at me, "Cormac how do you not know what you have?" She asks messing with me. "I don't cook... like ever. Okay well that's a lie I do cook but it's not like a cook everyday so I... well okay.." I say struggling to find the words I was looking for. Meredith laughs at me "if you don't know what you have how do you know what to buy?" She asks still messing with me. "Babe I just get whatever I want or whatever looks good." I reply. "Cormac... I can't with you." She says backing up. "Listen, I just pick some food and call it good." I reply as she walks to the fridge. She looks back at me and rolls her eyes. "When'd you buy these?" She asks holding up some eggs "uhhh last week." I respond. She puts them on the counter behind her, "when did you buy the bacon?" She asks. "Like four days ago?" I question. "Are you asking or telling?" She asks as she turns around. "Both?" I reply. "Oh my god." She say placing the bacon on the counter. "Egg sandwich?" She asks. "Yes but I'll make it." I respond. "No, I'll do it." She replies. "Fine but only because I know you won't let me." I say. Meredith chuckles and makes two egg sandwiches. She places them on the kitchen table "thank you" I say she smiles and says "you're welcome."

Meredith POV:
We eat, and then we go upstairs so I can get ready to leave. I have to go home. I fix my hair and make up and then I walk out of the bathroom. "Do you have to go?" Cormac asks in a sad voice. "Yes but I'll come back I promise." I reply. He makes a sad face, "don't do that! I need to go clean my house and go to the grocery store." I say. He places his hand on my hips and tries to pull me closer to him but I pull back "no! You know I love that and will want to stay." I say. "I know that's why I did it, and that's why I'm doing this..." he traces his finger softly down my hip to my inner thigh. As his finger reaches my thigh I immediately go on my tippy toes. "Mm." I slightly moan. He chuckles. "Come here." He says I stop fighting and let him pull me close. "Babe" I whisper in his ear. He stops "okay okay, let's go I'll drive you home." He says. "Cormac Hayes, I absolutely hate you." I say as he moves his hand. "I don't think you do. Actually I'm positive you like me." He says. "Yeah not right now." I say as he walks away. "You're an ass." I say louder so he can hear me. "That's not very nice." He replies. I walk downstairs and outside to his car. "Might not be nice but it's true." I reply he chuckles and opens my door. "Thank you." I say "you're welcome." He replies. We get in the car and start driving. Cormac puts his hand on my inner thigh again and starts tapping his thumb to the sound of the music on my thigh. He knew what he was doing to me. "Babe!" I say he chuckles but doesn't stop. We finally get to my house and we both just sit there in the car. Cormac still has his hand on my thigh but now he's rubbing his thumb on my thigh. "Cormac.." I say. "Hmm?" He replies. "I'm going to get out now. I'm going to go home. You are more then welcome to come in." I say he squeezes my thigh a little "no. You're not I open your door. I didn't open your door yet." He says I smile. "I can open my own door." I say. "You can but you're not going to." He replies as he gets out and walks around the car to my side. "Here." He says I hop out and put my hand on his cheek. "Thank you." I say softly and pull him in for a kiss. "No thank you." He says. I smile and walk towards my house, "wanna come in?" I ask. "Uh sure." He answers. I walk in Cormac behind me, I start to put my bag down when I see Maggie. "Hey?" I say confused. "Hello and hello to Doctor Hayes as well." He says. He smiles "Hi Maggie, you can call me Cormac." He replies. Maggie pulls my arm and drags me into the living room. "Are you two really dating?" She asks. Cormac walks over hearing what she said. He softly slips his hand under my chin lifting my head and kisses me. "Oh wow okay. Yeah, yeah you really are dating." Maggie says as Cormac pulls away from me. I chuckle "yes Maggie we are." I say. "Well welcome. The house is kind of a mess.. and we have no food but... welcome." Maggie says Cormac and I laugh a little "he knows that's why I came home." I say. "Woah wait! You spent the night at his house?" Maggie asks surprised. "Yes Maggie." I reply walking into the kitchen Cormac following me. "Damn" she say. "Maggie!" I say in my mom voice. "Oh Uh sorry" she replies. I ignore her. "You really don't have food do you?" Cormac says. "Nope it's Friday! I have three kids me, Amelia, Maggie, all living here and occasionally Winston and link come over." I reply. "Damn." Cormac says. I smile and nod. "So he can say damn but I can't?" Maggie protests. "Yes. He said it at an appropriate time." I respond. Cormac laughs. "Maggie can you show Cormac around while I quickly clean up?" I ask. Maggie nods "sure" she replies.

Maggie's POV:
Cormac is walking behind me with his hands in his front pockets. "Living room, kitchen and entrance which you've already seen." I say beginning to show him the house. "Play room I guess you could call it. Bathroom, stairs. Do you want to see upstairs?" I ask not sure what to do next "Uh sure why not?" Cormac responds I nod and start to walk up them. "Bathroom, my room, Mers room. Kids room all three share a room right now. Amelia stays in the attack right now because he baby wakes everyone up. Extra room that used to be Amelias." I say finishing the tour. "Nice, thank you." Cormac says. I nod and smile "you're welcome." I say as Meredith calls us. "Maggie I cleaned up some but I need you to vacuum, do the dishes, and clean the playroom." Meredith says as I get down stairs. "Okay." I respond. "I need to go to the store, Cormac can you drive me to get my car?" Meredith asks. Cormac nods and they both walk out.

Cormac's POV:
We walk to my car I open the door for mer and then get in. "Wait, you have to shop and so do I why don't I just bring you to the store and then we can get you're car after?" I ask. "Yes that works." Meredith says. I start to drive as I place my hand back on Merediths leg, I start tapping my thumb to the sound of the music again. I know I'm making Meredith go insane. "Cor." She says so I move up more "Cormac." She says in a pleading voice. I pick my hand up and put it on my steering wheel. "Dude I hate you." Meredith says. "Did you just dude me?" I say looking at her with my jaw dropped. "Mhm" she says. "Okay wow. I- that's mean." I say. "I'm the one being mean?" She asks. "Yeah! You're the one calling me 'dude' everyone knows that's friend zone... you call Alex dude.." I say she laughs "maybe you shouldn't tease me." She replies. "Maybe you shouldn't want me so bad." I respond. Meredith hits my arm jokingly. "Maybe you should... maybe... maybe you shouldn't be so good then..." she says I look at her briefly taking my eyes off the road "you wanna try that again? Maybe come up with a better comeback?" I ask. "No shut up." She replies. I chuckle. We get to the grocery store and walk in both getting different carts.

Meredith's POV:
I start shopping. I'm in the fruit section when I see Finn. "Hey Meredith!" He says I smile "hello Finn!" I reply. "How are you?" He asks. We talk for a minute and then...

This was a long chapter. I think I might end the story because i feel like it's getting boring but if you guys want me to keep it going let me know. What happens with Finn and Meredith?

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