Making Amends

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Amelia's POV:
Meredith gets home early. I'm at home with scout when she walks in. "Hey... what are you doing here?" I ask she smiles. "I have a friend coming over so I came to clean and get ready." She replies. "Please tell me it's Cormac." I say Meredith doesn't answer she just walks upstairs. "Mer... do you want help?" I ask. "I don't care I need to clean up this room." She yells from the spare room. I walk upstairs to see her making the bed. "Who's coming over?" I ask helping her move the blanket to where it's supposed to be. "You'll see when they get here." She responds.

Meredith's POV:
I clean up the spare room and my room. I then walk downstairs to see Amelia on the couch with scout. "Hey can I use his crib tonight?" I ask. She looks at me confused "yeah the baby and I are staying at links tonight so I won't be here." She says I smile "okay thank you. Have fun." I say walking back upstairs. I walk into Amelia's room where the crib is I then start to push it to my room which was difficult it I got it done. I have another crib in Ellis' room from when she was a baby so I go into her room to grab it but it's a little harder to move because it's wood so I have to wait for Cormac or Maggie to help. It's 5:46 so I go downstairs to start dinner I'm making the kids favorite pasta. Cormac should be here soon with his four kids and then Maggie is coming with Winston and my three kids.

I start cooking when I hear a knock on the door so I go open it. "Hey." Cormac says holding one car seat. "Hey." I say and smile. "I would take the car seat from you but.." I start to say before cormac cuts me off  "but you don't want to because you're over protective of yourself and want to give your scar more time to heal. I know." He says walking in. "Yeah." I reply. Cormac places laker on the ground in his car seat then walks back to the car to get Jo (Kailor) Austin walks in and hugs me as well as Liam. "Hey boys" I say. As they walk in. The boys go to the play room where they sit on their phones Cormac walks into the kitchen leaving the babies in the living room in their car seats because they are sleeping. He walk over to the fridge and gets himself a water "what are you making?" He asks walking up behind me looking over my shoulder at the pan on the stove "pasta... the one the kids like." I reply "yes!" He says softly I chuckle.

"Hey Mer!" Maggie says walking in the kitchen. "Hi Maggie." I reply as I smile and walk over slowly to Cormac who was sitting holding Kailor at the kitchen table. "A-uh-I okay." Maggie says. I smile as I get to cormac bending down so I'm eye level with the baby, which also makes me eye level with Cormac's legs. "Oh my god!" Winston says I smile and look at him. "Can I hold her?" He asks all excited. I look at cormac and then back at Winston "she's not my baby." I reply as cormac nods at him. Winston walks over and picks her up. He walks away into the living room where Maggie is.

I look up at cormac still on my knees in front of him. "You know what you're doing." He says. I place my hand on his thigh and push myself up. "I hate you." He says as I walk back to the stove I giggle "do you though?" I ask. "I don't know maybe. I wanna say yes." He replies I look over my shoulder at him "Mhm" I say as he gets up and walks over to me. "Don't hug me." I say as he walks up right behind me. "I'm not." He replies with his head really close to my ear. "Cor..." I say as I turn my head to the other side that he's not on. "Hmm?" He replies "stop." I say. He chuckles, as his breath hits my neck a shiver runs down my spine. I quickly turn around so I'm facing him placing my hand on his chest. "No. We're friends." I say looking at his eyes. "Mhm... but you like me." He replies. I slip to my right and move over to the other side of the kitchen. Laker starts crying so Cormac walks into the living room and gets him out of his car seat.

"He won't stop crying." He says after rocking him standing in the kitchen for two minutes. "That's because you don't know what you're doing." I say teasing him taking the baby. "Oh fuck you." He says back joking. I chuckle lightly "you wish you could." I reply. He laughs "That's rude." He replies. I get laker to stop crying and then hand him back to Cormac so I can finish cooking I have to do one more thing. The minute I place him back in Cormac's arms he starts crying. Cormac looks at me making a 'what do I do' kind of face. "Cormac you work with kids everyday... figure it out." I say walking to the stove turning it off. It grows quite. I turn around to see Cormac holding laker close to him rocking on his heels smiling at him. "I told you, you could do it." I say smiling. Cormac smiles at me "thank you." he says. I smile "for what?" I ask. "Everything." He replies. I nod.

We all sit down to eat dinner the babies were both sleeping. Maggie and Winston were sitting in the living room with Liam, Austin and Zola. I was in the kitchen with Cormac, Bailey, Ellie's and the babies. Cormac starts eating as Kailor cry's. He rolls his eyes and I grin. "I got her." I say. He shakes his head "no it's fine eat." He replies. "Cormac. I got her." I repeat. He nods. "How was your day Ellis?" He asks as I walk over to the Kailor. "Why are we crying?" I ask her picking her up. "What's wrong?" I say in a baby voice. "Mommy you had a baby?" Bailey asks. I smile holding her with her back against me she was facing out so I could sit down and eat. "No, this is Cormac's baby." I reply. He looks at me confused "but you and cormac are in love." He questions. "I'm sayin buddy, I'm sayin." Liam says walking in to get a drink. I smile. "Uh well.." I start to say. "Yes we are but we took a break from that and the baby needed some help so I'm helping her." Cormac cuts me off. "Mhm but you two are in love... you should stop hiding it." Liam says walking out. "Liam Hayes, shut up." I say to him everyone starts to laugh. "Are you going to have another baby?" Zola asks from the other room. I look at cormac and he looks at me. "I don't know... maybe." I yell back. Maggie in Winston practically fly into the kitchen "what?" The ask at the same time. I don't look at them "Hmm?" I hun. "You want another baby even after... after.." Maggie starts but doesn't want to finish. "Yes, I want a baby... soon." I say looking at Kailor. "But then I won't be your baby." Ellis says sad. Cormac looks at me with a sad face "you'll always be my baby." I assure her. "Will I still be your boy?" Austin asks. I make a sad face at him. "Of course." I say. Maggie and Winston are whispering behind us and I can faintly hear them "you say it. No it's not a good time. Just do it." I look over at them...

I'm sorry I didn't update sooner. I'm so freaking excited for what happens next!!! I didn't have time to proofread so I apologize if there are typos. I hope you like this I'm not sure how I feel about it.

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