Luka, Luna, & Liam

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Meredith's POV:
Cormac and I went out to get the boys breakfast. We got donuts and coffee from a local coffee shop and then went to Cormac's rental house. "Hey I'm just saying you still haven't marked your territory..." I say Cormac laughs at me "I will when we get to the house. But hey the boys don't know... they just think you're a friend." Cormac replies. I smile "I know babe. I'm a friend. I won't say anything." I respond. "Or kiss me, or call me babe, or try to turn me on..." Cormac says I smile "yeah fine." I say rolling my eyes. We get there to his rental house and cormac parks the car in the garage. "Come here so I can mark my territory now." He says grabbing me and pulling me close to him. Cormac gives me the darkest and biggest hickey I have ever had and it was on my neck very visible to anyone who looked at me. "Holy shit." I say looking in the mirror "I told you I would give you a hickey." He says. I laugh "okay but what am I going to tell the boys?" I ask. "I don't know... lie?" He replies "Cor-" I say looking at him shocked "what am I going to say? They're going to be like "hey Doctor grey" then walk over to hug me and see the huge ass hickey on my neck... they're gonna ask "what's that?" What do you want me to say "a birthmark?" Your kids have met me." I reply kind of laughing but also a little concerned. Cormac laughs and kisses me "you're cute when you panic." He says then hops out of the car walking over to my door. "Thanks." I say as he opens it.

We walk inside "Liam! Austin!" I call the boys come running to me with their arms out for a hug they run over hugging me almost pushing me to the ground. "Hey guys!" I say excited. "Hey" they both say back. I mess up each of their hair while asking "who wants donuts?" The boys faces light up and they each slide their phones into there pockets "Me" they yell. I smile "okay, here. Pick what ever you want we got tons." I say as I open the box of donuts. "Thank you" Liam says shoving a donut into his mouth "you're welcome buddy." I reply. "Dad...doesn't auntie live here?" Austin asks. Cormac nods taking a sip of coffee. "Yeah auntie scarlet, why?" He responds. "I was just wondering. We haven't seen her in a while.." Austin answers. "Yeah we can go say hi if you guys want." Cormac says. The boys get excited "we get to see luka!" They start to chant. "Daddy can Doctor grey come?" Austin asks. Cormac looks at me and I just look at him back "Uh not today she's busy." Cor replies I nod and look at the boys "I have to do some work on my laptop." I reply "go get ready if you want to go." Cormac says. Austin walks out but Liam is still standing there.

"Lee go get ready bud." Cormac says. Liam looks up at him. "Dad... I'm happy you're happy and I like Meredith." Liam looks at me "thanks for making my dad happy again and nice hickey." He says then walks out of the room. Cormac just looks at me. "What the hell?" He says softly I smile and shrug my shoulders "I didn't say anything." I say. "Didn't have to it's obvious. You guys are cute but like don't be giving her hickeys randomly in front of me... that's gross. Thanks for the donuts Meredith." Liam says from the other room. "Welcome." I reply and we hear his door shut. Cormac stands up from the stool he was on and walks over to me he placing his hands on my hips, I throw my head back a little. "smettila ... infrangerò le regole" I say softly. It means 'stop it going to break the rules.' I said it in Italian because I know the boys don't speak Italian so they wouldn't know what I was saying. Cormac laughs a little "breaking the rules has never stopped you before... I'm pretty sure you try to break them." He says. I smile and loosely hang my hands over his shoulders locking my fingers behind his neck. "Baccia mi" cormac says softly. I raise an eyebrow "you sure you want me to kiss you?" I ask. Cormac looks at my eyes then my lips then my eyes again. He leans in and kisses me I kiss him back. He picks me up by my legs and puts me on the counter still kissing me. We hear a door open so cormac quickly stops kissing me but hugs me placing his head on my chest. Liam walks in and sees us. He laughs and shakes his head "teenagers" he says "what I'm just hugging my friend." Cormac replies. "Mhm then why are your lips tinted light pink?" Liam questions. This boy was smart and knows exactly what is happening. "I had a pink frosted donut." Cormac responds as he slowly runs his hand down my back. "There were no pink frosted donuts..." Liam fires back. "Yeah there was I just hid it from you." Cormac replies I chuckle. "Well if you're not dating you should be... she likes you. She likes you a lot I can tell by the way she looks at you." Liam says cormac looks up at me, we locks eyes for a minute. "See?" Liam says. I laugh and scrunch my nose at cormac then look up at Liam. "I'm not dating your dad." I say Liam just looks at me as if he needs more. "Liam, we're just friends, I would never date him he's not my type and he's way too tall... see?" I say hopping off the counter. Cormac looks a little hurt by my words. I stand next to him "see dad would have to pick me for us to even be able to kiss." I say to Liam. "Exactly that's why you were on the counter." Liam argues. I smile and look at cormac he smiles too. I walk over to Liam. "I'm not dating dad." I say put my hand on his head moving it back and forth to mess up his hair "hey I just did my hair! You did that on purpose so I will leave and you two and kiss again." Liam says I laugh. Cormac walks over and puts his hands on my hips. "No" he says before pulling in for a kiss, it was little. "Yes yes yes!" Liam says standing up excited I laugh as cormac holds me. "I knew it!" He says. "I'm surprised you figured it out. You're very observant." I say. Liam smiles "like I said it's the way you look at him." He replies then walks back to his room to fix his hair again.

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